The WSEAS conferences in Hangzhou, China, April 15-17, 2007


attracted excellent contributions on fundamental developments as well as innovative applications.
They were organized by the WSEAS and the Tianjin University of Technology and Education.  

Prof. Anping Xu, Prof. S. Chen and Prof. N. Bardis worked very hard for the success of these events. WSEAS thanks them cordially. They welcomed the participants and explained the latest developments that have taken place at WSEAS conferences in Hangzhou. They referred in particular to the importance of these conferences and their very successful history since the first meeting. The series has been held annually since then in response to the interest of the international community in the topic. So, they announced the same conferences again in Hangzhou in April of 2008.

The WSEAS Organizers, Prof. Anping Xu, Prof. S. Chen , Prof. N. Bardis, Prof. H. Zhu, Prof. Bing Yan, Prof. Qingguo Meng, Prof. Dehua Miao, Prof. Yi Fang,  met over a dinner (not the official Banquet of the Conference) to discuss improvements in the future WSEAS meetings in Hangzhou (see the WSEAS programme in 2008). They discussed also possibilities for joint research projects.

The additional features of this successful multiconference of the WSEAS were:
1) Publication of the Proceedings in 3 media: hard-copy, CD, E-Library
(A) Books in the Electrical Engineering Series of the WSEAS  (see details, contents, author indices and editors below) with ISBN and ISSNindexed by the major Citation Indexes:

(B) CD-ROM Proceedings with pages' numbers with ISBN and ISSN indexed by the major Citation Indexes:

(C) E-Library:

and possible:

(D) JOURNAL PUBLICATION: Only authors of high - quality papers of archival value (they have been recommended by the Chairmen) have been invited (after the end of the conference) to send extended versions of their papers to the international WSEAS Journals after the conference. See the procedure below.

2) Rich cultural and social part as usual in WSEAS events. The importance of these conferences can be proved by the impact of these conferences in 2006: See, please

3) The conference Books (Hard-Copy Proceedings), CD-ROM proceedings and (Journals with selected papers) published by WSEAS Press continue to sell for a long time after the meeting has taken place. This is another demonstration of the prestige the scientific community attribute to the meetings organised by the WSEAS.

BOOKS (Hard Copy of the Proceedings)

Editors: Anping Xu et. el., pages 690, price: 130 EUR
[Contents], [Order], [Full PDF of the Papers], [Help]

Editors: Anping Xu et. el., pages 176, price: 70 EUR
[Contents], [Order], [Full PDF of the Papers], [Help]

Editors: Anping Xu et. el., pages 340, price: 80 EUR
[Contents], [Order], [Full PDF of the Papers], [Help]
Conference Statistics:
Submitted papers: 893
Accepted papers: 408

                                        Pictures from the Conferences. Click a picture to see a larger view-->


.: Location: About Hanhzhou:
Hangzhou is the capital of Zhejiang province and its political, economic and cultural center. With its famous natural beauty and cultural heritages, Hangzhou is one of China's most important tourist venues.
The City, the southern terminus of the Grand Canal, is located on the lower reaches of the Qiantang River in southeast China, a superior position in the Yangtze Delta and only 180 kilometers from Shanghai. Hangzhou has a subtropical monsoon type climate with four quite distinct seasons. However, it is neither too hot in summer nor too cold in winter making it a year round destination.
The West Lake is undoubtedly the most renowned feature of Hangzhou, noted for the scenic beauty that blends naturally with many famous historical and cultural sites. In this scenic area, Solitary Hill, the Mausoleum of General Yue Fei, the Six Harmonies Pagoda and the Ling Yin Temple are probably the most frequently visited attractions. The "Ten West Lake Prospects" have been specially selected to give the visitor outstanding views of the lake, mountains and monuments.

.: Scientific Part
Review Process: Each paper was reviewed at least by 3 independent reviewers. The WSEAS Secretariat sent each paper to 5 reviewers. Some papers received reviews from 5 different referees. The WSEAS Secretariat forwarded these comments by personalized emails to the responsible for the correspondence author. The full list of the reviewers will be available in the web page: 

.: What is the Permanent Procedure for additional Journal publication for a very small number of High-Quality Papers presented in WSEAS Conferences.

One month after the conference, each author of a high-quality papers (after the suggestion of the Conference Organizers) received the following email:

Dear Author,

One month after the conference, we have started the evaluation of the papers from the conference in China (Hangzhou) for possible inclusion of their extended and enhanced versions in the WSEAS Journals.

