Special Session
Advanced Materials and Modern Fabrication Technologies for Sustainable Development
Associate Professor Mircea Nicoara
"Politehnica" University of Timisoara
1. Advanced and engineering materials: biomaterials, composites,
cellular materials, supper-alloys, ferrous and non-ferrous alloys
2. Surface engineering
3. Modern fabrication technologies: rapid prototyping, high-productivity
manufacturing, casting, deformation technologies
4. Computational technique for engineering materials and fabrication
5. Fabrication and recycling of engineering materials
Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Carrer History:
- September 1985-January 1991: designing engineer, ELECTROMETAL Company
Timisoara (fabrication of electrical equipment and home appliances)
- Since January 1991: academic and research activities at the POLITEHNICA
University of Timisoara.
- 1975-1979: National College “Constantin Diaconovici Loga” Timisoara
- 1980-1985: POLITEHNICA University of Timisoara, Mechanical Engineering
Faculty, Manufacturing Engineering
- April-July 1997: Research and academic scholarship within the TEMPUS
Academic Cooperation Project S_JEP 07176-94 : “Modern Technologies for
Advanced Materials”, University Federico II, Naples-Italy,
- May-July 1993: Research and academic scholarship granted by the Deutsche
Akademische Austausch Dienst (DAAD) at the University of Applied Sciences
Dusseldorf – Germany (Fachhochschule Dusseldorf)
- March 1999: Engineering Science Doctor - title of thesis “Contributions to
the study of metal matrix composites reinforced with ceramic particles
regarding fabrication and changes of structure and properties by mean of
heat treatments”
- Advanced materials (composites, metallic foams, biomaterials)
- Powder metallurgy and particulate materials
- Mechanical and technical processing (plastic deformations, heat
treatments, surface engineering, rapid tooling and prototyping etc).
- More than 100 technical reports for manufacturing companies of different
o Automotive (Continental, Contitech, Dura Automotive, Siemens VDO, Esser),
o Home appliances (Zoppas, SIPA),
o Electronics (Solectron, Flextronics),
o Railway equipment (Trinity Railway),
o Energy (Hidrolectrica, Hidroserv, National Company for Nuclear