Plenary Lecture
Photovoltaic Sources Efficiency Evaluation in Urban Ecosystems
Professor Mircea Grigoriu
Romanian Cleaner Production Center
University POLITEHNICA Bucharest
313 Spl.Independentei, Bucharest-6
Abstract: The paper presents a study of the urban microclimate
characteristics on the photovoltaic sources efficiency. Considering the
actual interest for the renewable sources application in European Union
and in the world, involving important financial efforts, the study
continue with an economic component, focused to the bankability of the
concrete investments projects. There are considered different
photovoltaic equipments, operating in standardized and in field
conditions. The conclusions are based on computer simulations and
supported by measurements in the laboratory of the Hydraulic, Hydraulic
Machineries and Environmental Engineering of the University Politehnica
Bucharest. The results offer a clear picture of the real efficiency of
photovoltaic equipments exploited in practical situations, and can be
applied for a correct evaluation of renewable sources potential
evaluation and planning.
Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Mircea Grigoriu is assistant professor of Department of Energy and
Environmental Engineering, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Romania,
where he is also the coordinator of the Hydraulic Machineries Laboratory
and director of the Romanian Cleaner Production Center. His main
research interests concern Pumping systems energy efficiency and the
energy savings and environmental impact; Pumping systems design,
operation, automatics, diagnostics and protection; Climate changes
assessment; Management systems. In these fields, he authored or
co-authored over 50 scientific papers published in reviewed journals or
presented at international conferences. He was minister of Environment
counselor, national focal point of the UNFCCC of Romania and now is
listed in the Roster of experts of UNFCCC. He is technical counselor of
important pumping equipments producers. He is a redactor at the
Energetica Journal edited by the National Energy Producers Association (IEA),
representing Eurelectric in Romania.