Plenary Lecture

Plenary Lecture

Pedestrian Circulation Safety Needs and Opportunities in Greek Cities

Professor Eleni Stamatiou
Architect NTUA, MSc in Regional Development
Dr. Town and Regional Planner
Professor-Consultant at the Hellenic Open University
Greek representative to the Architects' Council of Europe (ACE)

Abstract: This presents the historical retrospection and the international experience, the operation of circulation in the city, questions of circulatory safety and free access, citizens with moving disabilities (elderly, handicap, pregnant, parents with children, etc.), in designing models (heights of pavements, ``of pavements with indicators" individuals with sight disabilities of pavements, endings of pavements, crossings of pedestrians, ramps for access in public spaces, spaces of quartering of the disabled, foot walk, accesses in public means of mass transport, etc), legislative forecasts and needs, the international and European Community legislation., the administrative pathogen behavior and problems relative to the application of these rules and violations of legislation, infringements and identification of problems, the role of state and local self-government, examples from overseas, arising needs and proposals for improvement and further exploitation.

Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Dr Eleni N. Stamatiou, Architect-Engineer NTUA, MSc Regional Development, Dr. in Town & Spatial Planning (PHD, PPHD). Completed her studies with Scholarships of the Greek State (IKY). Professional Experience (since 1989), Scientific, Teaching and Research Experience (since 1997) from overseas and in Greece (Assoc Professor at the University of Thessaly, Professor-Consultant at the Hellenic Open University / Post Graduate program, National School of Public Administration, etc.), Vice President of the Greek Regionalists Association(сеп).
She has lectured at several Greek Universities (National Technical University of Athens, Harokopeio University, National School of Public Administration, etc.) and was invited to speak in several overseas Universities (in France, Russia, U.K. and USA) has been and continues to oversea Masters and Doctors degrees in addition to being a member of the professors exams committee (National School of Public Administration, Hellenic Open University, etc.). She has taught numbers of training seminars to adults with a degree, for higher company and Ministerial executives etc. She has overseen and published several books and published articles in Greek, English, Russian and French. Member of the Editorial Board of scientific publications and journals. Participation and co-authorship in the creation of university graduate study programs. Member of Greek, French, European and International Associations (UIA, SFA, ECTP, ERSA, etc.). Fundamental and instrumental active participation in International scientific committees in Europe and the USA (INRECON, ENVIRON, etc.). Member of Scientific organizations and representative for Greece in International forums and programs (with the Russian Research Institute of Land Planning, The Russian Academy of Social Sciences, etc.). Co-editor and session-chief in International conferences of the Greek Regionalists Association. National Representative for Greece of садас (Association of Greek Architects) at the European Council of Architects (ACE) / "Urban issues". Participation as principal member of scientific organizations and committees (Evaluation of European town-planning awards ECTP, etc.). Member of work groups, Member of the Permanent Arbitration Committee (2006-2007) and Domain Expert of the Technical Chamber of Greece (тее). Her Scientific and professional Interests concern subjects of architecture, spatial and regional planning and related legislation, regional development, environmental management, cultural and built environment, sustainable development, etc., these principles she applied and promoted successfully throughout her professional career through her many held managerial positions (as member of the board, senior scientist, etc.). She is married to the IT Consultant / International Researcher Richard-Nicolas LACROIX and they have two sons.

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