Plenary Lecture

Plenary Lecture

DNA Combination and Recombination State

Professor Jelenka Savkovic-Stevanovic
Faulty of Technology and Metallury
Belgrade University
Karnegijeva 4, 11000 Belgrade

Abstract: The discovery that genetic information is coded along the length of a polymeric molecul composed of only four types of monomeric units is one of the major scientific achievements of last century. The content of DNA resides in the sequence in which these monomers, purine and pyrimidine deoxyribonucleotides are ordered.
A particular sequence of nucleotides says the same thing to one organism as it does to another, differences between organisms reflect genetic programs of different nucleotides sequences.
The concomitant advances in theory, measuring systems, and DNA sequencing techniques bring new perspectives to the helix-to-coil transition. Using the advanced theory, one can evaluate the stability of individual base pairs, it is also possible to estimate the probability of each base pair being in an open state. These stability map and base pair association opening provide unique information about the roles of specific regions in various biologically imortant processes, such as replication, transcription, recombination, and so on.
Under ordinary condition, native DNA in an aqueous solution takes a double stranded structure, known as B-form. This double stranded structure is maintained by two main forces hydrogen bonds between complementary pairs on opposite strands, and stacking interactions between neighboring base pairs. Although the contributions of these and other interactions to stabilizing DNA double helix have not yet been critically evaluated, it is believed that the stacking interaction makes the dominant contribution.
Since the latter are closer to physiological conditions, the relationship between functional and thermodynamic properties of specified regions on a DNA molecule is better illustrated in the base pair opening profile.
The two complementary strands comprising the double helix can be separated into single stranded random coils in various ways. Since the random coils have a larger degree of conformational freedom than the ordered double-stranded structure, the ordered structure is disrupted with an increase in temperature or denaturing agents.
While a thermal stability map reflects status of DNA molecules during the helix-coil transition, a base pair opening profile reprtesents their state under premelting conditions.
The presence of massive numbers 1012 of molecules representing each particular edge and vertex of the graph allowed for all possible molecular combinations to form simultaneously with their reaction bath.

Brief Biografy of the Speaker:
Full professor, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Serbia. Education: B.Sc. and M.Sc. degree, University of Belgrade, PhD Thesis Technical University of Berlin and University of Belgrade. Research interest: Chemical Engineering and Process System Engineering; Modelling, Analysis, Synthesis, Design,
Process optimization; Advanced numerical methods, Control and On-line optimization; Computer Aided Process Operation and Design, Safety and Risk analysis; Information System, Data base, Expert systems, Learning Systems; Informatics, Management; Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks and Fuzzy logics; Biosystems, Bioinformatics, Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Engineering. Other professional activites: Over 800 papers, 8 books, patentees in the field, Consultant in many companies, Member of many professional organizations, Reviewer of many journals, Citation Index over 200. She has cited in many monographs and she is One of the World's 100 Top Scientists- IBC Cambridge.




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