Plenary Lecture

Plenary Lecture

Comparison between Functional Angles of Cutting Tools at Turning and Face Milling Operation

Professor Valentin Ditu
Faculty of Technlogical Engineering
Manufacturing Technology Department
Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania

Abstract: The paper makes a comparison between the functional angles at parting by turning and face milling operation where is tahing into account the importance of correct position of the tool. In the same time is shown that at face milling operation in compariosn with turning operation the functional angles have not decisive importance on the cutting process due to small variation of them in comparison to constructive angles.

Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Valentin Ditu is professor at the Faculty of Technological Engineering and Manufacturing Technology Department of Transilvania University of Brasov Romania. He graduated in 1975 and he obtained his PhD. In the field of special effects that appears at cutting operations. He is author and co-author of 10 books and more than 100 papers in national and international conferences.He ia autor of 18 practical achievments and author of some invention licences. His research interests are in Manufacturing engineering processes, Management and Education technology. He worked in many projects with different factories in the field of cutting tools performances.

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