Medical Image Processing by Using Soft Computing Methods
and Information Fusion
Professor Hariton Costin
The University of Medicine and Pharmacy
Faculty of Medical Bioengineering, Iasi, ROMANIA and
Institute of Computer Science, Romanian Academy – Iasi
9-13, Kogalniceanu str., 700454, Iasi
Abstract: Medical images are increasingly being used
within healthcare for diagnosis, planning treatment,
guiding treatment and monitoring disease progression.
Technically, medical imaging mainly processes uncertain,
missing, ambiguous, complementary, inconsistent,
redundant contradictory, distorted data and information
has a strong structural character. As a general
approach, the understanding of any image involves the
matching of features extracted from the image with
pre-stored models. The production of a high-level
symbolic model requires the representation of knowledge
about the objects to be modeled, their relationships,
and how and when to use the information stored within
the model.
This presentation reports new (semi)automated methods
for the segmentation and classification of images of
cerebral structures using soft computing techniques
(e.g. fuzzy logic, genetic algorithms), information
fusion and specific domain knowledge. Fuzzy logic acts
as a unified framework for representing and processing
both numerical and symbolic information
(“hybridization”), as well as structural information
constituted mainly by spatial relationships in
biomedical imaging. Our applications are mainly for the
segmentation of brain structures for magnetic resonance
(MR) and CT (computer tomography) images, based both on
atlas and real data. Promising results show the
superiority of this knowledge-based approach over best
traditional techniques in terms of segmentation errors.
The classification of different cerebral structures is
made by implementing rules yielded both by domain
literature and by medical experts. In this paper we also
propose a new method for medical images segmentation in
the framework of neutrosophic logic and
Dezert-Smarandache Theory, combined with fuzzy k-means
Though the proposed methodology has been implemented and
successfully used for model-driven in the domain of MR
and CT imaging, the deployed methods are generic and
applicable to any structure that can be defined by
expert knowledge and morphological image analysis.
Another branch of applications of soft-computing is
illustrated in image registration and data fusion by
using different techniques, e.g. linear transformations
and wavelet functions. An useful application was
implemented in PET-CT imaging, both for a single PET-CT
scanner and for separate PET and CT images. We first
applied a mutual information based registration
algorithm and then fused the PET and CT images using the
2í-Granular Support Vector Machine. As a general result,
the fused image contains the properties of both PET and
CT images and is an efficient tool for clinical
diagnosis and therapy.
Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Prof. dr. eng. Hariton Costin graduated from the
Technical University in Iasi, Romania, Faculty of
Electronics and Telecommunications (1980). He obtained
the Ph.D degree in Applied Informatics and a MBA diploma
both from the same university in Iasi, and now is full
professor and head of the Biomedical Instrumentation
Department at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy,
Faculty of Medical Bioengineering, Iasi, Romania,
(www.umfiasi.ro ; www.bioinginerie.ro). Also, he is
senior researcher at the Romanian Academy – Iasi Branch,
Institute of Computer Science, within the Image
Processing and Pattern Recognition Lab,
(http://www.iit.tuiasi.ro/personal/h_costin.html), where
he studies image processing and analysis by using
Artificial Intelligence methods and data fusion.
Prof. Costin’s competence areas include: medical
electronics, biosignal and image processing and
analysis, artificial intelligence (soft-computing,
expert systems), hybrid systems, HCI (human-computer
interfaces), e-health and telemedicine.
His scientific activity can be resumed by about 100
published papers, 7 books, 4 book chapters, 3 patents, 2
national awards.
His research activity is illustrated by 28 research
reports within Romanian Academy, a position of technical
manager within EU/FP5/INES 2001-32316 project for a
telemedicine application, he is director of the most
complex Romanian pilot telemedical centre in Iasi, and
director for 8 national granted projects in
bioengineering and biomedical image processing /
analysis. He was invited postdoc researcher at the
University of Science and Technology of Lille (France,
2002, in medical imaging) and gave invited talks at
international conferences.
Prof. Costin is a member of the IEEE - Engineering in
Medicine & Biology Society (EMBS) and of other 8
scientific societies.