Plenary Lecture

Plenary Lecture

A Fundamental Survey and An Efficient Soft Library for several Basic Models of Artificial Neural Networks

Nicolae Popoviciu
Hyperion University of Bucharest
Faculty of Mathematics-Informatics
Street Calarasilor 169
Bucharest, ROMANIA


Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Popoviciu Nicolae (born 1943, Ocna Sibiului, Romania) is PhD in mathematics (from 1976, statistics and stochastic processes), professor at Hyperion University of Bucharest, Romania, Faculty of Mathematics-Informatics and the dean of this faculty. His area of competence contains: stochastic processes and Markov decision problems, integral transforms (continuous, discrete, fast Fourier transform, discrete Fourier transform), complex functions, field theory, distribution theory, tensor computation, mathematical programming (linear, multi-objective, quadratic, convex, nonlinear, stochastic, in integer numbers, Boolean), wavelet theory, spline functions, box-spline function, optimization models, artificial neural networks and applications. He published 19 books on mathematics and informatics (university courses and monographs) and he is the first author of 17 books (all in Romanian language) and 104 papers (almost all in English language) and more exactly Popoviciu is the first author of 89 papers. His recently book Artificial Neural Networks. Mathematical Foundation, Algorithms and Applications (2009, Romanian language) is a monograph on the basic algorithms of the artificial neural networks with application.
Professor Popoviciu is member of Romanian Society of Mathematics and member of the Romanian Probability and Statistics Society. He has participated to many WSEAS International Conference: plenary speaker, author, co-author, chairman, reviewer etc (Romania, Greece, Turkey, Bulgaria, United Kingdom, USA).

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