7th WSEAS International Conference on




Cavtat, Croatia

Sponsored by WSEAS and WSEAS Transactions

June 13-15, 2006




Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Plenary Lecture:


Contribution to E-Business Valuation

Prof. Zeljko Panian
University of Zagreb


Abstract: Today's e-business processes and operations are variable, complex and intricate in nature. An apparently simple transaction may in fact cross multiple physical, geographic boundaries, involve many trading partners, and trigger actions in numerous other business processes and activities. Because these complexities and interdependencies are too numerous to handle manually, business processes are inherently wedded to business systems. For that reason, when assessing value, it's generally meaningless to separate the two concepts. Instead, a company values the cash inflows and outflows for the unified business process change on both the IT and business unit sides.
The paper discusses concepts for assessing the value of e-business projects. The concepts described outline a framework and language for articulating e-business value rather than strictly defined valuation formula. After the e-business metrics background is discussed, seventeen representative measures of e-business value are explained, including:


  • Days of Inventory Reduction
  • Days of Receivables or Days of Sales Outstanding Reduction
  • Headcount Reduction and Avoidance
  • Headcount Productivity
  • Headcount Turnover
  • System End-of-Life
  • Materials Discounts
  • Capital, Hardware and Software Avoidance
  • Unit Cost Avoidance
  • Factory Uptime
  • Scrap Reduction
  • Risk Avoidance
  • Time-to-Market
  • Opening New Markets
  • Optimizing Existing Markets
  • Cross-selling
  • Vendor-of-Choice





SESSION: Mathematics and Computers in Business

Chair : Elza Jurun, Mirjana Pejic Bach


Studying an OC Curve of an Acceptance Sampling Plan: A Statistical Quality Control Tool

Ksenija Dumicic, Vlasta Bahovec, Natasa Kurnoga Zivadinovic


Factor analysis as the instrument in relaxing the assumptions of the classical model

Josip Arneric, Elza Jurun, Snjezana Pivac


Derivative Contracts as Active Documents

Markus Reitz, Ulrich Nögel


Business Intelligence in Support of Business Strategy

Zeljko Panian


A Comparison of Secure Mechanisms for Mobile Commerce

Hann-Jang Ho, RongJou Yang


Trading Behavior under Public Disclosure Regulations

Minh Vo


A computational solution for generating claim sizes using copula theory

Victoria Rivas and Alfredo Cuesta







Wednesday, June 14, 2006




SESSION: Mathematics and Computers in Economics and in Marketing

Chair: Ksenija Dumicic, Hann-Jang Ho


End-user's role in the implementation of information technology in financial modelling of the company

Marina Cicin-Sain, Branka Crnkovic-Stumpf, Ivan Uroda


Asymmetry and Long Memory Volatility: some empirical evidence using GARCH

Hin Wen Cheong, Abu Hassan Shaari Mohd Nor, Zaidi Isa


Financial Structure and the Profitability of Croatian Banks

Mirjana Pejic Bach, Vanja Simicevic


Time-Varying Dynamics in the Greek Stock Market Integration with the EMU Stock Markets

George Filis, Costas Leon


New Directives and their First Years of Implementation in EU Electricity Market

Tina Krope, Marko Sencar, Jurij Krope







Thursday, June 15, 2006




SESSION: Mathematics and Computers in Economics

Chair: George Filis, Elza Jurun


A Multi-criteria Approach to Credit Risk Assessment

Z. Aljinovic, N. Tomic-Plazibat, Z. Babic


System Dynamic Macroeconomic Model - The Case of Croatia

Željko Garača


Experimental Investigations To Optimize The Utilization of Energy Resources

Gurumurthy Vijayan Iyer and Nikos E. Mastorakis


Important Elements of Disaster Management and Mitigation and Design and Development of A Software Tool

Gurumurthy Vijayan Iyer and Nikos E. Mastorakis


Design and development bogie hinge joint flushing device for safety preservation of aircraft engines

Gurumurthy Vijayan Iyer and Nikos E. Mastorakis
