Current Video Coding Standards: H.264/AVC, Dirac, AVS
China and VC-1
Professor K. R. Rao
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
University of Texas at Arlington
Texas, USA
E-mail: rao@uta.edu
Dr. Do Nyeon Kim
Barun Technologies, Corp.
Anyang, South Korea
E-mail: cooldnk@yahoo.com
Abstract: Video coding standards: H.264/AVC, DIRAC,
AVS China and VC-1 are presented. These are the latest
standards and are adopted by ITU-T/ISO-IEC, BBC, China
standards organization and SMPTE respectively. Besides
presenting these standards, research potential and as
well projects (both at UG and grad levels) are
emphasized. These are available by accessing the
database for research and projects in [18]. Web/ftp
sites for accessing standards documents, software, test
sequences, conformance bit streams, industry activities
etc are provided.
Brief Biography of the Speaker:
K. R. Rao received the Ph. D. degree in electrical
engineering from The University of New Mexico,
Albuquerque in 1966. He received B.S. E.E from the
college of engineering, Guindy, India in 1952.Since
1966, he has been with the University of Texas at
Arlington where he is currently a professor of
electrical engineering. He, along with two other
researchers, introduced the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT)
in 1975 which has since become very popular in digital
signal processing. DCT, INTDCT and MDCT (modified DCT)
have been adopted in several international
video/image/audio coding standards such as
JPEG/MPEG/H.26X series and also by SMPTE (VC-1)and by
AVS China.He is the co-author of the books “Orthogonal
Transforms for Digital Signal Processing” (Springer-Verlag,
1975), Also recorded for the blind in Braille by the
Royal National Institute for the blind. “Fast
Transforms: Analyses and Applications”(Academic Press,
1982), “Discrete Cosine Transform-Algorithms,
Advantages, Applications” (Academic Press, 1990). He has
edited a benchmark volume, “Discrete Transforms and
Their Applications” (Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1985). He
has co edited a benchmark volume, “Teleconferencing”
(Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1985). He is co-author of the
books, “Techniques and standards for Image/Video/Audio
Coding” (Prentice Hall) 1996 “Packet video
communications over ATM networks(Prentice Hall) 2000 and
“Multimedia communication systems” (Prentice Hall) 2002.
He has co edited a handbook “The transform and data
compression handbook,” (CRC Press, 2001). Digital video
image quality and perceptual coding, (with H.R.
Wu)(Taylor and Francis 2006). Introduction to multimedia
communications: applications, middleware, networking,
(with Z.S. Bojkovic and D.A. Milovanovic), Wiley,
(2006). He has also published a book, “Discrete cosine
and sine transforms”, with V. Britanak and P. Yip
(Elsevier 2007). Wireless Multimedia Communications
(publisher: Taylor and Francis) Nov. 2008.
“Fast Fourier Transform: algorithms and Applications”,
with D. Kim and J.J. Hwang (publisher: Springer) 2010.
(Also e-book). Also into Chinese by China Machine Press.
Also Asian edition by Springer India. Also into Korean
by A-Jin publishing company.
Some of his books have been translated into Japanese,
Chinese, Korean and Russian and also published as Asian
(paperback)editions(also as e-books). He has been an
external examiner for graduate students from
universities in Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, India,
Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan and USA. He was a
visiting professor in several Universities -3 weeks to 7
and 1/2 months- (Australia, Japan, Korea, Singapore and
Thailand). He has conducted workshops/tutorials on
video/audio coding/standards worldwide. He has
supervised several students at the Masters (77) and
Doctoral (31) levels. He has published extensively in
refereed journals and has been a consultant to industry,
research institutes, law firms and academia. He has
reviewed 23 book manuscripts for book publishers.
He is a Fellow of the IEEE (Member # 03911617). He is a
member of the Academy of Distinguished Scholars, UTA. He
was invited to be a panelist for the 2011 NSF Graduate
Research Fellowship Program (GRFP), with service on the
following panel:
PANEL NAME: Electrical Engineering Panel
MEETING DATES: Friday Feb 11, 2011 to Sunday Feb 13,
Do Nyeon Kim received the
Ph.D. degree in electrical and electronic engineering
from Yonsei University in Seoul, South Korea in 2004.
From 1989 to 2003, he was with the Electronics and
Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), South
Korea, where he was a senior researcher. From 2005 to
2010, he was with the University of Texas at Arlington
where he was a visiting scholar of electrical
engineering. Since 2010, he has been with Barun
Technologies, Corp., South Korea, where he is currently
a senior engineer. He has published "Fast Fourier
Transform - Algorithms and Applications (with K.R. Rao
and J.J. Hwang, Springer, 2010).