Special Session

Special Session

Knowledge Engineering for Decision Support Systems

Professor Abdel-Badeeh M. Salem
Head of Medical Informatics and Knowledge Engineering Research Unit
Department of Computer Science
Faculty of Computer & Information Sciences,
Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
E-mail: absalem@cis.asu.edu.eg

The invited session is devoted to discussion of current research of the knowledge engineering approaches and methodologies for developing intelligent Decision Support Systems . Topics of interest of the session include (but are not limited to) the following:

Relevant intelligent techniques
- Machine learning
- Inference and reasoning
- Natural language processing
- Multi-agent systems
- Expert systems
- Fuzzy and rough sets
- Data mining systems
- Intelligent tools

Knowledge and ontological engineering
- Knowledge representation
- Knowledge discovery
- Knowledge management
- Knowledge acquisition
- Knowledge sharing
- Ontological approaches and methodologies.

Relevant Biomedical applications
- Hospital patient scheduling
- Clinical management and research
- Patient health care
- Medical diagnosis
- Gene-expression microarray data mining

Relevant Business applications
- Electronic commerce systems
- Scheduling and planning
- Virtual shopping environments
- Internal auditing
- e-Government
- e-Service intelligence

Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Prof. Dr. Abdel-Badeeh M Salem He is a Professor of Computer Science since 1989 at Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences ,Ain Shams University, Cairo-Egypt. He is a professor emeritus since October 2007 . He was a Director of Scientific Computing Center at Ain Shams University (1984-1990). His research includes intelligent computing, expert systems, medical informatics, and intelligent e-learning technologies. He has published around 200 papers in refereed journals and conference proceedings in these areas. He has been involved in more than 200 conferences and workshops as an Int. Program Committee , organizer and Session Chair. He is author and co-author of 15 Books in English and Arabic Languages.
He was one of the founders of the following events, First Egyptian Workshop on Expert Systems 1987, Int. Cairo Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications in 1992 and Int. Conf. on Intelligent Computing and Information Systems 2002, and one of the main sustainers of annual Int. Romanian Internet Learning Workshop Project (RILW), 1997.
In addition he was Secretary of Egyptian Computer Society (1984-1990), Member of National Committee in Informatics-Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (1992-200), Member of Egyptian Committee in the Inter-Governmental Informatics Program, IIP-UNISCO, Paris (1988-1990) and Coordinator of the Annual International Conference for Statistics, Scientific Computing, and Social and Demographic Research (1983-1990). In addition he was a partner of a MEDCAMPUS Projects on Methodologies and Technologies for Distance Education in Mediterranean (1993-1995). In addition He is a Member of the Editorial Board of 15 international and national Journals in the following countries: Canada; Italy, Romania, Japan, Turkey, UK and Egypt. Also, He is member of many Int. Scientific Societies and associations in USA, UK, Switzerland, Austria, Canada and Egypt.

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