Plenary Lecture

Plenary Lecture

Economic Evaluation of Fluegas Re-Mediation by RDF and Solar Energy

Professor Martino Paolucci
Co-authors: C. Borgianni, U. Mazzanti, G. DiLuzio
SEAR-Parco Scientifico e Tecnologico di "Tor Vergata"
P. DeFilippis
Dipartimento Ingegneria Chimica – Universita di Roma "La Sapienza"

Abstract: In recent years a big effort is aimed at the study of technology for carbon dioxide reduction in flue gas. The separation of CO2 is a drawback for any operation of remediation, and therefore the best system is the remediation of the fluegas without any treatment. In this paper it is examined whether the reaction between RDF and fluegas, supported by the solar energy is attractive from an economic point of view.
First of all, the advantage of using RDF in this remediation instead of its use as a raw-material in gasification is examined. The use of RDF in the remediation of the fluegas is advantageous if it is considered the annual production of RDF in agglomerates containing less than 500000 inhabitants.
Besides, the effect of the annual production of RDF, carbon tax, manpower and investment cost is examined. The carbon tax increases its importance as much as it increases as the content of CO2 in the fluegas.
The influence of the other parameters is rather independent of the ratio between carbon dioxide and steam in the fluegas while it is more pronounced the variation of the energy cost as a function of the made investment if the plant size is reduced.
Further, a statistical equation were found, which takes into account the effect of the parameters on the energy cost.

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