Istanbul, Turkey, August 21-23, 2012                                                            PLENARY SPEAKERS 
CONFERENCE PROGRAM                                                          HISTORY OF THIS CONFERENCE

Unlimited Access in E-Library: Delegates attending the conference will receive a new username and password without expiry date for unlimited on-line access in the WSEAS Conference proceedings (1996-...) for ever.

Review Process: In WSEAS events, the Review is coordinated by the staff of the Sponsoring Universities in Collaboration with the International Scientific Committee. The responsibility of acceptance/rejection belongs to the collaborating / sponsoring Universities (and not to the WSEAS).
Join them as Reviewer using this form
List of Reviewers....

Additional Features:

1) Delegates attending the conference will be invited to submit an extended version of their paper for publication in NAUN and University Press journals (Indexed in SCOPUS, AMS, ACS, ZENTRALBLATT, ULRICH, MATHSCINE, DPP, DBP, ACM, INSPEC, IET (IEEE),  COMPENDEX, ELSEVIER, EI, Engineering Village, ScholarGoogle, PUBMED, MEDLINE, CSA, CSBA, DEST, EBSCO, EMBASE, GEOBASE, BIOBASE,BIOTECHNOBASE. and many others see ...)

2) Delegates attending the conference will receive in their briefcase:

*2a ****  Proceedings in hard copy (Indexed by ISI Web of Knowledge, SCOPUS, EI Compendex, ProQuest and Scitech Book News. Index to Scientific and Technical Proceedings, PUBMED,MEDLINE, ACM, IET (IEE), ASM, ACS, CSA, ELSEVIER , ZENTRALBLATT, MATHSCINET, DPP,EI, CSBA, Ulrigh, DEST, EBSCO, EMBASE, GEOBASE, BIOBASE,BIOTECHNOBASE)

*2b  ****
CD-ROM Proceedings for all the co-located conferences
(Indexed by ISI Web of Knowledge, SCOPUS, EI Compendex, ProQuest and Scitech Book News. Index to Scientific and Technical Proceedings, PUBMED,MEDLINE, ACM, IET (IEE), ASM, ACS, CSA, ELSEVIER , ZENTRALBLATT, MATHSCINET, DPP,EI, CSBA, Ulrigh, DEST, EBSCO, EMBASE, GEOBASE, BIOBASE,BIOTECHNOBASE)

*2c  ****Certification of Indexing

*2d **** Unlimited Access in the Society's E-Library

*2e ****
JOURNAL PUBLICATION: A written invitation to upload their paper in  NAUN and UNIVERSITY PRESS (Indexed in SCOPUS, EI Compendex, ProQuest and Scitech Book News. Index to Scientific and Technical Proceedings, PUBMED,MEDLINE, ACM, IET (IEE), ASM, ACS, CSA, ELSEVIER , ZENTRALBLATT, MATHSCINET, DPP,EI, CSBA, Ulrigh, DEST, EBSCO, EMBASE, GEOBASE, BIOBASE,BIOTECHNOBASE) All conference books are archived in the British Library and American Library of Congress.

*2f  ****
A second elegant CD-ROM with more than 85 textbooks - monographies (Every book is a textbook for postgraduates written by an expert, internationally pioneers on his field)

* 2g *** Rich Social and Cultural Part (banquet, coffee-breaks as: )



Upload original high-quality papers, written in the WSEAS Format by using this web form


Systems Theory
Dynamical Systems
Control Systems
Control Engineering
Soft Computing
Non-Linear Systems Theory
Dynamical Systems and Chaos
Large Scale Systems
Artificial Intelligence
Fuzzy Systems, Neural Networks
Genetic Algorithms
Knowledge Modelling
Decision Support Systems
Hierarchical Control Systems
Optimal Control, Stochastic Control
Aerospace Systems
Signal Processing
Lightwave Engineering
Stochastic Systems
Non-linear Systems
Telecommunication Systems
Information Systems
Signal Processing Systems
Multidimensional Systems
Multivariable systems
Hybrid Systems
Multirate Systems
Systems and Control, Robotics
Neural Networks
Fuzzy Systems
Speech and Image Processing Systems
Discrete Event Dynamic Systems
Manufacturing Systems
Decentralised Systems
Remote Sensing
Game Theory
Microelectromechanical Systems
Human-Machine Systems
Environmental Modeling
Sonar and underwater acoustic systems
Undersea Systems
Navigation and Tracking Systems
Space Systems
Systems Techniques for Wireless Applications
Filter design
Verification and Validation
Systems for Statistical Signal and Array Processing
Computational Geometry
Industrial Systems
Real Time Systems
Knowledge Modelling
Decentralised Systems
Remote Sensing
Human-Machine Systems
Virtual Reality
Symbolic Computation
Transportation Systems
Prediction Theory, Estimation Theory
Number theory
Reliability Theory, Routing Theory
Measurement Theory
Group, Ideal, Ring, Field and Galois Theory and Applications

