The Challenge of Biometrics
Professor Ryszard S. Choras
Institute of Telecommunications
University of Technology & Life Sciences
Bydgoszcz, Poland
Abstract: A biometric system is a pattern
recognition system that recognizes a person on the basis
of a feature vector derived from a specific
physiological or behavioral characteristic that the
person possesses.
Biometric systems have four main components: sensor,
feature extraction, biometric database, matching-score
and decision-making modules. The input subsystem
consists of a special sensor needed to acquire the
biometric signal. Invariant features are extracted from
the signal for representation purposes in the feature
extraction subsystem. During the enrollment process, a
representation (called template) of the biometrics in
terms of these features is stored in the system. The
matching subsystem accepts query and reference templates
and returns the degree of match or mismatch as a score ,
i.e., a similarity measure. A final decision step
compares the score to a decision threshold to deem the
comparison a match or non-match.
Since traditional biometric systems have many
limitations a new approach in biometrics used different
models of multimodal systems. Multimodal biometric
systems improve the incompleteness of any unimodal
system. In multimodal biometric system various levels of
fusion the personal attributes information is performed.
The personal attributes used in a biometric
identification system can be physiological, such as
facial features, fingerprints, iris, retinal scans, hand
and finger geometry; or behavioral, the traits
idiosyncratic of the individual, such as voice print,
gait, signature, and keystroking.
We have proposed biometric schemes to combine biometric
data based on face and eye to identify a person.
Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Ryszard S. Choras, He is currently Full Professor in the
Institute of Telecommunications of the University of
Technology & Life Sciences,
Bydgoszcz, Poland. His research experience covers image
processing and analysis, image coding, feature
extraction and computer vision.
At present, he is working in the field of image
retrieval and indexing, mainly in low- and high-level
features extraction and knowledge extraction in CBIR
systems. He is the author of Computer Vision. Methods of
Image Interpretation and Identification (2005) and more
than 163 articles in journals and conference
He is the member of the Polish Cybernetical Society,
Polish Neural Networks Society, IASTED, and the Polish
Image Processing Association. Professor Choras is a
member of the editorial boards of Machine Vision and
Graphics, International Journal of Biometrics (IJBM),
International Journal of Biology and Biomedical
Engineering, Recent Patents On Signal Processing
(Bentham Open). He is the editor-in-chief of WSEAS
Transactions on Signal Processing Journal, Image
Processing and Communications and associate
editor-in-chief Computer Science Journals (CSC Journals)
Image Processing (IJIP).
He has served on numerous conference committees, e.g.,
as Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing (VIIP) ,
IASTED International Conference on Signal Processing,
Pattern Recognition and Applications (SPPRA) and
International Conference on Computer Vision and Graphics
in Warsaw, ICINCO\ICATE Conference.