INTRODUCTION: You know that our goal is to maintain very strong international journals, to increase the impact of our beloved WSEAS Transactions, really top journals as they really are. To this end, we need only high quality papers, breakthrough works of archival value, i.e. papers that are well written from any point of view, completed studies (with their numerical examples or experiments that must be compared with the previous results in the literature), excellent english and of course correct WSEAS format. The papers also must be substantially extended version of the paper that was presented in the conference (with more than 40% new material). We need papers that will attract the attention of other scholars citing them increasing our impact. In the next few years, the WSEAS transactions must be in every academic library, in every corner of the earth. To this end, we need your high quality contribution.

a) Check very carefully if your idea is really important, breakthrough in your field and can appear in a Journal of the quality and the level of the WSEAS Transactions. If you doubt, do not send it so easily. Your paper must not be only a good idea. It must be a complete study with theoretical background, complete bibliographical references; without grammatical and syntactical errors. For theoretical works: full comparison with previous published papers is necessary. We need numerical examples, applicability of the method, originality, novelty and directions for future research. For experimental or computational works: full comparison with previous published papers is necessary. We need real experiments with the necessary documentation, while for computational work, we need full benchmarks. Of course along discussions for the applicability of the method, originality, novelty and directions for future research.

b) Complete the extended version of your paper until June 30
and send it until June 30, by email to Prof. Nikos Bardis:

bardis *at*
(replace *at* with @ and remove blanks)

You must receive an email notification from Nikos after your submission. Nikos Bardis will check: if it is really an extended paper of our conference and if it fulfils the requirements of the previous paragraph a). If not, he is entitled to reject it from this early stage informing you properly.

c) If Prof.Bardis verifies that your paper fulfils the requirements of the paragraph a), then he will send it to 3 independent Reviewers outside your country. The positive answer of the 3 reviewers is necessary (i.e. 2 yes and 1 no implies NO, i.e.rejection).

d) Prof. Nikos Bardis will collect the reviewers' remarks and will send them again to you for acceptance/ acceptance after minor revision/ acceptance after major revision / rejection

e) Possibly new rounds of review will be needed

f) No additional fee is needed in case of acceptance.

g) Some authors (fortunately very few for the WSEAS Congresses) that did not show up in the conference (in China) to present their paper are not eligible to send extended version to Prof. Bardis. (Of course,
they can send, at any time of the year, their papers via the normal procedure of the WSEAS Journals directly to the Editors-in-Chiefs  )

After all this procedure, the accepted papers that come from WSEAS Conferences in Hangzhou
will be published in
* WSEAS Transactions on SYSTEMS

IF: you want another journal, or if you miss the deadline of June 30, or if you did not present your paper in the conference THEN: you can upload it quite independently as regular paper from the WSEAS Site for the Journals:

The final list of the papers must have the approval of Prof. Nikos Bardis, 3 Reviewers, and of course the Editor-in-Chief of the particular Journal. i.e. 5 persons: 3 Reviewers, Guest Editor and the Editor-in-Chief of the particular Journal. We hope to help to to maintain the WSEAS Transactions, top journals in the electrical and computer engineering

WSEAS sent a full report of the whole review process and the whole correspondence to the following international indexes that have recognized officially the Validity and the Reputation of the WSEAS Conferences: (see also: )

.: Best Student Papers:
The Organizing Committee received the forms that the Session Chairmen filled in after the end of their Sessions and after additional evaluation and discussion decided the following.
The Criteria were
a) originality and scientific impact
b) good presentation
c) paper presented by a student

The results of this evaluation are:

Conference: ACOS
Won by: Sigma On Kee Lee
Title: Automatic Tag Recommendation for the Web 2.0 Blogosphere using Collaborative Tagging and Hybrid ANN Semantic Structures
Authors: Sigma On Kee Lee, Andy Hon Wai Chun

Conference: IMCAS
Won by: Min Li Huang
Title: An Adaptive EDCA TXOP with Rate Adaptation For QoS Provision
Authors: Min Li Huang, Seungbeom Lee, Sin-Chong Park

Conference: ROCOM
Won by: Yan Pan
Title: Kinematic Analysis of a Novel 3-DOF Parallel Robot with 4 Limbs
Authors: Wang Zhongfei, Qian Xianfa, Ji Shiming, Wan Yuehua, Pan Yan

Conference: MUSP
Won by: Shangqi Bao
Title: Automatic Sightline Stabilisation in Noisy Imagery
Authors: Shangqi Bao, Jason F. Ralph



PROCEEDINGS: The Proceedings related to the Conference are covered by:
2. INSPEC (IET, former IEE)
3. CSA (Cambridge Scientific Abstracts)
4. ELSEVIER and Elsevier Bibliographic Database
7. MATHSCINET of AMS (American Mathematical Society)
8. MATHEMATICAL REVIEWS of AMS (American Mathematical Society)
9. Directory of Published Proceedings
10. Computer Science Bibliography Administrator
11. American Chemical Society and its Index: Chemical Abstracts Service
12. European Library in Paris (France)
13. DEST Database (Australia)
14. Engineering Information
18. Compendex (CPX)
23. OceanBase
24. BEILSTEIN Abstracts
25. World Textiles
27. British Library
28. National Library of Greece
29. German National Library of Science and Technology
30. IARAS Index

