The following international conferences were held in Istanbul, Turkey from
May 27 to May 29, 2006
9th WSEAS International Conference on APPLIED MATHEMATICS
WSEAS thanks the following Chairmen-Organizers of the event
Prof. Dr. Metin Demiralp
Full Member of Turkish Academy of Sciences
& Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
Prof. Dr. Aydin Akan
Istanbul University, Turkey
Photo from the Opening
Photo from the Opening
Photo from the Opening
Photo from the Parallel Sessions
Photos from the Parallel Sessions
Photos from the Parallel Sessions
Photos from the Parallel Sessions
Photos from the Parallel Sessions
Photo from the Parallel Sessions
Photos from the Parallel Sessions
Conference Statistics:
Submitted papers to the 3 conferences: 634
Accepted papers of the 3 conferences: 312
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Review Process: Each paper was reviewed at least by 2 independent reviewers. The
WSEAS Secretariat sent each paper to 4 reviewers. Some papers received reviews
from 4 different referees. The WSEAS Secretariat forwarded these comments by
personalized emails to the responsible for the correspondence author. The full
list of the reviewers will be available in the web page:
Only authors of those papers, which are found to have very positive response
from 2 referees and which are modified sufficiently to take into account all the
comments of (at least 2) referees of the conference are invited to send an
extended version in the WSEAS Journals (WSEAS Transactions).
WSEAS sent a full report of the whole review process and the whole
to the following international indexes that have recognized officially the
Validity and the Reputation
of the WSEAS Conferences: (see also: www.worldses.org/indexes )
The WSEAS Books and Conference Proceedings related to these conferences are
covered by:
3) CSA (Cambridge Scientific Abstracts).
4) ELSEVIER and Elsevier Bibliographic Database.
7) MATHSCINET of AMS (American Mathematical Society)
8) MATHEMATICAL REVIEWS of AMS (American Mathematical Society)
9) Directory of Published Proceedings
10) Computer Science Bibliography Administrator
11) American Chemical Society and its Index: Chemical Abstracts Service.
12) European Library in Paris (France)
13) DEST Database (Australia)
14) Engineering Information
17) British Library
18) National Library of Greece
19) German National Library of Science and Technology
The WSEAS Journals where extended versions of selected and invited papers from
these conferences have been published are indexed by
1) ISI through the INSPEC (IEE)
3) CSA (Cambridge Scientific Abstracts)
4) ELSEVIER and Elsevier Bibliographic Database.
6) MATHSCINET of AMS (American Mathematical Society)
8) MATHEMATICAL REVIEWS of AMS (American Mathematical Society)
9) Computer Science Bibliography Administrator
10) British Library
11) American Chemical Society and its Index: Chemical Abstracts Service.
12) European Library in Paris (France)
13) DEST Database (Australia)
14) Swets Information Services
15) Engineering Information
18) Mayersche
19) Index of Information Systems Journals
20) National Library of Greece.
Plenary Lectures:
Expectation Value Based
Mathematical Methodology in Quantum Optimal Control Problems
Prof. Metin Demiralp
Istanbul Technical University,
Quantum Optimal Control Problems are encountered in many fields of physics,
chemistry and a lot of applied sciences and their mathematical background and
tools are quite rich in nature. Since the most of the cost functionals used in
these problems are beyond the quadratic nature, the variationally obtained
control equations are nonlinear partial differential equations coupled with one
or more functional equations. The character of the motion corresponds to a
boundary value problem in time. The solution of these equations can be obtained
through various standing methods. One of the recently developed methods to this
end is based on the expectation values of certain quantum mechanical operators.
Instead of the wavefunction's evolution, these expectation values' evolution is
taken into consideration. The result is a set of coupled ordinary differential
equations with nonliearities both in the structure and in the accompanied
boundary conditions. Nevertheless they are ordinary differential equations and
there is an abundance of methods to solve them. This presentation will cover the
mainlines and important aspects of this approach after an introductory
historical development section. Most recent applications will also be mentioned.
