Special Session

Special Session

Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Tourism

Dr. Andreea-Clara Munteanu
Institute of National Economy Romanian Academy
Bucharest, ROMANIA
E-mail: acmunteanu@gmail.com

Touristic clusters
Innovation in tourism
Touristic entrepreneurship and economic development
Innovation in cultural heritage sustainability approach

Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Andreea-Clara Munteanu was born in Bucharest, Romania, on the 13th of November, 1969. She received a Bachelor Degree in Statistics from the Faculty of Cybernetics, Statistics and Economic Informatics, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest city, Romania, in 1995 and a PhD Degree in Economics from the National Institute of Economic Research, Romanian Academy, Bucharest city, Romania in 2006. She is currently holding a post-doctoral scholarship in the field of economics under the Project "Economic scientific research, support for welfare and human development in European context" SOPHRD 89/1.5/S/62988, implemented by National Institute for Economic Research "Costin C. Kiritescu" with the main topic of research "Economic Development and Technology Transfer". She is currently Research Director at the Institute of National Economy, coordinating several research projects under Romanian Academy Fundamental multi-annual Program "Knowledge and innovation based economy". Andreea-Clara Munteanu is carrying also teaching activities within Romanian-American University, where, as a Senior Associated Lecturer, she’s teaching courses on Regional Development Policies, Project Management and European Structural Instruments Management and coordinates Dissertation thesis on this topics. In brief, her scientific activity consists in One author book, 16 book chapters, 6 book co-editor, over 60 articles and international conference presentations, over 30 research projects as a project manager and/or author, 5 chairman positions in international conferences and a WSEAS participation - Technology transfer models in the knowledge-based EU, in Recent advances in mathematics and computers in business and economics, 2009 WSEAS Press, ISBN 978-960-474-063-5, ISSN 1790-5109, pp.221-224, (http://www.wseas.us/books/2009/prague/MCBE.pdf).

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