Prague, Czech Republic, September 24-26, 2012                                 PLENARY SPEAKERS 
CONFERENCE PROGRAM                                                      HISTORY OF THIS CONFERENCE

REPORT and PHOTOS from the previous WSEAS Conference in Prague (2009):

Unlimited Access in E-Library: Delegates attending the conference will receive a new username and password without expiry date for unlimited on-line access in the WSEAS Conference proceedings (1996-...) for ever.

Review Process: In WSEAS events, the Review is coordinated by the staff of the Sponsoring Universities in Collaboration with the International Scientific Committee. The responsibility of acceptance/rejection belongs to the collaborating / sponsoring Universities (and not to the WSEAS).
Join them as Reviewer using this form
List of Reviewers....

Additional Features:
1) Delegates attending the conference will be invited to submit an extended version of their paper for publication in NAUN and University Press journals (Indexed in SCOPUS, AMS, ACS, ZENTRALBLATT, ULRICH, MATHSCINE, DPP, DBP, ACM, INSPEC, IET (IEEE),  COMPENDEX, ELSEVIER, EI, Engineering Village, ScholarGoogle, PUBMED, MEDLINE, CSA, CSBA, DEST, EBSCO, EMBASE, GEOBASE, BIOBASE,BIOTECHNOBASE. and many others see ...)

2) Delegates attending the conference will receive in their briefcase:

*2a ****  Proceedings in hard copy (Indexed by ISI Web of Knowledge, SCOPUS, EI Compendex, ProQuest and Scitech Book News. Index to Scientific and Technical Proceedings, PUBMED,MEDLINE, ACM, IET (IEE), ASM, ACS, CSA, ELSEVIER , ZENTRALBLATT, MATHSCINET, DPP,EI, CSBA, Ulrigh, DEST, EBSCO, EMBASE, GEOBASE, BIOBASE,BIOTECHNOBASE)

*2b  ****
CD-ROM Proceedings for all the co-located conferences
(Indexed by ISI Web of Knowledge, SCOPUS, EI Compendex, ProQuest and Scitech Book News. Index to Scientific and Technical Proceedings, PUBMED,MEDLINE, ACM, IET (IEE), ASM, ACS, CSA, ELSEVIER , ZENTRALBLATT, MATHSCINET, DPP,EI, CSBA, Ulrigh, DEST, EBSCO, EMBASE, GEOBASE, BIOBASE,BIOTECHNOBASE)

*2c  ****Certification of Indexing

*2d **** Unlimited Access in the Society's E-Library

*2e ****
JOURNAL PUBLICATION: A written invitation to upload their paper in  NAUN and UNIVERSITY PRESS (Indexed in SCOPUS, EI Compendex, ProQuest and Scitech Book News. Index to Scientific and Technical Proceedings, PUBMED,MEDLINE, ACM, IET (IEE), ASM, ACS, CSA, ELSEVIER , ZENTRALBLATT, MATHSCINET, DPP,EI, CSBA, Ulrigh, DEST, EBSCO, EMBASE, GEOBASE, BIOBASE,BIOTECHNOBASE) All conference books are archived in the British Library and American Library of Congress.

*2f  ****
A second elegant CD-ROM with more than 85 textbooks - monographies (Every book is a textbook for postgraduates written by an expert, internationally pioneers on his field)

* 2g *** Rich Social and Cultural Part (banquet, coffee-breaks as: )



Power System Planning and Management
Generation, transmission & distribution planning
Reliability and security
Dynamic transient stability and voltage stability
Electromagnetic transient evaluations
Insulation co-ordination
Transmission & distribution equipment
Generator Protection and Control
Parallel Operation of Generators
Portable Power Systems
Corporate planning and management
Alternative energy systems
Environmental issues
Energy Management Systems
Deregulation and Electric Power Market
Impacts of deregulation
Electricity pricing and transactions
Open access
IPP and Co-generation
Power market
Optimization Techniques
Electricity Demand Management
Load Management
FACTS and Custom Power Devices for Power Quality,
Power Switching,
Uninterrupted Power Supplies,
Power Factor Compensation and Conditioning,
Capacitor Switching Techniques