Hebbian Learning and
Negative Feedback Neural Networks
Professor Colin Fyfe
The University of Paisley, Scotland
The central idea of this presentation is that artificial neural networks which
use negative feedback of activation can use simple Hebbian learning to
self-organise in such a way that they uncover interesting structure in data
sets. The network in its simplest form performs a Principal Component Analysis.
Extensions to the network are shown to perform Exploratory Projection Pursuit:
they find low-dimensional filters of the data which reveal interesting structure
in the data. For example, we might search for outliers from the main body of the
data or clusters within the data set and this search can be performed in a
hierarchical manner – we find one cluster in the midst of many and then
re-project the data from this one cluster to attempt to find subclusters. There
are two main ways of performing these searches and these are contrasted and
compared and a composite method created which exhibits useful properties from
the two underlying methods.The network can also be used to find independent
components of a data set in a number of different ways. For example, one
extension to the basic network is shown to perform a type of Factor Analysis –
it identifies a set of factors which when OR-ed together will construct the data
set. Other methods are used to perform Independent Component Analysis which is
extensively used in blind source separation – extracting one signal from a
linear mixture of signals. The network can also be used for clustering in a
topology preserving manner: there are several ways of clustering using this
network in such a way that similar data points are clustered close to one
another and only similar data points are treated this way. In part 2 of the
talk, twinned networks are introduced: these networks have two input data
streams on which they self-organise using simple Hebbian learning with negative
feedback again. In their basic form, the networks are shown to perform Canonical
Correlation Analysis, the statistical technique which finds those filters onto
which projections of the two data streams have greatest correlation. Various
extensions of the basic methods are devised in order to create methods which
react to more than two data streams at a time or which deal with problems such
as multicollinearity. A further extension is the twinning of the Exploratory
Projection Pursuit methods from the first part of the book so that the new
network identifies shared structure across two data streams. This new network is
also shown to perform Independent Component Analysis. A final chapter deviates
somewhat from the rest of the book since its emphasis is on an extension of the
Principal Curve algorithm so that we now have two curves learning on two data
streams simultaneously. Since the scope of the talk is the development of new
algorithms, all algorithms which are derived analytically, are illustrated on
artificial data before being used on real data sets. Where it is of interest,
the results are compared with those from standard statistics or from alternative
artificial neural networks.
Next Generation Optical
Networks, SDH and Protocols
Professor Stamatios
The University of Oklahoma,
Abstract: As
communication needs evolve, the current optical network requires both
synchronous and asynchronous traffic with enhanced efficiently, scalability,
protection strategies, and performance-cost objectives. The next generation
optical network is based on DWDM technology and is designed on new standard
protocols to efficiently address these requirements. This network may be viewed
as an amalgamation of the best concepts from legacy synchronous and asynchronous
networks, adding to it new concepts that enhance network attributes including
efficiency-cost. This short course starts with a review of critical optical
network topologies, the SONET/SDH standard and DWDM technology. It describes the
next generation SONET/SDH, Data-over-SONET/SDH, Packet-over-SONET/SDH, error
handling, protection switching, the Link Capacity Adjustment Scheme (LCAS), the
Generalized Framing Procedure (GFP), the Link Access Procedure for SDH (LAPS),
Internet and Ethernet over SONET/SDH, Virtual Concatenation (VC), Multi-Service
Switching Platform (MSSP), Multi-Service Provisioning Platform (MSPP), Next
Generation SONET/SDH over DWDM, as well as the Optical Transport Network (OTN).
This course is supported by notes and optionally by four books authored by the
instructor (published by IEEE/Wiley): “Next generation SONET/SDH” (2004),
“Understanding SONET/SDH and ATM” (1999), “Introduction to DWDM Technology”
(2001), and “DWDM: Networks, Devices and Technology” (2003).
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The Organizing Committee received the forms that the Session Chairmen filled in
after the end of their Sessions and after additional evaluation and discussion
decided the following.
