New Approach to Continuous and Discrete-Time Systems
based on Abstract State Space Energy

Professor Milan Stork
Department of Applied Electronics and
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
University of West Bohemia
P.O. Box 314
30614 Plzen, Czech Republic
Abstract: Almost in any field of science and
technology some sort of stability problem can appear.
Instability is certainly the most important phenomena,
which should be investigated before any other aspect of
reality will be attacked. The stability and energy of
the system are closely related. Simple linear and
nonlinear continuous and discrete systems are
investigated from the energy point of view. As an
alternative to the method of Lyapunov functions a
conceptually different approach can be based on the idea
that, in fact abstract state space energy can be
measured as distance from the system equilibrium to the
actual state, what is needed also for stability
analysis. Thus, instead of the physical energy a metric
function will be defined in a proper way. The idea is
based on based on a generalization of the well known
Tellegen’s principle.
Presented study deals with energy, stability and related
structural properties of a relatively broad class of
finite dimensional strictly causal continuous and
discrete systems, which can be described in the
state-space representation form. Dissipativity,
instability, asymptotic stability as well as stability
in the sense of Lyapunov is analyzed by a new approach
based on an abstract state energy concept. The resulting
energy metric function is induced by the output signal
power and determines both, the structure of a digital
system representation as well as the corresponding
system state space topology.
A special form of physically correct internal structure
of an equivalent state space representation has been
derived for discrete time signals as a natural
consequence of strict causality, signal energy
conservation, dissipativity and state minimality
requirements. New discretization approach of discrete
systems based on energy preservations is presented.
Results of simulation examples are shown for
illustration of fundamental ideas and basic attributes
of the proposed method.
Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Milan Stork received the M.Sc. degree in electrical
engineering from the Technical University of Plzen,
Czech Republic at the department of Applied electronics
in 1974. He specialized in electronics systems and
control in research institute in Prague. Since 1977 he
worked as lecturer on University of West Bohemia in
Plzen. He received Ph.D. degree in automatic control
systems at the Czech Technical University in Prague in
1985. In 1997, he became as Associate Professor and in
2007 full professor at the Department of Applied
Electronics and Telecommunication, faculty of electrical
engineering on University of West Bohemia in Plzen,
Czech Republic. He has numerous journal and conference
publications. He is member of editorial board magazine
"Physician and Technology". His research interest
includes analog/digital linear, nonlinear and chaotic
systems, control systems, signal processing and
biomedical engineering, especially cardiopulmonary
stress exercise systems.