Some Mathematical and Computational Methods
in Solid Mechanics

Professor Tamaz S. Vashakmadze
Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics
Abstract: A dynamical system of partial differential
equations which is 3D with respect to spatial
coordinates and contains as a particular case both:
Navier-Stokes equations and the nonlinear systems of
PDEs of the elasticity theory is proposed.
In the second part using above uniform expansion there
are created and justified new 2D with respect to spatial
coordinates nonlinear dynamical mathematical models von
Karman-Mindlin-Reissner (KMR) type systems of partial
differential equations for anisotropic porous, piezo,
viscous elastic prismatic shells. Truesdell-Ciarlet
unsolved problem (open even in case of isotropic elastic
plates) about physical soundness respect to von Karman
system is decided. There is found also new dynamical
summand (is Airy stress function) to another equation of
von Karman type systems . Thus, the corresponding
systems in this case contains Rayleigh-Lamb wave
processes not only in the vertical, but also in the
horizontal direction. For comlpleteness we also
introduce 2D Kirchhoff-Mindlin-Reissner type models for
elastic plates of variable thickness.
Then if KMR type systems are 1D one respect to spatial
coordinates at first part for numerical solution of
corresponding initial-boundary value problems we
consider the finite-element method using new class of
B-type splain-functions. The exactness of such schemes
depends from differential properties of unknown
solutions: it has an arbitrary order of accuracy respect
to a mesh width in case of sufficiently smooth functions
and Sard type best coefficients characterizing remainder
proximate members on less smooth class of admissible
Corresponding dynamical systems represent evolutionary
equations for which the methods of Harmonic Analyses are
nonapplicable. In this connection for Cauchy problem
suggests new schemes having arbitrary order of accuracy
and based on Gauss-Hermite processes. These processes
are new even for ordinary differential equations.
In case if KMR type systems are 2D one respect to
spatial coordinates at first part for numerical solution
of some corresponding initial-boundary value problems we
use Gauss-Hermete processes with discrete-variational
and differentiate-parameteric methods.
Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Born in Tbilisi(Tb),1937,education: 1954/59 - student
Tb. State Univ.(TSU),1959/62 - Post grad. stud. Razmadze
Institute of Mathematics,1981-doctorant Moscow Phys.-Tech.Inst.
Ph.D(Candidate of Sci.)-1964, Dr.Hab. (Full professor)
Solid Mechanics-1984(Lomonosov Moscow SU),1987(Razmadze
Inst.),work experience:1962-1973-Senior Reaseachers
Razmadze and Vekua Institutes,1973- Head of Dept., Full
Prof. Mathematics Vekua Inst. Appl. Math./TSU, First
Premium Diploma Works TSU (1959); ; Honor order(2003);
Premium Ilia Vekua Georgian NAS (1993), Premium of
COBASE (1999, Invited Professor-Explorer Univ.
Delaware), Premiums ISF (G.Soros Foundation):
1993-Short-Term, 1995-96-Long-Term-KZB 200 (Leader of
Group), Academician Georgian Acad. Engineering Sci.,
Members Editorial Boards JAFA(Memphis), 4 regional
journals in Georgia,1998-2003:Editor-in-Chief Proceed.
TSU (Appl.Math.&Comp.Sci), Invited Lecturer: 1983-1989-
Math. Summer Schools Pushchino Biophys.Ins.AS FSU,
1979-1996-ISIMM Symposiums, and Participant-more than
100 Inter.Math.Conferences, 175- research paper
including review articles, 4- monographs, and 3-manuals.
2- books(ed.)