The conferences
co-organised by the Florida
International University (FIU), Miami
and the WSEAS.
The Co-Chairmen and Co-Editors of the conference Proceedings were
Professor A. Caballero,
Professor K. Yen,
Professor N. Mastorakis
Professor K. Grigoriadis,
Professor L. Zadeh,
Professor A. Stuberrud
Over than 160 participants from all
over the world attended these conferences.
Conference Statistics:
Submitted papers:
Accepted papers:
from these 201 papers, the WSEAS
Committee approved additional
Journal Publication for the best papers of the conferences.
Prof. Juri Jatskevich (
and Mr. Robert Fraser (
) for sending to WSEAS the following photos.
We publish them in this web page after a necessary compression and resolution
More photos with high resolution are available in zip files:
as well as

(Florida International University)
opened the meeting by welcoming the delegates on behalf of the organizers and
pointing out the importance of the WSEAS
that open new horizons to scientific and technical community, connect the
academic results with needs of the industry, bring together people working in
the same or similar areas. WSEAS is an excellent initiative of
inspired colleagues working on several areas of applied mathematics and
computational science. So, in fact, WSEAS is the international society of
mathematical methods and computational techniques. Professor Caballero
spoke favourably of the high quality of the
papers of the WSEAS conferences, the usual high level of
presentations and
in general
work done by WSEAS in publishing the Proceedings for the meeting,
maintaining a big E-Library with all the
accepted papers (since 1996)
and promoting
the best papers of the meetings
in several international journals and
wonderful collections of papers in the WSEAS Books.
(Florida International
University) then referred to the increasing importance
of Computer Science, Signal Processing,
Electronics, Systems and Control
as well as
of the other sub-areas covered by the symposium
for the other sciences as well as for our life itself.
They are
open areas for research and knowledge interaction
that attract researchers and practitioners from a wide variety of fields.
They are also eminently interdisciplinary topics which brings together
electrical engineers, computer scientists,
applied mathematicians,
naval and
mechanical engineers and many others.
Professor A.
(President of WSEAS in Mexico)
then welcomed the delegates in the name of WSEAS
Mexican Chapter
and mentioned
how well suited the conference is to the philosophy of our academic community, i.e.
to act as a
for the transfer of knowledge at an international level.
In addition to numerous papers, there was
the following
Keynote Lecture I
Time-Optimal System Design Methodology: Current State and Perspectives
Prof. Alexander Zemliak, WSEAS Fellow
Physics & Mathem. Dept., Puebla Auton. University,
Av. San Claudio s/n, Ciudad, Puebla, Pue., 72570,
Keynote Lecture II:
Computational Intelligence Tools for the Solution of Ordinary and Partial
Differential Equations
Prof. Nikos E. Mastorakis, WSEAS President
Military Institutes of University Education (ASEI)
Hellenic Naval Academy
Head of the Department of Computer Science
Terma Hatzikyriakou, 18539
Piraeus, GREECE
A meeting of the
WSEAS Organizers
of the conference took place in
restaurant of the Hotel
, The committee discussed the objectives of the
and went over the list of topics, suggesting new ones to attract
colleagues from
areas such as
applied mathematics,
sociology and economics. The importance of the integrated approach to
development and planning was stressed. The meeting then discussed different
scientific results presented in the conference and thought about possible
involvement of the authors of the presented papers in national and international
projects. Some students also from countries outside US would also find the
occasion and the way to continue their studies in US (in Miami, in Florida
International University, as well as in other well-known universities of US). To
this effort, WSEAS will offer
valuable help to students, mainly form developing countries.
The general feeling was that we ought to build on the success of the meeting.

A Photo from a Session

Professor Dattatreya (Univ. at Dallas, USA) presenting his invited paper
Miami, Florida:
Miami is a city located in southeast Florida in
Miami-Dade County on the Miami River. It is the county seat and largest city in
Miami-Dade County (est. 2000 population: 2,253,362). Although the city itself is
not large, the metropolis of Miami comprises many small surrounding towns,
cities, and the massive UMSA (Unincorporated Metropolitan Statistical Area). As
of the 2000 census, the city proper had a total population of 362,470. Directly
west of the metropolitan area are the Florida Everglades. Such cities include
Miami Beach, Bal Harbour, North Bay Village, Sunny Isles, North Miami Beach,
Aventura, North Miami, Opa-locka, Carol City, Miami Lakes, Unincorporated
Miami-Dade county, Hialeah, Medley, Miami Springs, Westchester, West Miami,
Kendall, Pinecrest, the village of Key Biscayne, Coconut Grove, Coral Gables,
Sweetwater and Homestead. Greater Miami is a vibrant area established during the
1890s. Today Dade County has over 2.2 million inhabitants, and neighboring
Broward and Palm Beach Counties to the north have 1.6 and 1.1 million
respectively. Miami is considered a cultural melting pot due to the large Latin
American population. Among Miamians are Cubans, Nicaraguans, Colombians,
Venezuelans, Puerto Ricans, Argentinians, Ecuadorian, Brazilians, Dominicans,
Haitians and Mexicans. The name "Miami" comes from a Native American word for
"big water". The area was a concentration of water because the Miami River is
essentially a funnel for water from the Everglades to the Atlantic Ocean. Miami
is the host city for sports teams such as the Miami Dolphins, the Miami Heat,
the Miami Sol, the Florida Panthers, the Miami Fusion and the Florida Marlins.
The University of Miami and Florida International University are in the Miami
metropolitan area. Tourism, foreign trade, and manufacturing are among its most
important industries.

