Plenary Lecture

Plenary Lecture

The Impact of Economic Crises on Romanian Investments

Professor Daniela Zirra
Department of Research, Economic Research Centre
Romanian-American University, Bucharest

Abstract: The investments could be easy affected by different factors or phenomena, which can jeopardise partial or even total the implementation of the project and its results. An investment project is considered risky if we establish that its efficiency indicators are suffering important changes comparing to the modification of predicted considered variables for evaluation. We have to mention that the simple process of choosing the influence variables is risky too because of incomplete information, errors in estimating trends of economic environment, etc. In my plenary Speech, I'll summarize what happens with the investments when the economies go down. One of the greatest risk in these days is the prices volatility. In a period when the demand for products and services is dramatically reduce, the investors have no perspectives regarding the evolution of markets. When is economic recession, all investors are waiting for the investment decision of the other investors. So, the question is to invest or not? Which is the best decision? What are the others doing? We are trying to find an answer in this paper.

Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Daniela Zirra is a professor of Economics at Romanian-American University, Bucharest, Romania. Her area of expertise is microeconomics, macroeconomics and investments efficiency. She authored or co-authored over 20 scientific books and more than 40 papers published in reviewed journals or presented at international conferences. For example, she wrote a chapter entitled “Personal development – challenges and opportunities for knowledge spillovers in Romania”, in DAAAM International Scientific Book 2007, indexed and abstracted in Cambridge Scientific Abstracts and INSPEC, Editor Branko Katalinic, Published by DAAAM International Vienna, 2007 (as first author). She had the opportunity to be project manager or member in the project team in 14 research projects or grants (national and international) and she is a member of General Association of the Romanian Economists (AGER). Moreover, she is the director of Economic Research Centre since July 2006, in her university and she collaborated from Romania with De Sales University, Philadelphia for 6 online courses on Microeconomics during November 2004 - June 2009, and for one semester on Macroeconomics during August 2006- December 2006.





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