Plenary Lecture

Plenary Lecture

IFRS for SMEs an Accounting Solution for SMEs and

Professor Ramona Neag
University Petru Maior

Abstract: Globalization (primarily the economic one) is today an incontestable reality that has an important influence on the human condition, socioeconomic and cultural situation of the collectivities. The SMEs have an important position in the world wide economy. The accounting information provided by them must have the same role. On the enterprise level, IFRS application to Small and Medium-Sized Entities (SMEs) is an issue of comparability and cost. On the other hand the development of a global accounting system involves the preservation of national financial accounting practices. We sustain the idea of an accounting system that allows the small entity to choose between an IFRS for SMEs and the national accounting regulations. However, this global accounting standard may represents a very significant step on the path to global convergence of financial reporting practices by SMEs. We consider that IFRS for SMEs may still be considered too complex for micro-entities. We encourage a classification of the entities in small and medium-sized entities and micro-entities and we condition the accounting regulation for these categories of entities, by a public debate.

Brief Biography of the Speaker:
NEAG RAMONA, was born in Miercurea Ciuc (Romania) on March 16, 1969. He graduated in 1992 in Economics at the Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania. Ph.D. (2000) in "Economie - Accounting" at Academy of Economic Studies. She is Professor since 2004.
Neag Ramona is a professor of Financial and International Accounting at University Petru Maior, Tg Mures, Romania and also vice-dean of the Faculty of Economic Studies, Law and Administrative Sciences in that university. Her area of expertise is the financial accounting and international accounting, IFRS and IFRS for SMEs, European Accounting Directives. She published 3 books and co-authored 6. She authored and co-authored over 25 scientific papers published in reviewed journals or presented at international conferences. She was member of an international project "European Entrepreneurship Education - EEE" (2007 - 2009).
She is also member of two professional bodies: Body of Expert and Licensed Accountants of Romania (CECCAR) and Romanian Chamber of Auditors. From 2006 she is president of CECCAR, county Mures, Romania.





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