Plenary Lecture

Plenary Lecture

Automatic Control of Physiological State and Function

Prof. Hidetoshi Wakamatsu
Dept. Biophysical System Engineering
Graduate School of Health Care Sciences
Tokyo Medical and Dental University
Tokyo, JAPAN

The regulation of physiological phenomena is duscussed as an application of system control theory. The concerning concept is not for only the discription of biologically regulatory mechasms, but practically automatic control of specific state and function by approach of medicare using medicine according to control laws and/or by surgery as their structual changes. We discuss first the historical activities in our concerning domain, such as the clinical control of blood sugar, blood pressure and so on. Nevertheless, the conventional methods were sometimes not effective because of their biological characteristics dependeng on individualities, thus new control methods had been required to overcome such difficulties. From this viewpoint, our control of alveolar CO2-concentration by ventilation was realized according to adaptive or fuzzy controls with little influence caused by internal and external characteristics change. Because of general versatility of the methods, they have been applied to various kinds of biological and medical control systems. Practically, temperature regulatory system in hypothermia under constitutional anesthesia has been developed even for a long period of clinical control. We mention, in particular, control of brain temperature by water surface-cooling for the brain hypothermic treatment of patients with cerebrovascular disorders. Thereby, a patient in ICU was regarded as a unity controlled system with water temperature into blanket as an input and brain temperature as an output. During a long period, brain temperature was well controlled according to schedule by physicians and the state of patients without much influence due to various medical treatments including the effect of characteristics of individual patients during the therapeutic course. Furthermore, we describe the automatic control of intracranial pressure, giving optimal amount and timing of administration of medicine for decompression in the brain.

Brief Biography of the Speaker:
He was born on 15.Nov.1946, received his B.E. and M.E. degrees from Yokohama National University in 1970 and 1972, respectively. He received his Dr. of Eng. degree in 1984 from the University of Tokyo.
Academic Positions: a research Associate at the Institute for Medical and Dental Engineering from 1972-1986, Tokyo Medical and Dental University. From 1973-1974, a Visiting Research Associate, Institute for Biocybernetics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Erlangen-Nuernberg, Germany. From 1986-1988, an Associate Professor at Ashikaga Institute of Technology, Associate professor 1988-1991, Professor 1991-1992 at Fukui University and Professor, Faculty of Medicine in 1992, Professor, Graduate School of Health Care Sciences in 2001, Tokyo Medical and Dental University. In 1994 a visiting professor, Oregon State University and so on. From 2006 a general chair of Asia Pacific Conference on Control and Measurement.
Scientific Activities
1. Automatic control system of physiological state and function for clinical application
2. Biochemical dynamics in the damaged area of brain tissue and during the clinical treatment.
3. Life support system based on simple principle and method using the Internet.
4.Haptic operation of virtual visco-elasto-plastic material by virtual tools
and its application to medicine

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