Analytical solutions of eddy current problems for media
with varying electric and magnetic properties
Professor Andrei Kolyshkin
Department of Engineering Mathematics
Riga Technical University
Abstract: In many industrial processes the electric
and magnetic properties of a conducting medium can vary
with respect to geometrical coordinates. Examples
include surface hardening, decarbonization and other
applications. Mathematical models for the analysis of
electrically conducting media with varying electric
conductivity and magnetic permeability have to be
developed in order to take into account variability of
the properties of the medium.
Analytical solutions of eddy current problems for
electrically conducting media with constant properties
are well-known in the literature. The focus in the
present talk is on the cases where the magnetic
permeability and electric conductivity of the medium
depend on one geometrical coordinate (vertical
coordinate in the case of a multilayer planar medium or
radial coordinate in the case a mutlilayer tube).
Examples of spherical geometry will be discussed as
There are at least two basic methods that are used to
model eddy current problems for media with varying
properties. First, one can use the solutions for
multilayer medim with constant properties assuming that
the change in electric conductivity and/or magnetic
permeability is represented by piecewise constant
functions. However, rapid changes in the properties of
each layer may require to use many layers. Second,
analytical solutions can be constructed by selecting a
relatively simple one- or two-parameter families of
electic conductivity and magnetic permeability profiles
(in the form of an exponential or power function).
Experimental data confirm that such approximations are
reasonable.The solution to the Maxwell’s equations in
these cases can be obtained in closed form in terms of
known special functions. Examples of using the second
approach will be discussed.
Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Andrei Kolyshkin received his undergraduate degree in
Applied Mathematics in 1976 at the Riga Technical
University. In 1981 he received a Ph.D in differential
equations and mathematical physics at the University of
St. Petersburg (Russia). Andrei Kolyshkin is currently a
full professor at the Department of Engineering
Mathematics at the Riga Technical University. His
current research interests include investigation of
stability problems in fluid mechanics with applications
to open- channel flows, transient flows in hydraulic
systems and mathematical models for eddy current
testing. He is the co-author of three monographs
published by Academic Press and CRM. Andrei Kolyshkin
has participated in more than 40 international
conferences and has published more than 70 papers in
refereed journals since 1980. As a visiting professor
and visiting researcher he spent a few years at the
University of Ottawa and Hong Kong University of Science
and Technology.