A Photo from another Session
Review Process:
Each paper was reviewed at
least by
3 independent reviewers.
Secretariat sent each paper to 5 reviewers.
Some papers received review
from 5 different referees. The WSEAS Secretariat
forwarded to the responsible for the correspondence author these comments
by personalized emails.
The full list of the reviewers
will be available in the web page:
Only authors of those papers, which are
found to have very positive response from 3 referees and which are modified
satisfactorily to take into account all the comments of (at least 3)
referees of the conference are invited to send an extended version in the WSEAS
Journals (WSEAS Transactions). The extended version is checked again by two
additional referees and a rejection or acceptance is notified to the authors.
WSEAS Organizing Committee therefore congratulates those, who have been able to
get the distinction of having their paper published in the Transactions.
a full report of the whole review process and the whole correspondence
to the following international indexes that have recognized officially the
Validity and the Reputation
of the WSEAS Conferences:
* AMS (American Mathematical Soceity),
* Mathematical Reviews,
* CSA,
* ELP,
* NLG,
* Engineering Index,
* Directory of Published Proceedings,
* British Library,
* Swets Information Services
The Organizing Committee received the forms that the Session Chairmen
filled in after the end of their Sessions and
after additional evaluation and discussion decided the following (November
24, 2005). The Criteria were
a) originality and scientific impact
b) good presentation
c) the author that presented the paper to be a student
d) the paper to be written only by one or two authors.
So, the results of this evaluation is:
The Best Student Paper Award for the
E-ACTIVITIES (E-Learning, E-Communities, E-Commerce,
E-Marketing, E-Governance, Tele-Working)
was given to Mrs.
Agnieszka Zmijewska
(Australia) for her paper:
Traditional Acceptance Theories and Mobile Technology Adoption - A Case
[Authors: Agnieszka Zmijewska, Elaine Lawrence]
The Best Student Paper Award for the
was given to Mr. Shakih Alam (USA)
for his paper:
CMOS LNA and Mixer Components for 2GHz applications in 0.18-µm CMOS""
[Authors: Shaikh K. Alam, Joanne DeGroat]
The Best Student Paper Award for the
was given to Mr. Hendrik Fischer
for his paper:
An Intelligent, Mobile Information System to Aid In-Store Purchase Decision
[Authors: Hendrik Fischer, Walter D. Potter]
1. Coffee-Breaks: The
Organizing Committee
offered 6 very rich coffee-breaks.
coffee-breaks were composed by filter coffee, decaf. coffee, tea, local sweets, biscuits,
freshly baked pastries. During the Coffee-Breaks
the attendees had several opportunities for to interchange ideas and proposals
for common projects and collaboration.

The Banquet was really superb with many different plates and local
2. Banquet.
had the pleasure to enjoy a Show with dancers from Saint Domenic Republic.
After that, each of our participants danced with us in a wonderful
unforgettable night of November 18
The live Orchestra played also modern music and all the participants
danced and enjoy themselves
The Banquet was really
superb with many different plates and local delicacies (November 18, 2005)
The dances of the
folklore group were really fantastic ! See photos below.

Juri Jatskevich, Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of British
Columbia (Canada)
and Mr. Christian Bastisch (Germany) with the
"exotic dancers" from St. Domenic

The Show was really exotic

The Show was really exotic and the
show-women invited the WSEAS partipants to dance as well as
to make photos ...

All the participants had a good time ...

and enjoyed a real and genuine carribean

an unforgettable show inside the brazilian,
cubanese, domenican, colombian rythms

It was a warm Latin Night

with attractions ...

and happenings ...

and dance

A pleasant surprise was also the
internationally known greek song: "Piraeus' Children" (Composer:
Manos Chatzidakis) by the film of
Melina Merkouri "Never on Sunday" that was executed by Prof. Nikos Mastorakis.
See Photo above.
Prof. Mastorakis was also the second Keynote Speaker of the
WSEAS US Branch thanks Prof. Mastorakis very much.
("Kai tin Koini Elliniki Lalia os tin Vaktriani tin ferame", K.Kavafis)
3. Excursions.
At the end of the conference many excursions took place in Orlando and
Florida Keys.The organizer of the Excursions was Mr. Robert Fraser and
his travel agency:
The overall impression of the meeting was
WSEAS Administrative Council thank each
of you for
increasing the WSEAS Reputation by these wonderful and important
See also:
More photos with high resolution are available in zip files:
as well as