6th WSEAS International Conference on
(WAMUS '06)
Bucharest, Romania, October 16-18, 2006
The 6th WSEAS International Conference on WAVELET ANALYSIS & MULTIRATE SYSTEMS sponsored by WSEAS and WSEAS Transactions, co-sponsored and co-organized by University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania.
Monday, October 16, 2006
SESSION: Wavelet analysis, theory and applications
Chair: Carlos D'Attellis, Shahrum Abdullah
Wavelet packets analysis for Doppler effect detection |
E.P. Serrano, R.O. Sirne, C.E. D'Attellis |
Littlewood Paley spline wavelets |
Eduardo Serrano and C.E. D'Attellis |
Validation of a Wavelet Algorithm Implemented in a Fixed-Point DSP for Detection and Analysis of Electrical Transients |
M. Llamedo Soria, A. E. Legarreta, C. E. D'attellis |
Using The Orthogonal Wavelet Transform to Identify Fatigue Features in Variable Amplitude Fatigue Loadings |
Shahrum Abdullah, Azami Zaharim |
Bearing Fault Diagnosis based on Neural Network Classification and Wavelet Transform |
Omar Jose Lara Castro, Cristina Castejon Sisamon, Juan Carlos Garcia Prada |
The shape of the line of action optimized by means of DWT |
Vincenzo Niola, Giuseppe Quaremba |
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
SESSION: Wavelet transform in image and multiresolution analysis
Chair: Antonello Spinelli, Vincenzo Niola
A bivariate shrinkage function for complex dual tree DWT based Image Denoising |
R. Gomathi, S. Selvakumaran |
Applying image fusion techniques for detection of hepatic lesions |
Hossam El_Din Moustafa, Sameh Rehan |
Partial volume correction for positron emission images using the wavelet transform |
Antonello E Spinelli, Luca Guerrieri, Carlo Bergamini, Romano Zannoli, Gianfranco Cicoria, Claudio Lamberti, Mario Marengo |
Wavelets, Fourier transform, and fractals |
Radu Mutihac |
Wavelet-based statistical analysis in functional neuroimaging |
Radu Mutihac |
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
SESSION: Wavelets and applications
Chair: Vincenzo Niola, Carlos D'Attellis
Multi-sensor Image Fusion for Effective Night Vision through Contourlet Transform, KPCA and Mutual Information |
Anwar-ul-Haq, Muhammad Asad, Muhammad Asif, A.M.Mirza |
Wavelet Image Compression Based on Mathematical Expectation and Standard Deviation |
Mingcui Wang, Haiming Gu |
Pixel & Feature Level Multi-Resolution Image Fusion based on Fuzzy Logic |
Bushra Kayani, Anwar Mirza, Haroon Iftikhar |
Two Dimensional ECG Compression Using SPIHT and SEC |
Iman Mohammad Rezazadeh, Mohammad Hassan Moradi, Ali Motie Nasrabadi |
Identification of Surface EMG Signals Using Wavelet Packet Entropy |
Xiao Hu, Xiaomei Ren |