Matrix Theory, Tensor Analysis, Linear and
Multilinear Algebra, Iterative methods
Error Estimation in Iterative Methods
Eigenvalue Problems
Componentwise and Structured Perturbations
Convex Optimization
Approximation of Large-scale Dynamical Systems
Ordinary Differential Equations
Partial Differential Equations
Integral Equations, Integral-Differential Equations
Algebro-Differential Equations
Numerical Methods for Singular Equations
Numerical Linear Algebra, Optimization
Numerical Behaviour of Optimization Algorithms
Parallel Computing, Distributed Computing, Supercomputing, Finite Elements
Mathematical Aspects of Scientific Computing
Error Analysis, Stability Problems
Convergence Problems
High Complexity Numerical Methods
Evolutionary Compuation
Simulation in Mathematical Biology
Simulation in Information Retrieval and Management
Electromagnetics, Fluid Mechanics
Simulation in Civil Engineering, Economy, Ecology, Biology, Finances, Stochastic differential equations
Linear Programming, Quadratic Programming
Convex Programming, Nonlinear Programming
Complementarity problems, Stochastic Programming
Combinatorial Programming, Integer Programming
Convex, Nonsmooth and Variational analysis
Multiobjective programming
Algorithms for parallel architectures
Variational Principles and Applications
Software Development
Heuristic Algorithms
Tabu Methods, Simulated Annealing
Probability Theory and Applications
Stochastic Processes
Mathematical Statistics, Applied Statistics
Operational Research, Queueing Theory
Marketing and Production Organization
Financial Mathematics
Information systems and traffic management
Inventory theory
Management Science
Randomized Algorithms
Equational logic programming
Functional Languages
Parallel and Distributed Computation
Problems in Discrete mathematics
Combinatorics and Graph Theory
Functional systems theory
Object-Oriented Programming
Discrete structures
Extremal problems
Enumeration problems
Network algorithms
Network optimization
Approximation algorithms
Theoretical Computer Science
Coding and Information Theory
Error-correcting codes
Data compression
Switching networks
Communication protocols