The authors of the best papers have been invited to send extended versions of their papers to various international reputable journals. However, these papers must be of high-quality (break-through work).These journals are covered by:
1. ISI through the INSPEC (IEE)
2. INSPEC (IET, former IEE)
3. CSA (Cambridge Scientific Abstracts)
4. ELSEVIER and Elsevier Bibliographic Database
6. MATHSCINET of AMS (American Mathematical Society)
8. MATHEMATICAL REVIEWS of AMS (American Mathematical Society)
9. Computer Science Bibliography Administrator
10. British Library
11. American Chemical Society and its Index: Chemical Abstracts Service
12. European Library in Paris (France)
13. DEST Database (Australia)
14. Swets Information Services
15. Engineering Information
19. Compendex (CPX)
20. Geobase
24. OceanBase
25. BEILSTEIN Abstracts
26. World Textiles
28. Mayersche
29. Index of Information Systems Journals
30. National Library of Greece
31. IARAS Index



Intelligent Recurrent Cerebellar Model Articulation
Controller Design

Professor Chih-Min Lin
Department of Electrical Engineering
Yuan Ze University, Taiwan

Abstract: Based on biological prototype of human brain and improved understanding of the functionality of the neurons and the pattern of their interconnections in the brain, many mathematical models of neural networks have been proposed to perform useful computational functions in different applications. Among these NN models, a theoretical model used to explain the information-processing characteristics of the cerebellum was developed independently by Marr (1969) and Albus (1971). CMAC, first proposed by Albus, signifies cerebellar model articulation controller. CMAC is a learning structure that imitates the organization and functionality of the cerebellum of the human brain. That model revealed the structure and functionality of the various cells and fibers in the cerebellum.
The core of CMAC is an associative memory which has the ability to realize complex nonlinear functions. CMAC takes advantage of the input-redundancy by using distributed storage and can learn nonlinear functions extremely quickly due to the local adjustment of its weights. CMAC has been applied in the closed-loop control of complex dynamical systems for the reason of good generalization capability and fast learning property.


Boolean Functions and Contemporary Cryptography

Professor Oleksander Markovskyy
National Technical University of Ukraine
(Polytechnic Institute of Kiev)
Department of Computer Engineering

Abstract: Τhe one way (non invertible) transformations constitute the basis of the contemporary cryptography. A substantial part of the contemporary cryptographic algorithms is based on the one way transformations, which use the Boolean functions. In particular, the cryptographic properties of two most important classes of the algorithms (block cipher and stream ciphers for symmetrical coding) are based on the Boolean transformations.
In this Plenary Lecture, the contemporary state of the Boolean functions theory will be presented in details including specific cryptographic tasks for implementation. The basic properties of the Boolean functions, which are important for the cryptographic applications, and also the contemporary state of the problem for obtaining the Boolean functions, which possess such properties, will be mentioned, analyzed and discussed. Considerable attention will be given to the theoretical issues of the development of the Boolean functions for developing and implementing effective cryptographic systems.


Intentional 3D Vision in Robotics

Professor S. Y. Chen
University of Hamburg
Zhejiang University of Technology

Abstract: The 3D model of an object or environment is very important to many practical applications, e.g. hypermedia techniques, interactive handling/working, virtualized reality, interactive exploration, robot autonomous applications, etc. An efficient way to obtain such models is using 3D vision. However, since no prior information about the targets is available before the vision task is taking place, it is desired that the robot is capable to purposively decide how to finish the modeling task without human interference. The project investigates the issue of intentional perception planning in which there are three related problems to be tackled, i.e. perception planning, purposive sensor configuration, and 3D model construction. They are considered in an autonomous vision system which employs an observing strategy for target modeling. The research develops methods to actively decide the viewpoints and sensor configuration to observe specific aspects of the target and estimates the modeling state or completeness. The system analyzes the obtained information and performs the perception strategy that automatically generates a multi-view plan. The research would lead to fully automate the modeling process and have the mechanism to autonomously move and change sensing parameters for complete 3D data recovery.

.:Social Part (Coffee-Breaks, Banquet, Excursions)

The Coffee, Tea, Sweets, Cakes and Pastries were available for the Guests. WSEAS thanks the Tianjin University of Technology and Education. The Banquet was superb, fantastic with many surprises.
Participants enjoyed a wonderful self-service buffet (more than 40 courses) with many attractions and chinese music and chinese dancers (see the photos above).
Several Excursions and short visits to the monuments of the town as well as of Benjin took place before and after the WSEAS Conferences.