Plenary Lecture

Plenary Lecture

Teaching STEM Courses with Virtual Reality based Course Delivery System

Professor M. Nasseh Tabrizi
Director of Graduate Studies
Director of Technology Innovation Lab
Department of Computer Science
East Carolina University

Abstract: We report our findings of an NSF funded study (Tabrizi, PI; Farwell, CoPI; Russell, CoPI) assessing the effectiveness of the Agent Based Virtual Reality (AVR) delivery system used to deliver STEM education at East Carolina University. Our preliminary review of the collected data shows the system is effective at supporting student learning and aiding faculty in meeting their learning objectives for individual courses. Additionally, our initial data gathered and redistributed to us by an independent data gathering organization for fall 2009 and spring 2010 deployment of the AVR system, indicate significant increase in student learning as measured by pre and post testing in classes as broadly distributed as: networking, biotechnology, statistics, technology law and technical writing.

Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Tabrizi received his B.S. degree in Computer Science from Manchester University, UK. He then completed his M.S. and Ph.D. from Automatic Control and Systems Engineering Department, Sheffield University, UK. Tabrizi worked in Manchester University for two years prior to his appointment at East Carolina University in 1984. He is the Graduate Program Director of Computer Science and founder and director of Software Engineering program at East Carolina University. His research interests are in the areas of Virtual Reality, Modeling and Simulation, Computer Vision, Signal and Image Processing, Software Engineering Education, Internet and Multimedia, Assistive Technologies, and Computer Science Education. Tabrizi and his research team have prototyped different project in his Technology Innovation lab including Archival Data Extraction and Assessment (ADEAP) system, electronic medical records management, an agent and virtual reality-based course delivery system, RFID based learning assessment system, and virtual reality based home inspection and training system. Tabrizi has participated on several major grants. His research team is involved in creation of innovative technologies including the recent one on development of multi-touch table top screen. Tabrizi publications include diverse areas of research in computer science, technology, and software engineering. He was named ECU’s scholar teacher in 2000 and has received best paper award.

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