Plenary Lecture

Plenary Lecture

Mechanics of Nanoelectromechanical Systems

Professor K. M. Liew
Chair Professor of Civil Engineering
City University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong SAR

Abstract: In the past decade, nanomechanics has been emerging as a new researching domain that excited a considerable interest in the condensed-matter and materials research communities. Due to the difficulty in the theoretical and experimental investigations of nanostructures, numerical modeling and simulation play an important role in capturing their fine behavior and revealing their delicate properties. The particularity of nanostructure brings a challenge to the conventional computational method. For example, a simple nanostructure, such as a MWCNT, involves thousands of atoms that lead to too many degrees of freedom, and atom-based modeling method, such as molecular dynamic, consumes a huge amount of computational time. This fact also stimulated the exploration and development of the new computational techniques in the computational nanomechanics, such as continuum modeling and multiscale methods. This talk will address the applications of continuum and molecular dynamics models for modeling of carbon nanotubes. Numerical discretization of these continuum models and the developed multiscale computational scheme will be discussed.

Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Professor Liew jointed the City University of Hong Kong in 2005 as a Chair Professor of Civil Engineering. Currently he is the Head of the Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering. He was formerly a tenured professor at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. His research activities encompass nano-mechanics, materials modeling, multi-scale analysis, and large-scale simulation and visualization. In recent years, he and his research group have been actively involved in the theoretical research of nanomaterials, in particular CNTs, by employing molecular dynamics and continuum approaches, and multiscale method. He has published over 550 journal articles. He is a Fellow of ASME and IMechE. His current h-index is over 40 and he is cited by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) as one of the highly cited researchers in engineering.

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