Prof. Dr. Metin Demiralp, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
Prof. Dr. Elbrous M. Jafarov, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
Prof. Dr. Yorgo Istefanopulos, Isik University, Turkey
Prof. N. A. Baykara, Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey
Prof. Joseph Sifakis, CNRS/Verimag, FRANCE
Prof. Lotfi A. Zadeh, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA
Prof. Leon O. Chua, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA
Prof. K. R. Rao, The University of Texas at Arlington, TX, USA
Prof. M. Kostic, Northern Illinois University, USA
Prof. Alex Pentland, MIT Media Lab, USA
Prof. Ruzena Bajcsy, University of California, Berkeley
Prof. Perry Alexander, The University of Kansas, USA
Prof. Donald Bagert, Southeast Missouri State University,USA
Prof. Jongmoon Baik, Information and Communications University, Korea
Prof. Tony Cowling, University of Sheffield, UK
Prof. Gregory Hislop, Drexel University, USA
Prof. Tom Horton, University of Virginia, USA
Prof. Stan Jarzabek, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Prof. Timothy Lethbridge, University of Ottawa, Canada
Prof. Hareton Leung, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Prof. Michael Lutz, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA
Prof. Jim McDonald, Monmouth University, USA
Prof. Ana Moreno, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain
Prof. Shin Nakajima, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
Prof. J. Barrie Thompson, University of Sunderland, UK
Prof. Brian von Konsky, Curtin University, Australia
Prof. A. Venetsanopoulos, University of Toronto, Canada
Prof. K. Benra, University of Duisburg-Essen, GERMANY
Prof. S. Sohrab, Northwestern University, USA
Prof.Adrijan Baric, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Prof. Nadjib ACHIR, L2TI, University of Paris 13, France
Prof. Lionel M. Ni,Hong Kong Univ.of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
Prof. Byrav Ramamurthy, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
Prof.Qian Zhang, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Prof. Jiangchuan Liu,Simon Fraser University, Canada
Prof. Pedro Ruiz, University of Murcia, Spain
Prof. Guohong Cao, The Pennsylvania State University, USA
prof. Sajal Das, NSF/University Texas at Arlington, USA
Prof. Xiaohua Jia, City University of Hong Kong
Prof. Ivan Stojmenovic, University of Ottawa, Canada
Prof. Avinash Srinivasan, Bloomsburg University, USA
Prof. Xinbing Wang, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
Prof. Weiyi Zhang, North Dakota State University, USA
Prof. Yanmin Zhu Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Prof. Berna Örs Yalçin, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
Prof. Christer Svensson, Linköping University, Sweden
Prof. Diego Vazquez García, IMSE-CNM-Sevilla, Spain
Prof. Dominique Dallet, University of Bordeaux, France
Prof. Edoardo Charbon, EPFL, Switzerland
Prof. Emanuel Popovici, University College, Cork, Ireland
Prof. Eric Kerherve, University of Bordeaux, France
Prof. Eric Tournier, Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse, France
Prof. Francesco Centurelli, University of Roma, La Sapienza, Italy
Prof. Gaetano Palumbo, Università di Catania, Italy
Prof. Antonio J Acosta Jimenez, IMSE-CNM-Sevilla, Spain
Prof. Antonio Lopez-Martin, Public University of Navarra, Spain
Prof. Antonio Rubio, Technical Univ. Catalunya, Spain
Prof. Atanas Gotchev, Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Prof. Gianluca Setti, University of Bologna, Italy
Prof. Günhan Dündar, Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey
Prof. Hakan Kuntman, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
Prof. José Luis Ausín, Universidad de Extremadura, Spain
Prof. Jose Silva-Martinez, Texas A&M University, USA
Prof. Juha Yli-Kaakinen, Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Prof. Lars-Erik Wernersson, Lund University, Sweden
Prof. Marco Gilli, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Prof. Mario Biey, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Prof. Massimo Alioto Università di Siena, Italy
Prof. Dimitri Bertsekas, MIT, MA, USA
Prof. Gerhard P. Fettweis, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
Prof. Borivoje Nikolic, University of California at Berkeley, U.S.A.
Prof. R. Bogdan Staszewski, Delft Univ.of Technology, The Netherlands
Prof. Markku Renfors, Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Prof. Biswa N. Datta, Northern Illinois University, USA
Prof. Irwin Sandberg, The University of Texas at Austin, USA
Prof. P. Pardalos, University of Florida, USA
Prof. A. Manikas, Imperial College, UK
Prof. Wasfy B. Mikhael, University of Central Florida, USA
Prof. Massimo Conti, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy
Prof. Mikko Valkama, Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Prof. Ming-Dou Ker, National Chiao-Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
Prof. Moncef Gabbouj, Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Prof. Olli Vainio, Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Prof. Orla Feely, University College Dublin, Ireland
