The 5th WSEAS I


were held in Malta from September 17 till September 19, 2005.





In the photo Prof. A. Lazakidou, Prof. Z. Votruba and Prof. L.Kohout

Over than 180 participants from all over the world attended these conferences.
Professor Ladislav Kohout, Chairman of the Conference ISCGAV'05 presented the first plenary lecture: "Systems Science in 21st Century: Concepts and Computations". Prof. Zdenek Votruba presented the second plenary lecture: "Impacts of Systems Ideas to the Transportation" while Professor M. Svitek
presented the third plenary lecture.
Many parallel sessions with important contributions from invited authors took place along with several discussions.

There existed Student Competition and the Prizes for the Best Students' papers were given during the conference.  

On the other hand, the authors of the best of the accepted papers received an invitation for sending an extended version to the WSEAS reputable International Journals.

The conferences were held in the 4-Star Sea Resort Hotel NEW DOLMEN HOTEL. WSEAS participants had discount rates in the room prices (19.00 Lm per night). Malta is really the Jewel of the Mediterranean. t has a rich history, holding a strategic position in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea. Malta, the beautiful island of the Knights, is an ideal vacation spot fascinating, not only for its natural beauty, but also for its archeological treasures. Malta is the island where the Apostle Paul was shipwrecked off in A.D 60 what is today known as St. Paul's Bay, place where the conference was held. Malta is also well known for its hospitality to visitors. The blue sea, warm sunshine, and rich archaeological heritage dating back over seven millennia provide an interesting backdrop to the conference. The Maltese Archipelago, consisting of Malta, Gozo, Comino and two other uninhabited islands, is situated almost at the center of the Mediterranean. Its geographical position has always attracted the attention of maritime powers, thus giving it a wealth of history out of proportion to its diminutive size. The first known inhabitants were Sicilian Neolithic farmers (c. 4000 B.C.). Romans, Greeks (Byzantines), Arabs, Spanish, Germans, French, English has the island under their occupation in various periods of History. The epic defense of the Islands during World War II is well remembered, and it was for this reason that this small nation was awarded the George Cross. The Islands achieved independence in 1964 and in 1974 became a Republic within the British Commonwealth. Modern Malta combines the cosmopolitan character of a modern island with the picturesque architecture of medieval buildings and decorative shops.
For the History of the WSEAS, we remind that these conferences were held
in previous years in Rethymno, Greece (2001 and 2002), Rhodes, Greece (2002), Tenerife, Spain (2004). In 2006, they will take place in Corfu, Greece.

Conference Statistics:
Submitted papers:
Accepted papers:
from these 173 papers, the WSEAS Committee approved additional Journal Publication for the best papers of the conferences.

Review Process: Each paper was reviewed at least by 3 independent reviewers. The WSEAS Secretariat sent each paper to 5 reviewers. Some papers received review from 5 different referees. The WSEAS Secretariat had forwarded to the responsible for the correspondence author these comments by personalized emails. The full list of the reviewers will be available in the web page:

Only authors of those papers, which are found to have very positive response from 3 referees and which are modified satisfactorily to take into account all the comments of (at least 3)  referees of the conference are invited to send an extended version in the WSEAS Journals (WSEAS Transactions). The extended version is checked again by two additional referees and a rejection or acceptance is notified to the authors. WSEAS Organizing Committee therefore congratulates those, who have been able to get the distinction of having their paper published in the Transactions.

<-- In the photo: Prof. Zeljko Panian is chairing his session

WSEAS sent a full report of the whole review process and the whole correspondence
to the following international indexes that have recognized officially the Validity and the Reputation
of the WSEAS Conferences:

* AMS (American Mathematical Soceity),
* Mathematical Reviews,
* CSA,
* ELP,
* NLG,
* Engineering Index,
* Directory of Published Proceedings,
* British Library,
* Swets Information Services

In the photo: Prof. Sebastiano Impedovo is browsing the WSEAS Books and Journals at the secretariat desk.

The Organizing Committee received the forms that the Session Chairmen filled in after the end of their Sessions and
after additional evaluation and discussion decided the following (September 28, 2005). The Criteria were
a) originality and scientific impact
b) good presentation
c) the author that presented the paper to be a student
d) the paper to be written only by one or two authors.

So, the results of this evaluation is:

The Best Student Paper Award for the 5th WSEAS International Conference on  APPLIED INFORMATICS AND COMMUNICATIONS (AIC'05)
was given to M
rs. Marian Pena  for his paper:
Faster clustering of complex data with the Generalised Harmonic Topographic Mapping (G-HaToM)
Authors: Marian Pena, Colin Fyfe]

The Best Student Paper Award for  the  5th WSEAS International Conference on SIGNAL PROCESSING, COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY & ARTIFICIAL VISION (ISCGAV'05),
was given to the Mrs. Raquel Cesar for his paper:
3D Object Prototype-Based Recognition from 2D Images Using Features Net
[Authors: Raquel Cesar, Agostinho Rosa]

The Best Student Paper Award for  the   5th WSEAS International Conference on SYSTEMS THEORY AND SCIENTIFIC COMPUTATION (ISTASC'05)
was not awarded.

1. Coffee-Breaks: The WSEAS Organizing Committee offered 6 very rich coffee-breaks.
Each coffee-breaks were composed by filter coffee, tea,  juices, cakes, biscuits, freshly baked pastries, sweets and sandwiches. During the Coffee-Breaks the attendees had several opportunities for to interchange ideas and proposals for common projects and collaboration.

2. Balquet. The Banquet of the Conferences was really superb (September 18, 2005) near the Swimming pool of the Hotel, with live Maltese  and International Music and a variety of Maltese folklore dances with live local and international orchester, singers, and a  ballet of 6 dancers. After the folklore show, most of the WSEAS participants participated in several dances by the sound of a professional orchester. In most cases, they follow the professional dancers that taught them Maltese Dance while they also enjoy themselves with european and latin-american rythms. See photos.

The Picture is from the Dance in the Banquet of September 18.

 A beautiful girl, dancer in WSEAS Conference in Malta
  is dancing with the local maltese dressing.


WSEAS Guests are dancing along with the members of the folklore group.

Other participants prefer simply to enjoy ...

To your health...

The Banquet was impressive, with a variety of different courses
(over than 30 different courses from maltese, italian and international cuisine)
The Orchester was composed by 4 players.

The dances of the folklore group were really fantastic !

Photos from the Excursion

The overall impression of the meeting was excellent. WSEAS Administrative Council thank each of you for increasing the WSEAS Reputation by these wonderful and important meetings.
See also: