Plenary Lecture

Plenary Lecture

Mathematical models for different chemical processes

Professor Alina Bărbulescu
Ovidius University of Constanta
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

Abstract: Mathematics plays an important role in solving real life problems. Chemistry is one of the main sciences that benefits from the development of new mathematical techniques for modelling the experimental data. In this talk I shall present two different types of approaches for determination of models for data collected in industrial environment, comparing the classical approaches with the new ones from the artificial intelligence and emphasizing the advantages of each method by the results of our research.

Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Alina Bărbulescu graduated from the University of Craiova, Romania (Faculty of Mathematics) and from Petre Andrei University of Iasi, Romania (Faculty of Law). After a PhD in Mathematics, from Al I Cuza University of Iasi and one in Cybernetics and Economic Statistics, from Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania, she worked in the field of mathematics and applied statistics. Nowadays she is associate professor at Ovidius University of Constanta, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science. She is author of 18 books and over 90 articles, published in peer rewieved international journal, invited editor for 5 books, being also a member of editorial boards of International Journal of Mathematics and Computation and International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics.

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