Prof. B. Ciciani, University of Roma, Italy
Prof. David Bader, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Prof. Terry Braun, University of Iowa, USA
Prof. David E. Breen, Drexel University, USA
Prof. T. Kaczorek, Warsaw University of Technology, POLAND
Prof. Wlodzislaw Duch, Nicolaus Copernicus University, POLAND
Prof. Sidney Burrus, Rice University, USA
Prof. Leonid G. Kazovsky, Stanford University, USA
Prof. Georgios B. Giannakis, University of Minnesota, USA
Prof. Nikolaos G. Bourbakis, Wright State University, USA
Prof. Brian A. Barsky, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Prof. Tara ALI-YAHIYA, LRI, University of Paris-Sud 11, France
Prof. Akos Zarandy, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary
Prof. Ana Rusu, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Prof. Guy Pujolle, LIP6, University of Paris 6, France
Prof. Michel RIGUIDEL, LTCI, IT Paris Tech, France
Prof. Angel Rodríguez-Vázquez, University of Seville, Spain
Prof. Jussi Ryynänen, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland
Prof. Lars Svensson, Chalmers, Sweden
Prof. Ryszard S. Choras, University of Technology & Life Sciences, POLAND
Prof. Jae Choi, Catholic University of America, USA
Prof. Min-Hyung Choi, University of Colorado, USA
Prof. Edward J. Delp, Purdue University, USA
Prof. Ge Jin, Purdue University - Calumet, USA
Prof. M.H. Kim, Ewha Womans University, South Korea
Prof. Sean Mooney, Buck Institute, USA
Prof. John Quackenbush, Harvard University, USA
Prof. Daniel Rubin, Stanford University, USA
Prof. Joel Saltz, Emory University, USA
Prof. Y. Shin, Seoul National University, South Korea
Prof. Alexandros Stamatakis, EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland
Prof. Ivona Brandic, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Prof. Frédéric Desprez, INRIA LIP ENS Lyon, France
Prof. Simon Dobson, University of St Andrews, United Kingdom
Prof. Ada Gavrilovska, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Prof. Keith Jeffery, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, United Kingdom
Prof. Dan Marinescu, University of Central Florida, USA
Prof. Omer Rana, Cardiff University, United Kingdom
Prof. Ryan Riley, Qatar University, Qatar
Prof. Mikhail Smirnov, Fraunhofer, Germany
Prof. Jerrerson Tan, Monash University, Australia
Prof. Albert Zomaya, The University of Sydney, Australia
Prof. Houman Houmayun, University of California San Diego, USA
Prof. Per Gunnar Kjeldsberg, NTNU, Norway
Prof. Fadi Kurdahi, University of California Irvine, USA
Prof. Walid Najjar, University of California Riverside, USA
Prof. Salwa Nassar, National Institute for Remote Sensing, Cairo, Egypt
Prof. Preeti R. Panda, India Institute of Technology Dehli, India
Prof. Calvin Ribbens, Virginia Tech., USA
Prof. Rishad A Shafik, University of Southampton, UK
Prof. Christos Papadopoulos, Colorado State University, USA
Prof. Mohamed Riduan Abid, Alakhawayn University in Ifrane, Morocco
Prof. Josephine Antoniou, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Prof. George Atia, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Prof. Ezedin Baraka, United Arab Emirates University, United Arab Emirates
Prof. Ossi Mokryn, The Academic College of Tel-Aviv Yaffo, Israel
Prof. Andreas Pitsillides, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Prof. Kamil Sarac, The University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Prof. Abd-Elhamid Taha, Queen’s University, Canada
Prof. Zouheir Trabels, United Arab Emirates University, UAE
Prof. Jong-Kook Kim, Korea University, Korea
Prof. Ishfaq Ahmad, University of Texas at Arlington, USA
Prof. Yoongeun Choi, LG Electronics, South Korea
Prof. Youngsun Han, Samsung Electronics, South Korea
Prof. Alex Jones, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Prof. Sherif Khattab, Cairo University, Egypt
Prof. Hwangnam Kim, Korea University, South Korea
Prof. Israel Koren, University of Massachusetts, USA
Prof. Sangheon Pack, Korea University, South Korea
Prof. Sanjay Ranka, University of Florida, USA
Prof. Sehyun Yang, Samsung Electronics, South Korea
Prof. Dakai Zhu, University of Texas San Antonio, USA
Prof. Ophir Frieder, Georgetown University, USA
Prof. Aris Anagnostopoulos, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Prof. Ranieri Baraglia, ISTI-CNR, Italy
Prof. Luca Becchetti, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Prof. Steve Beitzel, Telecordia, USA
Prof. Roi Blanco, Yahoo! Research, Spain
Prof. Francesco Bonchi, Yahoo! Research, Spain
Prof. Berkant Barla Cambazoglu, Yahoo! Research, Spain
Prof. Rebecca Cathey, BAE Systems, USA
Prof. Abdur Chowdhury, Twitter Inc., USA
Prof. Fabio Crestani, University of Lugano, Switzerland
Prof. Debora Donato, Yahoo! Labs, USA
Prof. Bin Gao, Microsoft Research, China
Prof. Nazli Goharian, Georgetown University, USA
Prof. Gregory Grefenstette, Exalead, France
Prof. Stefano Leonardi, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Prof. Claudio Lucchese, ISTI-CNR, Italy
Prof. Salvatore Orlando, University of Venice, Italy
Prof. Iadh Ounis, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom
Prof. Gabriella Pasi, Università di Milano Bicocca, Italy
