Information Criteria and Detection of Change

Professor Arjun K. Gupta
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green, OH
Abstract: Change-point problem primarly arose from
the process of quality control in which one concerns
about the outputs of a production line and wishes to
find any departure from an acceptable standard of the
product. The problem of abrupt changed is often
encountered in various experimental and mathematical
sciences. From a statistical point of view, we wish to
infer (detect) whether there is a statistically
significant change-point in a sequence of
chronologically ordered date. In the case that there is
a statistically significant change-point, we also will
locate (estimate) the change-point.
In particular, the testing and estimation of multiple
covariance change point for a sequence of m-dimensional
(m>1) Gaussian random vectors by using Schwarz
information criterion (SIC) have been studied. We will
estimate the number of change points as well as their
locations. The unbiased SIC is also obtained. Then
asymptotic null distribution of the test statistic is
derived. The result is applied to the weekly prices of
Exxon and General Dynamics stocks (m=2) from 1990 to
1991, and changed are successfully detected.
Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Arjun K. Gupta is Distinguished University Professor and
former Chairman, Department of Mathematics and
Statistics, Bowling Green State University, Bowling
Green, Ohio. He has made wide-ranging and far-reaching
contributions to multivariate statistics. His
fundamental contributions in multivariate statistics
include: multivariate distribution theory; elliptically
contoured distributions; matrix valued multivariate
statistics; skew-multivariate distributions and modeling
to mention a few which are key for the underlying
developments and tools for high-dimensional data mining.
Prior to coming to Bowling Green he had been a faculty
member of the University of Michigan and the University
of Arizona. He has also been a Visiting Professor at the
Universities of Campinas (Brazil), Ohio State, Ghana(
West Africa ), Windsor (Canada), Antioquia (Colombia),
Technical University of Warsaw (Poland), Toledo,
Michigan (Biostatistics), CIMAT (Mexico) ,National
Sun-Yat Sen Universitsy , and Tsing-Hua University
(Taiwan). During the Fall 1981 he served as the United
Nation's Statistical Consultant in Ghana. He visited the
University of Rajasthan during the Fall 1983 as the
University Grants Commission Senior Fellow. Dr. Gupta
has served on many editorial boards of several
scientific journals including the J of Statistical
Planning and Inference, Ohio J. of Science,
Communications in Statistics, Test, Random Operators and
Stochastic Equations and others. He also serves as the
Series Editor for the Statistics Books and Monographs
from Chapman and Hall/CRC.He has organized many
conferences including the Research Conference on
Jackknife and Bootstrap Methods in Statistics in 1980 ,
which was funded by the National Science Foundation . He
is a prolific author and researcher ,having authored six
books and edited eight books .In addition he has
published more than three hundred research papers in
reputed journals making significant contributions to the
Multivariate Statistical Analysis ,Distribution
Theory,Asymptotic Inference ,Robustness,Statistical
Inference ,Change-Point Analysis,Modeling and Model
Selection. In 1990 he was honored with the Olscamp
Research Award by the Bowling Green State University for
his outstanding research accomplishments. He has been a
Visiting Lecturer, SIAM, 1981-83, and COPSS, 1988-90.
Dr. Gupta is a member of a large number of scientific
societies and a frequent speaker on his areas of
interest both in the U.S.A. and abroad. He is a Fellow
of the American Statistical Association, the Institute
of Statisticians, Royal Statistical Society, Ohio
Academy of Science, and an elected Member of the
International Statistical Institute. He has consulted
for many organizations in the U.S.A. and abroad .He
served in Ghana as Statistical Consultant for the United