Electric machines, Electric Vehicles, Batteries
Applied Electromagnetics for Electric Machines
Stability Problems
Electronics for Electric Machinery
Generalized Electric Machines
Mathematical Problems, Simulation
Computational Analysis of related problems
Electric Vehicles
Energy storage
Batteries and Battery Chargers
Control strategies
Electric vehicles performance and efficiency
Impacts of battery rechargement on distribution systems
Fuel cell vehicles
Hybrid vehicles
Environmental issues and impacts

High Voltage Engineering
High-Voltage, Medium-Voltage and Low-Voltage Switchgear
High Voltage Cables
Power Line Communications
Protection Systems, Grounding Systems
Control Relays, Distance Protection in High Voltage Transmission
High Voltage Measurement
Problems of Applied Electromagnetics in HV Engineering
Finite Elements and Modern Computational Techniques
Power System Operation and Control
Load and energy forecast
Economic operation
Demand side management
Reliability management
Reactive power control
Distribution automation
SCADA/EMS and information systems
Power quality
Harmonics, Network Harmonics, Power Quality Measurement
Inter-Harmonics, Power Flow Studies
Plant and equipment operation,
maintenance and condition monitoring
Phase and Voltage Imbalances, Voltage Sag Analysis
Voltage Disturbance Computations,
Power Quality in Distribution, Power Quality Economics
Modern technology and computation techniques and applications
Power electronics and drive
Communication and Information Technology
Artificial intelligence and Neural Networks
Evolutionary computation
Expert Systems
Online Monitoring and Diagnosis,
Case Studies in Power Quality Management,
Power Quality Standards

Renewable Energy Sources and Technology
Power Generation
Power Plants
Distributed Generation, Co-generation
Energy Conversion and Conservation
Solar Power
Photovoltaic Energy, Solar Panels
Wind Energy, Ocean Energy
Tidal Power
Thermal Power
Hydrogen Energy, Fuel Cells
Hybrid Systems and Vehicles

Transmission and Distribution
Transmission Planning
Transmission Protection
High-Voltage Transmission
HVDC Transmission
Power Electronics Applications
Motors and Drives
Substation Distribution Automation
Circuit Breakers
SF6 Technology in Arc Quenching, CB Tripping Releases and Mechanisms
Power Engineering Education