Prof. Raffaele Perego, ISTI-CNR, Italy
Prof. Diego Puppin, Google, USA
Prof. Greg Pfister, Colorado State University, USA
Prof. Nicola Tonellotto, ISTI-CNR, Italy
Prof. Rossano Venturini, ISTI-CNR, Italy
Prof. Wai Gen Yee, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
Prof. Jay Smith, DigitalGlobe, USA
Prof. Chaker El Amrani, Université Abdelmalek Essaâdi, Morocco
Prof. Shoukat Ali, IBM Dublin Collaboratory, Ireland
Prof. Othmane Bouhali, Texas A&M University at Qatar, Qatar
Prof. Luis D. Briceno, Colorado State University, USA
Prof. Florian Feldhaus, Dortmund University of Technology, Germany
Prof. Stefan Freitag, Dortmund University of Technology, Germany
Prof. Jaafar Gaber, Univ. de Technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard, France
Prof. Muthucumaru Maheswaran, McGill University, Canada
Prof. Tomás Fernández Pena, Univ. de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Prof. Jerry Potter, Colorado State University, USA
Prof. Francisco Fernández Rivera, Univ. de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Prof. John Antonio, University of Oklahoma, USA
Prof. Amr Bayoumi, Arab Academy for Science and Technology, Egypt
Prof. Hazem Abbas, Ain Shams University, Egypt
Prof. Juergen Becker, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - KIT, Germany
Prof. Ali Elmorsy, University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
Prof. Kris Gaj, George Mason University, USA
Prof. Benedict Gaster, AMD, USA
Prof. Reiner Hartenstein, Kaiserslautern University of Technology, Germany
Prof. Volodymyr Kindratenko, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Prof. José Nuñez-Yañez, University of Bristol, United Kingdom
Prof. Marco Platzner, University of Paderborn, Germany
Prof. Viktor Prasanna, University of Southern California, USA
Prof. Sridhar Radhakrishnan, University of Oklahoma, USA
Prof. Mohamed Taher, Ain Shams University, Egypt
Prof. Monte Tull, University of Oklahoma, USA
Prof. Vaidyanathan, Louisiana State University, USA
Prof. Brian F. Veale, IBM, USA
Prof. Jose Moreira, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA
Prof. Kaoutar El Maghraoui, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA
Prof. Houda Benbrahim, ENSIAS, Morocco
Prof. Dalila Chiadmi, École Mohammedia des Ingenieurs (EMI), Morocco
Prof. Muhammad Elrabaa, King Fahd University, Saudi Arabia
Prof. Houda lamehamedi, Oracle, USA
Prof. Gokul Kandiraju, IBM Research, T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
Prof. Hironori Kasahara, Waseda University, Japan
Prof. Emilio Luque, University Autonoma of Barcelona (UAB), Spain
Prof. Ana Milanova, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
Prof. Wolfgang Nagel, Institut für Technische Informatik, Germany
Prof. Liria Sato, University of Saint Paulo, Brazil
Prof. Evan Speight, IBM Research, Austin Research Lab, USA
Prof. Carlos Varela, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
Prof. Wei-Jen Wang, National Central University, Taiwan
Prof. Lamia Yusuf, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Prof. Ricky Kwok, University of Hong Kong, China
Prof. Moustafa Youssef, Egypt-Japan University of Science and Techn, Egypt
Prof. Nizar Al-Holou, University of Detroit Mercy, USA
Prof. Salah A. Aly, Princeton University, USA
Prof. Yu Chen, State University of New York, USA
Prof. Ahmed Hemly, University of Florida, USA
Prof. Anura P. Jayasumana, Colorado State University, USA
Prof. Meilong Jiang, NEC Labs America, USA
Prof. Ahmed Kamal, Iowa State University, USA
Prof. Zhen Kong, Wayne State University, USA
Prof. Vincent K. N. Lau, Hong Kong Univ of Science and Technology, China
Prof. Wing Cheong Lau, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
Prof. Xiaohui Lin, Shenzhen University, China
Prof. M. Yahya "Medy" Sanadidi, University of California Los Angeles, USA
Prof. Chengwen Xing, Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Prof. Mohammed Younis, University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA
Prof. M. Coates, University of McGill, Canada
Prof. A. Chronopoulos, UTD, San Antonio, USA
Prof. C. Elks, University of Virginia, USA
Prof. V. Ganesh , CSAIL, MIT, Cambridge, USA
Prof. I. Gashi, City University, London , UK
Prof. A. Goldman, University of San Paolo, Brazil
Prof. R. Guerraoui, EPFL, Switzerland
Prof. N. Hardavellas, Northwestern University, USA
Prof. H. Hellwagner, University of Klagenfurt, Austria
Prof. B. Johnson, University of Virginia, USA
Prof. T. Kikuno, Osaka University, Japan
Prof. C. Katsinis, Drexel, University, USA
Prof. Paavo Alku, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland
Prof. Péter Szolgay Pázmány, Péter Catholic Univ., Budapest, Hungary
Prof. Piotr Dudek, The University of Manchester, UK
Prof. Robert Bregovic, Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Prof. Snorre Aunet, University of Oslo, Norway
Prof. Stanislaw Piestrak, University of Metz, France
Prof. Svante Signell, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Prof. Tor Sverre Lande, University of Oslo, Norway
Prof. Yichuang Sun, University of Hertfordshire, UK
Prof. Yong Lian, National University of Singapore
Prof. Yoshifumi Nishio, Tokushima University, Japan


