FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

When I click on a link to a PDF file, nothing appears!

Probably your version of Internet Explorer, Netscape or Acrobat Reader is not recent enough, please try installing the ones provided in the CD-ROM. They are recent enough to work properly.

I have some trouble with printing (only one page printed, some additional text printed sometimes)

It s probably because you are printing from the Browser menu or icon bar. Try printing from Acrobat Reader icon bar. There is a small print button on Acrobat Reader icon bar which is located under the Browser icon bar.

How can I make zoom in the PDF files?

Click the appropriate button down and left or the buttons with the predefined standard zoom, up and right (below the Browser)

How can I make "copy" - "paste" in PDF files?

First Click the button with the letters abc, drag the mouse and then click at the "copy" button (up and left - just left from the button with the "palm"). After that, you can make "paste" in every Windows application.

How can I find something in a text?

In the HTML files, by pressing CONTROL+F. In the PDF files (Acrobat Reader), by pressing the button with the binoculars.

ATTENTION: You can also read the PDF files of this CD-ROM by using only the Acrobat Reader (without any Browser)

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