Plenary Lecture

Plenary Lecture

Bridging Multi-Core and Distributed Computing: All the Way Up To the Cloud

Professor Denis Caromel
University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis / CNRS-INRIA

Abstract: We will share or experience at simplifying the programming of applications that are distributed on Local Area Network (LAN), on cluster of workstations, or GRIDs, and of course, Clouds. We will promote a kind of approach, Network On Ship, to cope seamlessly with both distributed and shared-memory multi-core machines. A theoretical foundation ensures constant behavior, whatever the environment.
The point will be illustrated with ProActive Parallel Suite, an Open Source library for parallel, distributed, and concurrent computing, allowing to showcase Interactive and graphical GUI and tools.
The presentation will give an overview of issues at hand when accelerating demanding applications with Multi-Cores, Clusters, Servers and Clouds. Second, it will detail how one can reduce administration costs and hardware expenditures by virtualizing the hardware resources: monitor and control all resources in a uniform manner, appropriately schedule the distribution of taskflows and applications execution over the available resources. Third, the presentation explains how to manage actual VMs (VMware, KVM, Xen, Xen Server, QMU, Microsoft Hyper-V) in such an infrastructure, including operations such as Start, Stop, Clone, Destroy. Overall, it is shown how simple it is now to dynamically aggregate and manage many different kinds of enterprise resources (Desktop, Server, Cluster, VMs), and seamlessly upon demand, to extend them with Public Clouds (e.g. Amazon EC2).
The talk will also feature stunning Use Cases: Large Scale Processing of Genomic Sequencing, acceleration of Financial Valuations and of the Analysis of Web Server Logs in an SOA context. When appropriate, the actual cost of running partially of fully onto Public Clouds is presented.

Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Denis Caromel is full professor at University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis and CNRS-INRIA. Denis is also co-founder and scientific adviser to ActiveEon, a startup dedicated to providing support for parallel programming. His interests include parallel, concurrent, and distributed computing, in the framework of GRID and CLOUD.
Denis Caromel gave many invited talks on Parallel and Distributed Computing around the world, over (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Berkeley, Stanford, ISI, USC, Electrotechnical Laboratory Tsukuba, Sydney, Oracle-BEA EMEA, Digital System Research Center in Palo Alto, NASA Langley, IBM Tom Watson and IBM Zurich, Boston HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL, MIT, Tsinghua in Beijing). He acted as keynote speaker at several major conferences (including Beijing MDM, DAPSYS 2008, CGW’08, Shanghai CCGrid 2009, IEEE ICCP'09, ICPADS 2009 in Hong Kong). Recently, he gave two important invited talks at Sun Microsystems HPC Consortium (Austin, Tx), and at Devoxx (gathering about 3500 persons).

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