Convergence Patterns in Equity Markets? International
Evidence from the Club Convergence and Clustering
Professor Nicholas Apergis
Department of Banking & Financial Management
University of Piraeus
The objective of this paper is to investigate whether
any pattern of convergence of equity markets for a
sample of 49 countries over the period 1980-2007 can be
detected through the methodology of Phillips and Sul
(2007), which is based on a quite general form of a
nonlinear time varying factor model and it allows for
cross sectional heterogeneity as well as for different
transitional time paths towards equilibrium. The results
show that such a convergence is very high. Next, the
study aims at detecting any potential factors supporting
the pattern of convergence. The empirical findings
reveal that such convergence patterns mainly reflect
convergence in macroeconomic factors.
Brief Biography of the Speaker:
He holds a PhD in Economics from Fordham University,
1992, a Master of Arts from the Economic University of
Athens, 1986 and a Bachelor’s from the University of
Athens, 1984. He is currently a full professor at the
University of Piraeus, Greece. His research interests
are with Domestic and International Financial Markets.
He has publications in international journals such as:
Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of International
Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, Kredit und
Kapital, International Economic Journal, Atlantic
Economic Journal, Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, Journal
of Economics and Finance, Manchester School of
Economics, Journal of Economics and Business, Economics
He has acted as referee for international journals, such
as: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, European
Economic Review, Journal of Macroeconomics, Atlantic
Economic Journal, International Economic Review.
He is the Editor of International Journal of Economic
Research and a Ìember of the Editorial Board in
International Advances of Economic Research as well as
in the Journal of Economics and Finance.