Plenary Lecture

Plenary Lecture

Towards Petaflop Computing – An example application on Jet Noise Simulation

Professor Anastasios Lyrintzis
Aerospace Engineering
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Daytona Beach FL 32114-3900

Abstract: Due to processing speeds and memory limitations of existing supercomputers, many current simulations cannot faithfully simulate important realistic phenomena. Thus these simulations are not accurate enough to allow design and optimization of important devices. In order to simulate realistic situations very fine grids (e.g. on the order of tens of billions of points) are sometimes needed, requiring petascale computing systems. However, running existing codes on bigger computers is not the answer. Fresh designs are needed as well as implementation strategies that take advantage of the main characteristics of petascale architectures. For example, algorithms that take advantage of multi-level parallelism and, within a node of such an architecture, address the “memory wall” aspect of multicore architectures where the cost of arithmetic operations is much smaller than memory references. One example of a problem that can benefit petaflop computing is jet noise simulation. Jet noise is an important issue due to increased commercial air-traffic, penalty fees for noisier aircraft, and future stringent noise regulations as well as military operational requirements. Simulations of realistic conditions requires tens of billions of grid points. Examples of large-scale simulations for this problem will be given and scalability studies will be shown for up to 91,125 cores.

Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Dr. Lyrintzis joined ERAU in January of 2012 as a Distinguished Professor and chair of the Department of Aerospace Engineering. He was Purdue (1994-2011) after serving seven years on the faculties of University of Minnesota (1989-94), Cornell (1988-89) and Syracuse University (1987-88). At Purdue he was School of Aeronautics and Astronautics Associate Head for graduate programs and the Director of Purdue’s Computational Science and Engineering (CS&E) interdisciplinary program. Dr. Lyrintzis’ primary research interests are in the area of fluid dynamics with emphasis on numerical methods and applications in aero-acoustics. His research endeavors are currently supported by NSF, NASA, the US Navy, and the US Department of Education. He has co-authored about 60 journal papers and more than 100 conference papers. He has advised or co-advised 15 Ph.D. and 17 M.S. students. Dr. Lyrintzis teaches courses in fluid mechanics, aerodynamics, and aero-acoustics. In the Fall of 2002, while at Purdue Dr. Lyrintzis received the School’s Teaching Award. Further, Dr. Lyrintzis has received Purdue’s College of Engineering Leadership Award and the School’s CT Sun Research Award. Dr. Lyrintzis is a Purdue University Faculty Scholar, a registered Professional Engineer, an AIAA Associate Fellow, an ASME Fellow, and a Boeing Welliver Fellow. He has been a member of the AIAA Aero-acoustics Technical Committee (vice-chair ‘05-07, chair ‘07-09), the AHS Acoustics Committee, and the ASME Coordinating Group for CFD. He has co-organized the 10th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference and Exhibit, Manchester, UK, as well as several Sessions and Forums in AIAA, ASME and AHS Conferences and he is currently an Associate editor for the AIAA Journal and the International Journal of Aero-acoustics. Finally, Dr. Lyrintzis has participated in the development of award-winning (American Helicopter Society, Howard Hughes Award, NASA Group Achievement Award) TRAC (Tilt-Rotor Aeroacoustic Codes) system of codes from NASA Langley.



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