Plenary Lecture 1:

Singular Perturbations and Time Scales (SPaTS) in Control Theory and Applications
by Prof. D. Subbaram Naidu, Idaho State University, USA.


Plenary Lecture 2:

High Precision Positioning Control System for a Nano Micro Manipulators Platform
by Prof. Luige Vladareanu, Institute of Solid Mechanics, ROMANIA.

Plenary Lecture 3:

New HDMR Based Methods for Multivariate Data Modelling
by Assist. Prof. M. Alper Tunga, Bahcesehir University, TURKEY.


Plenary Lecture 4:

Limit Cycles in Two-Dimensional Quadratic Systems: Analytical Methods and Visualization
by Prof. Gennady A. Leonov, St. Petersburg State University, RUSSIA.


Plenary Lecture 5:

On the Transformational HDMR Method
by Prof. N. A. Baykara, Marmara University, TURKEY.




The Organizing Committee can accept proposal for Special Sessions from qualified scientists that want to contribute to this event. Special sessions have the prestige of a really targeted audience.

On the other hand, it has been observed that in special sessions all (or almost all) the papers are presented as well as several discussions with serious comments and questions take place after the presentation. Many successfull WSEAS Conferences started in the beginning as Special Sessions or Workshops in some previous WSEAS conference.
You could submit a session online using the following form:





The registration fees must be paid in EUR
550 EUR for every author (max.,number of pages 6, extra fee 100 EUR for each extra page)

250 EUR for each additional paper

It includes: Publication of your paper(s) in an ISI Book (Thomson),
CD-ROM + evaluation of the paper for the Journals of NAUN / University Press with free PDF for all the academic community after the conference, a previous book (from 2007 or Journal), 2 coffee-breaks per day and one banquet in the Hotel.



The Organizing Committee can accept only *.pdf or *.ps or *.doc or *.rtf format. The Organizing Committee prefer *.pdf though)

1. PDF: For the format of the your Paper(s), please, download the file wseas.pdf. To read this file, you must have the Acrobat Reader program.

2. Word for Windows: We can also accept papers in Word for Windows (Microsoft). In this case, you could download the file wseas-full.rtf (you must have in your computer Word for Windows). Please, click here and get : wseas.rtf

3. If you use LaTeX, please download the LaTeX template: wseas.tex or wseas.txt. You have to convert it to .ps file and submit your .ps file to the conference via the web site.

