Plenary Lecture

Plenary Lecture

Grids of the Future-Transition to Smart Grids

Professor Shahram Javadi
Department of Electrical Engineering,
I.A.U., Central Tehran Branch
Tehran, Iran

Abstract: Believe the electric power system is undergoing a profound change driven by a number of needs. there’s the need for environmental compliance and energy conservation. we need better grid reliability while dealing with an aging infrastructure and we need improved operational efficiencies and customer service. the changes that are happening are particularly significant for the electricity distribution grid, where “blind” and manual operations, along with the electromechanical components, will need to be transformed into a “smart grid.” this transformation will be necessary to meet environmental targets, to accommodate a greater emphasis on demand response, and to support plug-in hybrid electric vehicles as well as distributed generation and storage capabilities.
It is safe to say that these needs and changes present the power industry with the biggest challenge it has ever faced. on one hand, the transition to a smart grid has to be evolutionary to keep the lights on; on the other hand, the issues surrounding the smart grid are significant enough to demand major changes in power systems operating philosophy.
With emerging requirements for renewable portfolio standards (RPS), limits on greenhouse gases, and demand response and energy conservation measures, environmental issues have moved to the forefront of the utility business. The RPS mechanism generally places an obligation on electricity supply companies to provide a minimum percentage of their electricity from approved renewable energy sources.

Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Dr. Shahram Javadi received his B.Sc. from Amirkabir University, M.Sc. from K.N.T. University of Technology and Ph.D. from I.A.U., Science and Research Branch in Electrical Engineering. He has been in charge of faculty member at Technical and Engineering Faculty in I.A.U., Central Tehran Branch (1996-Now) and has taught courses in the Electrical Engineering Department. He has also served as Visiting Professor at the ISEL, Institute /Superior of Engineering of Lisbon since 2008 while he is currently Professor and Director Research of I.A.U., Central Tehran Branch, IRAN.
He is an active researcher in Artificial Intelligence, Smart Grids, Power Electronic and Control Systems. He is author of 2 books and has published over than 30 papers in international books, journals and conferences.
He is director general of international journal of electrical engineering smart systems (ISEE) and editorial board of international conference on mechanical engineering (IASEM) and one of the active members of WSEAS, World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society.
Dr. Javadi is the member of International & Technical Committee of WSEAS, IEEE, Cigre, Academic board for International Power System conference PSC, Academic board for Power System Protection & Control conference PSPC, Member of Scientific Committee of Power Systems Protection & Control conference PSPC, Member of IAEEE (Iranian Association of Electrical & Electronics Engineers), Member of Scientific Committee of Iranian Wind Energy Society and Member of Iranian Fuzzy Systems Society.



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