Plenary Lecture Mathematically Modelled Process of Resonant Absorption of Environmental Xenobiotics Harmonic Oscillation by Linear Structures
Professor Cornelia Aida Bulucea
Abstract: The study of any system, including
biological systems, usually entails an analysis of
inputs and outputs, and system behaviour can be assessed
on basis of mathematical modelling and simulation. For
an environmental xenobiotic source with an assumed
harmonic behaviour, the xenobiotic concentration
evolution within a biological system could be
determined, assuming an analogy with a linear structure
characterized by xenobiotic compounds of both
dissipating and accumulating types. One could hope to
show that a mathematical model described by a
differential equation of order two with concentrated
parameters could be accepted for a complex process of an
environmental xenobiotic absorption by a linear
structure. In line with this idea, one could define a
hypothetical situation in which, from an environmental
xenobiotic source with harmonic behaviour, the
xenobiotic is absorbed by the biologic organism modelled
as a system with a linear structure. The simulation
diagram for the spatial vector of concentration, as
resultant oscillation wave depicting the resonant
absorption process of the environmental xenobiotic has
been determined on basis of MATLAB software with
SIMULINK and SimPowerSystems extensions. The results
determine the variation in time of the spatial vector of
concentration as periodical, with the wave shape
determined by taking into consideration a modulation of
the main excitation harmonic provided by the xenobiotic,
and the resulting high frequency modulating signal on
the basis of elements specific to a xenobiotic
absorption circuit. Through consideration of a
hypothetic simulation diagram for the spatial vector of
xenobiotic concentration in a biological system, this
study aims to demonstrate the need for joint efforts by
researchers in electrical and environmental engineering,
medicine and computing for enhancing knowledge of the
impacts of environmental xenobiotics on humans and other
life forms. |
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