4. If you use a different  Word Processor, please, first download the file wseas.pdf or  wseas.rtf read it using Acrobat Reader or Word for Windows, print out it and then make the necessary modifications in your word processor program (if needed) in order to agree with this format. If you are a TeX or LaTeX user, please, don't send TeX or LaTeX files (i.e. TeX or LaTeX code), but a Postscript file (.ps) or better for us the final PDF file (*.pdf)


Books and Proceedings related to this WSEAS Conference are covered by:

2. INSPEC (IET, former IEE)
3. CSA (Cambridge Scientific Abstracts)
4. ELSEVIER and Elsevier Bibliographic Database
7. MATHSCINET of AMS (American Mathematical Society)
8. MATHEMATICAL REVIEWS of AMS (American Mathematical Society)
9. Directory of Published Proceedings
10. Computer Science Bibliography Administrator
11. American Chemical Society and its Index: Chemical Abstracts Service
12. European Library in Paris (France)
13. DEST Database (Australia)
14. Engineering Information
18. Compendex (CPX)
23. OceanBase
24. BEILSTEIN Abstracts
25. World Textiles
27. British Library
28. National Library of Greece
29. German National Library of Science and Technology
30. IARAS Index

Delegates attending the conference will be invited to submit an extended version of their paper for publication in one of the NAUN Journals or University Press Journals

No-show authors will be excluded from any further publication in  Journals, regardless of the quality of their papers. Additionally, they will be required to pay extra shipping and handling fees in order for the organizing committee to mail out their registration receipt, CD-ROM proceedings, and one volume of the hard-copy proceedings.
These journals are covered by:

1. ISI through the INSPEC (IEE) (not as independent ISI Journals)
2. INSPEC (IET, former IEE)
3. CSA (Cambridge Scientific Abstracts)
4. ELSEVIER and Elsevier Bibliographic Database
6. MATHSCINET of AMS (American Mathematical Society)
8. MATHEMATICAL REVIEWS of AMS (American Mathematical Society)
9. Computer Science Bibliography Administrator
10. British Library
11. American Chemical Society and its Index: Chemical Abstracts Service
12. European Library in Paris (France)
13. DEST Database (Australia)
14. Swets Information Services
15. Engineering Information
19. Compendex (CPX)
20. Geobase
24. OceanBase
25. BEILSTEIN Abstracts
26. World Textiles
28. Mayersche
29. Index of Information Systems Journals
30. National Library of Greece: See the link: NLG-Journals
31. IARAS Index


Submission Deadline: June 21, 2012
Registration Deadline: July 28, 2012



2001: Rethymno, Greece
2002: Rethymno, Greece
2003: Rhodes, Greece
2004: Tenerife, Spain
2005: Malta
2006: Agios Nikolaos, Greece
2007: Vouliagmeni, Greece
2008: Rhodes, Greece
2009: Moscow, Russia
2010: Taipei, Taiwan
2011: Florence, Italy
2012: Istanbul, Turkey


General Information
Please check the session schedule on the program that you will receive by email after the registration deadline to see which day and time you are presenting. The duration of a presentation slot is 20 minutes (15 minutes for your lecture and 5 minutes for questions-discussion). An LCD projector and a computer (MS Windows XP) with a CD-ROM drive, USB ports, and presentation software (MS PowerPoint, Adobe Acrobat Reader) will be available in all the conference rooms for lecture presentations.
* It is highly recommended to have your own pointe. Over-head Projector cannot be used. Only computer presentation (computer - data projector) will be allowed.

Preparation of Visuals
Before the beginning of each session, each presenter must deliver his CV (Short Biography) which must be printed out according to the format:
* Please note that individuals using computer projection must bring a CD or USB memory key containing their presentation. Speakers should arrive in their session room 10 minutes before the start of their session to hand the presenter’s personal data sheet (biography) to the chairperson.

General Considerations
Limit the number of words per visual to no more than 30. Leave space, at least the height of a capital letter, between lines of text.
* All fonts, including those on graphs, should be 18 point or larger.
* Graphs and charts should have bold lines and symbols that contrast sharply with the background.
* Your presentation time is about 15 minutes, leaving about 5 minutes for questions from the audience.
* A reasonable presentation time for each slide is about 2 minutes, as any shorter interval will make it difficult for the audience to understand.
* Do not waste visuals where they are not needed. Use them where a picture, chart, diagram, or cartoon will help. Tables of figures are hard to read and understand quickly, use pie charts or column graphs instead.
* If it takes longer than 10 seconds to comprehend a visual, then there’s too much material in it. Do not put anything on the visual if you don't need it. Tell what each visual is all about, but do not read from it. Keep it on screen, as long as your talk refers to it.