Plenary Lecture

Plenary Lecture

Create a Self-Modeling DSS in the Cloud: Perspectives, Methodologies and Case Studies

Professor Roberto Revetria
University of Genoa

Abstract: The raise of BRICs countries has been regarded recently as an opportunity for cost reduction from western companies resulting in a pressure to increase of the delocalization of the production process with the consequence of increasing of the management complexity requiring specific ERP systems able to deal with new and improved process. Every company has business processes in order to manufacture products, to provide services, to purchase goods and even to maintain plants and company’s assets; the basic of every change is the knowledge of the process and the understanding the possible evolution. In nowadays systems information systems and cloud infrastructures record events; these events can be used to make processes visible and thus a modeling framework may provide the insights necessary to manage, control, and improve processes. This plenary talk present a survey over the current trend and methodologies applied to provide self modeling capabilities to modern Cloud based ERS. A possible approach and a set of 3 case studies where Computational Intelligence may assist the “self modeling” of complex processes are presented.

Brief Biography of the Speaker:
He earned his degree in mechanical engineering at the University of Genoa and he completed his master thesis in Genoa Mass Transportation Company developing an automatic system integrating ANN (Artificial Neural Networks) and simulation with the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) for supporting purchasing activities. He had consulting experience in modeling applied to environmental management for the new Bosch plant facility TDI Common Rail Technology in construction near Bari. During his service in the Navy as officer, he was involved in the development of WSS&S (Weapon System Simulation & Service) Project. He completed is PhD in Mechanical Engineering in 2001 defending his Doctoral thesis on “Advances in Industrial Plant Management” by applying Artificial iontelligence and Distributed Simulation to several Industrial Cases. Since 1998 is active in Distributed Simulation by moving US DoD HLA (High Level Architecture) Paradigm from Military to Industrial application. In 2000 he succesfully led a research group first demonstrating practical application of HLA in not dedicated network involving a 8 International University Group. He is currently involved, as reseacher, in the DIP of Genoa University, working on advanced modeling projects for Simulation/ERP integration and DSS/maintenance planning applied to industrial case studies (Contracting & Engineering and Retail companies). He is active in developing projects involving simulation with special attention to Distributed Discrete Event and Agent Based Continuous Simulation (SwarmSimulation Agents). He is teaching Modelling & Simulation, VV&A, Distributed Simulation (HLA), Projecty management in Master Courses Worldwide and he is teaching Industrial Plants Design in University of Genoa Masters' Courses. He is Professor in Mechanical Engineering and Logistics.

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