Thermoeconomical Performance Criteria in Using Biofuels
for Internal Combustion Engines
Associate Professor Krisztina Uzuneanu
Thermal Systems and Environmental Engineering
"Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati
47 Domneasca street, 800008 Galati, Romania
The alternative fuels used to fuel internal combustion
engines are supposed to keep the same output and
efficiency as if the engine is supplied with classical
fuel. Substituting the fossil fuels by unconventional
ones is essential to make oil savings and reduce gas
emissions at the same time. This, however, should not
affect the engine performance: output, power, chemical
and noise emissions, operation costs, easy cold start,
safety operation.
Biofuels of different type and properties are currently
tested on real test bench engines with regard to their
effect on power output, fuel efficiency and exhaust
emissions. This action helps identifying the best fuel
characteristics as well as the limits in biofuel
concentration for which the current engines can operate
without problems.
Through the measurements, the impact of biofuel type and
concentration on emissions and vehicle operation is
quantified for various conditions and representative
emissions factors are being developed for future
application and policy assessment.
The major research is still on the second generation of
biofuels (biofuels produced from agricultural residue
and waste materials - biomass), because the problems
raised are not completely solved. Only the utilization
of biomass allows for the conception of carbon-negative
energy; all other renewables (wind, solar) are all
carbon-neutral at best, carbon-positive in practice.
A case study referring to mixtures ethanol – gasoline to
fuel an internal combustion engine is presented as an
application of using biofuels in transports. By
replacing a fraction from the fossil fuel with an
unconventional fuel, the engine thermoeconomic
parameters should be reevaluated.
Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Dr. Krisztina Uzuneanu graduated Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering of University Dunarea de Jos of Galati in
1984 and she obtained the title of Doctor Engineer in
Since 1987 she followed the academic carrier at Dunarea
de Jos University of Galati as assistant, lecturer and
associate professor. Dr. Uzuneanu is a visiting
professor at different universities: Universidade do
Minho, Portugal, Universita degli Studi di Genova,
Italy, Universita degli Studi di Salerno, Italy, Pannon
University Veszprem, Hungary, Erciyes University Kayseri,
Turkey and visitor scientist of of Universidade do Minho
Guimaraes, Portugal where she was awarded with a
post-doc NATO grant in 2002 - 2003.
Research fields are connected with applied
thermodynamics, alternative fuels for internal
combustion engines, modeling the thermal stresses of
different parts of internal combustion engines and
monitoring the emissions. Dr. Uzuneanu published 95
articles in national and internationals conferences
proceedings and she is author of 3 books.
The research was done as member of 20 research contracts
financed by European Commission and Romanian Ministry of
Education and Research and director of 5 research
contracts financed by industry.
Dr K. Uzuneanu is member of Romanian Society of
Thermodynamics since 1990.