Plenary Lecture

Plenary Lecture

Labour Market in the New Millennium

Professor Daniela Zirra
Department of Research, Economic Research Centre
Romanian-American University, Bucharest

Abstract: Speaking about labour market in the new millennium could be a huge challenge, taking account the recent evolution of the global economy. In this context we are not talking strictly about the economic crisis, which these days represents a much discussed subject, because the impact of the globalization process is extremely complex, and the effects on labour market are very difficult to evaluate. Therefore, in this paper we will try to identify the newest developments in labour market, with reference to several aspects. First, it is very interesting to see how the neo-liberal policies affected the economy starting with the second half of 1970s. Secondly, we must approach the subject of liberalization and deregulation of the economic activities, and its impact on labour force. Third, a very complex evolution has occurred in the development of human resources, taking account the expansion and consolidation of knowledge based economy. Finally, based on the results of our research we will try to draw some relevant conclusions about positive and negative aspects of the latest evolutions in the contemporary labour market.

Brief Biography of the Speaker:
D.aniela Zirra is a professor of Economics at Romanian-American University, Bucharest. She did her undergraduate work in 1996, and received the master degree in Human Resources Management in 1997, at The Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies. Also, she received her Ph.D. in Economics in 2005 from Romanian Academy, National Institute of Economic Research Bucharest. Her area of expertise is microeconomics, macroeconomics and investments efficiency. She authored or co-authored over 25 scientific books or manuals and more than 50 papers published in reviewed journals or presented at international conferences (World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society WSEAS; DAAAM International, Vienna, Austria; Faculty of Economics, South-West University of Neofit Rilski, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria; International Association of Academies of Sciences, Ukraine, Kiev, etc.). Until now, she was project manager or member in the project teams in 19 research projects or grants (national and international). Daniela Zirra is the Director of Economic Research Centre in Romanian-American University since July 2006. She also had collaborations with Professor Tahereh Hojjat, Ph.D. from De Sales University, Philadelphia, on Microeconomics courses (on-line) during November 2004 - June 2011. She was visiting professor in Tietgen Business College, Denmark in September 2010.





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