Prof. Abur, A.  ,USA
Prof. A. Ametani, ,Japan
Prof. Carneiro Jr, S. ,Brazil
Prof. Correia de Barros, M.T. ,Portugal
Prof. Dennetiere, S. ,France
Prof. Dommel, H.W. ,Canada
Prof. Dinavahi, V. ,Canada
Prof. Dube, L. ,Canada
Prof. Funabashi, T. ,Japan
Prof. Gole, A. ,Canada
Prof. Grebe, T. ,USA
Prof. Gustavsen, B. ,Norway
Prof. Steve Pekarek, Purdue University, USA
Prof. Mario Fabiano Alves, Brazil
Prof. Babak Fahimi, University of Texas - Arlington, USA
Prof. Akihiro Ametani, Japan
Prof. Toshihisa Funabashi, Japan
Prof. Nicolae Golovanov, Romania
Prof. Vic Gosbell, Australia
Prof. Regina Lamedica, Italy
Prof. Roberto Langella, Italy
Prof. Cristian Lazaroiu, Italy
Prof. Hoidalen, H.K. ,Norway
Prof. Iravani, R. ,Canada
Prof. Johnson, B.  ,USA
Prof. Popov, M. ,Netherlands
Prof. Prikler, L. ,Hungary
Prof. Rachidi, F. ,Switzerland
Prof. Ramirez, A. ,Mexico
Prof. Rioual, M. ,France
Prof. Saha, M.M. ,Sweden
Prof. van der Sluis, L. ,Netherlands
Prof. Smeets, R. ,Netherlands
Prof. Sood, V. ,Canada
Prof. Stenzel, J. ,Germany
Prof. Tavares, M.C. ,Brazil
Prof. Terzija, V. ,UK
Prof. Uglesic, I. ,Croatia
Prof. Xemard, A. ,France
Prof. Zanetta, L. C. ,Brazil
Prof. R. Hanna, Past President, IEEE Canada
Prof. Slobodan Babic, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, CANADA
Prof. Patrick Chapman, University of Illinois, USA
Prof. Bill Moncrief, USA
Prof. Kim, C.H.  ,Korea
Prof. Kizilcay, M. ,Germany
Prof. Lima, A.C. ,Brazil
Prof. Mahseredjian, J. ,Canada
Prof. Martinez, J.A. ,Spain
Prof. Mork, Bruce A. ,USA
Prof. Naredo, L. ,Mexico
Prof. Noda, T. ,Japan
Prof. Nucci, Carlo Alberto ,Italy
Prof. Osborne, M. ,UK
Prof. Pack, S. ,Austria
Prof. Paolone, M. ,Italy
Prof. I. Tegopoulos, NTUA, Greece
Prof. Jovica Milanovic, UK
Prof. Thomas Ortmeyer, USA
Prof. R. Vigotti, International Solar Energy Society, Italy
Prof. G. Wolf, Professor, Otto-Hahn-Straίe 1, D - 52428 Jόlich, Germany
Prof. G. Wisniewski, Poland
Prof. Sarath Perera, Australia
Prof. Paulo Ribeiro, USA
Prof. Cristina Roscia, Italy
Prof. Fernando Silva, Portugal
Prof. Wilsum Xu, University of Alberta, Canada
Prof. Alfredo Testa, Italy
Prof. Enrico Tironi, Italy
Prof. Paola Verde, Italy
Prof. Irena Wasiak, Poland
Prof. F.Topalis, NTUA, Greece
Prof. Kazimierz Wilkosz, Poland
Prof. Ruzena Bajcsy, University of California, Berkeley
Prof. Stan Jarzabek, National University of Singapore, Singapore
George J. Tsekouras, Hellenic Naval Academy, Piraeus, Greece
Dinko Vukadinovic, University in Split, Croatia
Jacek Kolodziej, AGH University of Science and Technology Krakow, Poland
Albert Alexander. Kongu Engineering College, India


Plenary Speaker 1:  to be added soon


The Organizing Committee can accept proposal for Special Sessions from qualified scientists that want to contribute to this event. Special sessions have the prestige of a really targeted audience.

On the other hand, it has been observed that in special sessions all (or almost all) the papers are presented as well as several discussions with serious comments and questions take place after the presentation. Many successfull WSEAS Conferences started in the beginning as Special Sessions or Workshops in some previous WSEAS conference.
You could submit a session online using the following form:





The registration fees must be paid in EUR
550 EUR for every author (max.,number of pages 6, extra fee 100 EUR for each extra page)

250 EUR for each additional paper

It includes: Publication of your paper(s) in an ISI Book (Thomson),
CD-ROM + evaluation of the paper for the Journals of NAUN / University Press with free PDF for all the academic community after the conference, a previous book (from 2007 or Journal), 2 coffee-breaks per day and one banquet in the Hotel.



The Organizing Committee can accept only *.pdf or *.ps or *.doc or *.rtf format. The Organizing Committee prefer *.pdf though)

1. PDF: For the format of the your Paper(s), please, download the file wseas.pdf. To read this file, you must have the Acrobat Reader program.

2. Word for Windows: We can also accept papers in Word for Windows (Microsoft). In this case, you could download the file wseas-full.rtf (you must have in your computer Word for Windows). Please, click here and get : wseas.rtf

3. If you use LaTeX, please download the LaTeX template: wseas.tex or wseas.txt. You have to convert it to .ps file and submit your .ps file to the conference via the web site.

4. If you use a different  Word Processor, please, first download the file wseas.pdf or  wseas.rtf read it using Acrobat Reader or Word for Windows, print out it and then make the necessary modifications in your word processor program (if needed) in order to agree with this format. If you are a TeX or LaTeX user, please, don't send TeX or LaTeX files (i.e. TeX or LaTeX code), but a Postscript file (.ps) or better for us the final PDF file (*.pdf)


Books and Proceedings related to this WSEAS Conference are covered by:

2. INSPEC (IET, former IEE)
3. CSA (Cambridge Scientific Abstracts)
4. ELSEVIER and Elsevier Bibliographic Database
7. MATHSCINET of AMS (American Mathematical Society)
8. MATHEMATICAL REVIEWS of AMS (American Mathematical Society)
9. Directory of Published Proceedings
10. Computer Science Bibliography Administrator
11. American Chemical Society and its Index: Chemical Abstracts Service
12. European Library in Paris (France)
13. DEST Database (Australia)
14. Engineering Information
18. Compendex (CPX)
23. OceanBase
24. BEILSTEIN Abstracts
25. World Textiles
27. British Library
28. National Library of Greece
29. German National Library of Science and Technology
30. IARAS Index

Delegates attending the conference will be invited to submit an extended version of their paper for publication in one of the NAUN Journals or University Press Journals

No-show authors will be excluded from any further publication in  Journals, regardless of the quality of their papers. Additionally, they will be required to pay extra shipping and handling fees in order for the organizing committee to mail out their registration receipt, CD-ROM proceedings, and one volume of the hard-copy proceedings.
These journals are covered by:

1. ISI through the INSPEC (IEE) (not as independent ISI Journals)
2. INSPEC (IET, former IEE)
3. CSA (Cambridge Scientific Abstracts)
4. ELSEVIER and Elsevier Bibliographic Database
6. MATHSCINET of AMS (American Mathematical Society)
8. MATHEMATICAL REVIEWS of AMS (American Mathematical Society)
9. Computer Science Bibliography Administrator
10. British Library
11. American Chemical Society and its Index: Chemical Abstracts Service
12. European Library in Paris (France)
13. DEST Database (Australia)
14. Swets Information Services
15. Engineering Information
19. Compendex (CPX)
20. Geobase
24. OceanBase
25. BEILSTEIN Abstracts
26. World Textiles
28. Mayersche
29. Index of Information Systems Journals
30. National Library of Greece: See the link: NLG-Journals
31. IARAS Index


Submission Deadline: July 24, 2012
Registration Deadline: August 24, 2012



(The title of the conference until 2004 was: ICOPES: International Conference on Power Engineering Systems)

1st -- 2001: Crete, Greece
2nd -- 2002: Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
3rd -- 2003: New York, USA
4th -- 2004: Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
5th -- 2005: Tenerife, Spain
6th -- 2006: Tenerife, Spain
7th -- 2007: Venice, Italy
8th -- 2008: Venice, Italy
9th -- 2009: Genova, Italy
10th --2010: Iwate, Japan
11th --2011: Penang, Malaysia
12th --2012: Prague, Czech Republic


General Information
Please check the session schedule on the program that you will receive by email after the registration deadline to see which day and time you are presenting. The duration of a presentation slot is 20 minutes (15 minutes for your lecture and 5 minutes for questions-discussion). An LCD projector and a computer (MS Windows XP) with a CD-ROM drive, USB ports, and presentation software (MS PowerPoint, Adobe Acrobat Reader) will be available in all the conference rooms for lecture presentations.
* It is highly recommended to have your own pointe. Over-head Projector cannot be used. Only computer presentation (computer - data projector) will be allowed.

Preparation of Visuals
Before the beginning of each session, each presenter must deliver his CV (Short Biography) which must be printed out according to the format:
* Please note that individuals using computer projection must bring a CD or USB memory key containing their presentation. Speakers should arrive in their session room 10 minutes before the start of their session to hand the presenter’s personal data sheet (biography) to the chairperson.

General Considerations
Limit the number of words per visual to no more than 30. Leave space, at least the height of a capital letter, between lines of text.
* All fonts, including those on graphs, should be 18 point or larger.
* Graphs and charts should have bold lines and symbols that contrast sharply with the background.
* Your presentation time is about 15 minutes, leaving about 5 minutes for questions from the audience.
* A reasonable presentation time for each slide is about 2 minutes, as any shorter interval will make it difficult for the audience to understand.
* Do not waste visuals where they are not needed. Use them where a picture, chart, diagram, or cartoon will help. Tables of figures are hard to read and understand quickly, use pie charts or column graphs instead.
* If it takes longer than 10 seconds to comprehend a visual, then there’s too much material in it. Do not put anything on the visual if you don't need it. Tell what each visual is all about, but do not read from it. Keep it on screen, as long as your talk refers to it.