Plenary Lecture

Plenary Lecture

Mechatronic Education - An Important Way to Improve the Technological Education for Young People in Romania

Professor Luciana Cristea
Department of Precision Mechanics and Mechatronics
"Transilvania" University of Brasov

Abstract: The Mechatronics is the synergetic combination of precision mechanical engineering, electronic control and systems thinking in the design of products and processes. Mechatronics as a highly interdisciplinary domain involves sensors, actuators, data bases, system modelling, locomotion, system control and data acquisition. In Mechatronics there is a need to develop interdisciplinary programs to better prepare graduates to design, build, and operate the products and systems of today and tomorrow. The European Commission recognises that meeting the Lisbon challenge requires to rethink education and training to promote efficient and optimal learning. The tasks and the problems solving in mechatronics requires cognitive and operational knowledge and practical experience about building systems, diagnosis and maintenance-techniques. Any education programme that aims to be useful and to support the local industry has to have a balance between academic and practical work. The curricula in the Mechatronics field, developed according to European standards, have to assure high performances in design, manufacturing, services, and research, performances perfectly matched with the needs of highly computerized society.

Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Prof. Dr. Eng. Luciana CRISTEA is professor in the Department of Precision Mechanics and Mechatronics from "Transilvania" University of Brasov-Romania, coordinator of the Precision Mechanics Specialization, coordinator of the research department "High-precision Mechanical Products and Mechatronic Systems" from "Transilvania" University of Brasov, coordinator of the Conceiving Division of Products Testing-Assessment and Quality Guarantee (CATEPAC) – SAVAT Platform. She has been involved in the research activity since 1988 (as a scientific researcher at ICSITROA Brasov and as a member of the teaching and researching staff at the "Transilvania" University Brasov). She participated in 32 research contracts, in 17 as a coordinator, from 1990 up to date. She published 9 books in consecrated publishing houses (1 book in an international publishing house), 12 university courses and manuals, 148 scientific papers in the field of Precision Mechanics and Mecahtronics and is the author of 3 inventor patents. She is PhD coordinator since 2004.
Since 2008, Professor Luciana CRISTEA is the Head of the Department of Precision Mechanics and Mechatronics from "Transilvania" University of Brasov-Romania;
Domains of interest: Precision mechanics and mechatronics, Control and serving automat systems, Technologies and systems of dimensional inspection and serving; Optimisation of supplying, transportation, and dosing systems utilized in control automates fabrication, Structural improvement of automatic Microsystems, Mechanical engineering.
Former approached research domains: Fabrication, forming operations, and industrial control using robots and automatic instalations (1990-92); Research and simulation of supplying, dosing and transportation systems utilised in industrial automatisations for optimisation (1994-96); Structural improvement and modernizing of automatic dimensional control systems designated to re-technologisation and assembly organs production quality guarantee (1988-2002); Modular conceiving of automatic dimensional control systems for control equipment optimisation and re-technologisation, and products quality guarantee (2002-2006); Conceiving products testing-assessment and quality guarantee (2005-2006); Miniatural robotic system with reconfiguration and self-multiplication abilities (2006-2008).
She is member of the Romanian General Association of Engineers (AGIR), funding Member of the Romanian Association of Precision Mechanics and Optics (AMFOR) and Funding Member of the Romanian Society of Mechatronics (SROMECA).

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