Plenary Lecture

Plenary Lecture

Phase Diversity Principal for Mitigation of Channel Effects in Mobile Communication Systems

Professor Motti Haridim and Professor Michael Bank
HIT-Holon Institute of Technology

Abstract: There exist several methods for mitigating the impact of channel conditions on signal integrity. These methods increase both the transmitting power and redundancy. In this paper we review the known Phase Diversity method proposed by Walter Bruch for mitigating phase distortions in the PAL TV systems, and discuss its applications in modern wireless communications such as MIMO systems based on the Alamouti algorithm. We’ll present the implementation of this method in FBS systems, which allow for elimination of Doppler Effects on OFDMA signals without pilot signals.

Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Motti Haridim received his M.Sc. in electrical engineering from the University of Washington in 1986 and in his Ph.D in electrical engineering.E. from Technion Israel (1992). Since 1994 he has joined HIT- Holon Institute of Technology. During 2002-2008 Prof. Haridim was the head of the Dept. of Communication Engineering at HIT. His research activities focus mainly on the physical layer of communication systems, including optical communications, RF communications, and antennas. He has published over 80 papers on theoretical and applied aspects of antennas, RF communications and optical communications. Prof. Haridim acts as a consultant in RF communication systems and antennas to several large Israeli companies.

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