On Robust Fuzzy Clustering and Validity Indexes

Professor Miin-Shen Yang
Department of Applied Mathematics
Chung Yuan Christian University
Chung-Li 32023, Taiwan
Cluster analysis is a method for finding clusters of a
data set with the most similarity within the same
cluster and the most dissimilarity between different
clusters. It is unsupervised learning in pattern
recognition. Since Zadeh [1] proposed fuzzy sets that
introduced the idea of partial memberships described by
the membership functions, fuzzy clustering has been
widely studied and applied in a variety of substantive
areas (see [2-5]). In fuzzy clustering, the FCM
algorithm and its variations are well known and the most
used in various applications. We know that the
robustness is important for clustering (see [6])
However, the robustness for these FCM and various
extended fuzzy clustering algorithms still needs for
further study. In this talk, we shall focus the
robustness for these fuzzy clustering algorithms. We use
the ö function of M-estimate to analyze the robustness
for fuzzy clustering algorithms and then propose their
improvements. On the other hand, cluster validity
indexes can be used to evaluate the fitness of data
partitions produced by a fuzzy clustering algorithm (see
[7-9]). However, the values of validity indexes may be
heavily influenced by noise and outliers. In the
literature, there is little discussion about the
robustness of cluster validity indexes. In this talk, we
also analyze the robustness of a validity index using
the ö function of M-estimate. We then improve most fuzzy
cluster validity indexes so that they will be more
robust for noise and outliers. Some comparative examples
with numerical and real data sets will be presented.
Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Miin-Shen Yang received the BS degree in mathematics
from the Chung Yuan Christian University, Chungli,
Taiwan, in 1977, the MS degree in applied mathematics
from the National Chiao-Tung University, Hsinchu,
Taiwan, in 1980, and the PhD degree in statistics from
the University of South Carolina, Columbia, USA, in
In 1989, he joined the faculty of the Department of
Mathematics in the Chung Yuan Christian University as an
Associate Professor, where, since 1994, he has been a
Professor. From 1997 to 1998, he was a Visiting
Professor with the Department of Industrial Engineering,
University of Washington, Seattle. During 2001-2005, he
was the Chairman of the Department of Applied
Mathematics in the Chung Yuan Christian University. His
current research interests include applications of
statistics, fuzzy clustering, neural fuzzy systems,
pattern recognition and machine learning.
Dr. Yang is an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions
on Fuzzy Systems, and an Associate Editor of the Applied
Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing. He was
recently awarded with 2008 Outstanding Associate Editor
of IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, IEEE, and 2009
Outstanding Research Professor of Chung Yuan Christian