The Criteria were
a) originality and scientific impact
b) good presentation
c) paper presented by a student
So, the results of this evaluation is:
The Best Student Paper Award for the
9th WSEAS International Conference on APPLIED MATHEMATICS
was given to Engin Tas for the paper:
An Improved Version of Backpropagation Algorithm with Effective Dynamic
Learning Rate and Momentum
Authors: Mammadagha Mammadov, Engin Tas
The Best Student Paper Award for the
5th WSEAS International Conference on TELECOMMUNICATIONS and INFORMATICS (TELE-INFO '06)
was given to Syrine Karoui for the paper:
A Bidirectional Bluetooth Authentication Scheme based on Game-Theoretic Framework
Authors: Nabil El Kadhi, Syrine Karoui, Fouad Ben Abdelaziz
The Best Student Paper Award for the
5th WSEAS International Conference on SIGNAL PROCESSING (SIP '06)
was given to Mustafa Sarimollaoglu for the paper:
Musical Instrument Classification Using Neural Networks
Authors: Mustafa Sarimollaoglu, Coskun Bayrak
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1. Coffee-Breaks: The conference attendees enjoyed 6 coffee-breaks with coffee,
tea, cakes, sweets, apple-juices, orange-juices, cherry-juices.
During the Coffee-Breaks the attendees had
several opportunities to exchange ideas and proposals for common projects and
2. Banquet: The Conference Banquet (21:00 o'clock on Sunday, May 28) took
place in the hotel in the Marmara Room with spectacular view over the
Marmara Sea ("Propontis"). The participants enjoyed 42 different plates
with many traditional turkish delicacies (meze), 3 different live orchesters
with an impressive oriental show.
The first orchester included modern turkish music, the second orchester had
a bouzouki with turkish (and greek) folklore songs and the third orchester
played for traditional turkish dances.
Special turkish local delicacies from Istanbul and other parties of Anatolia
(like Adana, Ankara, Izmir, Kayseri) were offered in the banquet. Excellent local wine was offered unlimited to all.
It was an unforgettable night in the Hotel President built in the historical
part of Istanbul, in a walking distance from the Church of Agia Sofia and Sultan
Ahmet Camii.
The Orchester with the Modern Turkish Songs
Oriental Show: Belly Dance
Oriental Show: Belly Dance
Playing Bouzouki: Common Turkish and Greek Dances ("zeibek" and "chasap" dances)
Traditional Turkish Music and Oriental Show
It was a fantastic Banquet
Wonderful Night with Turkish Dances and Turkish Cuizine
.jpg) Wonderful
Night with Turkish Dances
A great variety of meals and delicacies
Anatolia is here ....
Anatolia is here ....
The Orchester plays rythms from the East, Central and West Anatolia (turkish
folklore dances)
The WSEAS conferences give special emphasis in the culture and civilization.
Here, dances
from the East, Central and West Anatolia
Turkish traditional dances from all the parts of Anatolia (Asian part of Turkey)
and Rumeli
(European part of Turkey).
The dances shows the soul of a nation. Continue,
OK! We will continue in the same place during the WSEAS Conferences of 2007 (in
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Dolma Baktse Palace
Dolma Baktse Palace
Dolma Baktse Palace (Gate to Bosporous)
Dolma Baktse Palace (details from the interior)
Dolma Baktse Palace (details from the interior)
Dolma Baktse Palace
Dolma Baktse Palace
Dolma Baktse Palace
Dolma Baktse Palace
Dolma Baktse Palace
Dolma Baktse Palace
Dolma Baktse Palace
Byzantine Walls
Byzantine Walls
Byzantine Walls
Bridge connecting Europe and Asia (over the Bosporous)
Bridge connecting Europe and Asia (over the Bosporous)
Heydar Pasha (railway station)
Tower of Leandros
Bridge connecting Europe and Asia (over the Bosporous)
Bosporous (photo from the Rumeli Hisar)
Overlooking Black Sea ("Euxeinos Pontos")
The overall impression of the meeting was excellent. WSEAS Administrative
Council thank each of you for increasing the WSEAS Reputation by these wonderful
and important meetings.
See also
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