Plenary Lecture

Plenary Lecture

Integrated Methods for Road Traffic Noise Pollution

Professor Claudio Guarnaccia
Co-Author Professor Joseph Quartieri
Physics Department "E. R. Caianiello"
Engineering Faculty
University of Salerno

Abstract: Road vehicular traffic is one of the most important noise sources in urban environment, together with railways and industries. The annoyance produced by exposure to road traffic noise has been deeply investigated in scientific literature, resulting to affect mental and physical health in terms of sleep and/or conversation disturbance, hearing loss, cardiovascular problems, anxiety and stress, etc.. Thus, the need for modelling of acoustical noise produced by road vehicular traffic is a significant issue nowadays. Usually Traffic Noise predictive Models (TNMs) are adopted to monitor the equivalent noise level at the receivers and to define risk classes for each area, according to the purpose of the activities therein. If possible, experimental measurements are performed, in order to tune models parameters and to verify noise predictions. These models are generally based on a statistical approach and give an evaluation of the equivalent noise level in a certain point, with a given flow of vehicles. The shortcomings of these models are highlighted and discussed on a review process and experimental data comparison basis. Different theoretical approaches can be adopted in the modelling of the source and in the description of the propagation, resulting in interesting elements to be considered in the model build up. Experimental measurement campaigns are presented and results are used to check the theories and to plot interesting parameters. An additional comparison with predictive software is performed.

Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Dr. Claudio Guarnaccia is post-doc researcher in the Physics Department “E.R. Caianiello”, University of Salerno. He graduated in 2004 and he took the PhD in 2008 in Nuclear Physics, at the University of Salerno, after a period spent at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research), in Geneva (Switzerland). Since 2005 he had teaching assistance activities at the Engineering Faculty of University of Salerno. He is assistant in all the Physics courses and he has been advisor in several thesis.
He has a scientific association with the Italian Association of Acoustics (AIA), with the International Commission for the Occupational Health (ICOH), with the World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS), and with the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN), in the Salerno’s group. He is “main researcher” in the “modelling and simulation” research group of WSEAS. He has been elected member of several conferences scientific committees.
His research interests are focused on the application of the modern Physics methods to engineering, environmental and bio-mathematical problems, in the "Applied Physics" research group headed by Prof. Joseph Quartieri.
He is author of more than sixty papers in international journals and conference proceedings.

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