Design of Neural Predictor for Noise
Analysis of Cooling System
Professor Sahin Yildirim
Erciyes University, Engineering Faculty
Mechatronics Engineering Department
38039 Kayseri, TURKEY
Abstract: In this study, a procedure of testing and
evaluation on the noise quality of cooling system is
presented. Both the experimental analysis of cooling
system and the simulation analysis of noise parameters
using Neural Network (NN) are implemented. An
Intelligent Data Acquisition and a microphone are used
to measure the system noise. Different types of NN are
used to investigate the noise parameters. The results
show that Radial Basis Neural Network (RBNN) gives
superior performance for predicting the noise of cooling
The main purpose of this investigation is to obtain the
robust and adaptive neural network predictor. The noise
analysis of cooling system has been examined by using
fourth types of artificial neural networks. The result
obtained show that RBNN has superior prediction for
adapting noise parameters of the cooling system. The
structure of an RBNN is unusual in that the constitution
of its hidden units is entirely different from that of
its output units. RBNN with radial-basis function and
fast convergence properties has also great possibility
in real-time prediction and analyze noise.
Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Prof. Yildirim was born in NEVSEHIR. Prof.. Yildirim
received his Dip. Eng. Degree and MSc Degree from
Erciyes University, KAYSERI, TURKEY in Mechanical
Engineering. He received his PhD degree from Cardiff
University, UK. His research interests include:
Artificial Neural Networks, System Dynamics and Control,
Robot Control, Mechanical Vibrations, Vehicle Suspension
Systems analysis and control, mobile robot design and
trajectory control. He has authored or co- authored over
80 refereed journal and conference proceeding papers in
the above areas. Prof. Yildirim has chaired sessions at
several international conferences. He is a frequent
paper reviewer for several journals, including Mechanism
and Machine Theory, Journal of Sound and Vibration,
Mechatronics and IEEE Industrial Electronics.