AMTA-MCBC-MCBE-ICAI-Bucharest-Romania-June-2008 (174 images)


Post-Conference Report for the WSEAS Conferences:
AMTA '08, MCBC '08, MCBE '08, ICAI '08
Bucharest, Romania, June 24-26, 2008


  • This report contains 221 images copyrighted by the WSEAS. All rights reserved.
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    WSEAS and ACADEMIA ROMANA co-organized the following parallel conferences:


    Host and Sponsor:

    Institute of Solid Mechanics of Romanian Academy, Department of Dynamic Systems, C-tin Mille 15 Sector 1, Bucharest Tel./Fax. 0040 021 312 6736


    Scientific Sponsor: 

    National University Research Council
    1 Schitu Magureanu Street, Sector 5, Code 76626, Bucharest, Romania
    Tel. 004 021 307.19.18
    Fax. 004 021 307.19.19

    University Politehnica of Bucharest
    Splaiul Independentei 313, Bucharest, Postal Code 060042, ROMANIA
    Telephone: +4021-402 91 00 ; +4021-318 10 22 / 23 / 24 / 25
    Fax: +4021-318 10 01

    Executive Agency for Higher Education and Research Funding (UEFISCSU)


    Opening Ceremony:

    Prof. Malcolm J. Crocker
    Distinguished University Professor
    Auburn University, Department of Mechanical Engineering
    201 Ross Hall, Auburn, AL 36849, USA

    Prof. Ioan Dumitrache,
    CorrespondingMember of Romanian Academy
    President of the National University Research Council
    Politehnica University of Bucharest, ROMANIA

    Prof. Tudor Sireteanu
    Member of the Technical Sciences Academy from Romania (ASTR)
    Director of Institute of Solid Mechanics of Romanian Academy,
    Department of Dynamic Systems, Bucharest, ROMANIA

    Prof. Paul Dan Cristea,
    Corresponding Member of Romanian Academy
    Director of the Romanian Bioinformatics Society
    Biomedical Engineering Centre,
    University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, ROMANIA

    Prof. Pier Paolo Delsanto,
    Chair of Structural Mechanics, Bioindustry Park of Canavese
    Bioinformatics and High Performance Computing Lab
    Politecnico of Torino, ITALY

    Prof. Hongnian Yu
    Department of Computing, Engineering and Technology
    Staffordshire University, Stafford ST16 9DG, UK

    Prof. Gh. Pascovici
    University of Koeln, GERMANY

    Prof. Virgil Tiponut
    Electronic and Telecommunications Faculty
    POLITEHNICA University Timisoara, ROMANIA


    With pride, WSEAS received the following Important contributions and upgraded them as keynote and plenary lectures:

    Plenary Lecture 1:

    A Lifetime Dedicated To Acoustics

    Acad. Prof. Radu VOINEA, Member of Romanian Academy
    President of the Acoustics Commission of the Romanian Academy
    Member of the Technical Sciences Academy from Romania (ASTR)

    Plenary Lecture 2:

    Sound Quality

    by Prof. Malcolm J. Crocker,
    Distinguished University Professor
    Auburn University, Department of Mechanical Engineering
    201 Ross Hall, Auburn, AL 36849, USA.

    Plenary Lecture 3:

    The Effect of Structural Degradation on the Dynamic Behaviour of Buildings

    Prof. Tudor Sireteanu,
    Member of the Technical Sciences Academy from Romania (ASTR)
    Director of Institute of Solid Mechanics of Romanian Academy,
    Department of Dynamic Systems, Bucharest, ROMANIA

    Plenary Lecture 4:

    On the sound propagation in the open air

    Prof. Veturia Chiroiu,
    Member of the Technical Sciences Academy from Romania (ASTR)
    Head of Department of Deformable Media
    Romanian Academy, Institute of Solid Mechanics, ROMANIA

    Plenary Lecture 5:

    Measurement and reproduction of spatialization in room acoustics

    Prof. Lamberto Tronchin,
    Chair of the Musical Acoustics Group of the Italian Association of Acoustics
    University of Bologna, ITALY.

    Plenary Lecture 6:

    Phenomenological Universalities as a new tool for experimental and cross-disciplinary research

    Prof. Pier Paolo Delsanto,
    Chair of Structural Mechanics, Bioindustry Park of Canavese
    Bioinformatics and High Performance Computing Lab
    Politecnico of Torino, ITALY

    Plenary Lecture 7:

    Nucleic Acid Structural Properties Identified by Genomic Signal Analysis

    Prof. Paul Dan Cristea,
    Corresponding Member of Romanian Academy
    Director of the Romanian Bioinformatics Society
    Biomedical Engineering Centre,
    University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, ROMANIA

    Plenary Lecture 8:

    Processing of Polymer Matrix Nanocomposites with Carbon Nanotubes

    Prof. Josè M. Kenny,
    Chairman of the Board of European Center of Nanostructured Polymers (ECNP), Italian Consortium for Science and Technology of Materials
    University of Perugia, Terni, ITALY

    Plenary Lecture 9:

    Complex Procedure for Evaluating the Fatigue Wear of Tibial Inserts for Patients with Abnormal Walking

    Prof. Lucian Capitanu,
    Scientific Director of Institute of Solid Mechanics of Romanian Academy
    Romanian Academy, ROMANIA

    Plenary Lecture 10:

    EU Objective of 120g CO2/km Emission for New Cars a Challenge for Tribology

    Prof. Ivan Iliuc,
    Department of Tribology
    Institute of Solid Mechanics of Romanian Academy
    Romanian Academy, ROMANIA

    Plenary Lecture 11:

    New trends in multivariate approximation and optimization

    Assoc. Prof. Dana Simian,
    Department of Computer Science,
    Faculty of Sciences,
    University Lucian Blaga of Sibiu

    Plenary Lecture 12:

    Prof. Radu Munteanu,
    Member of the Technical Sciences Academy from Romania (ASTR)
    Rector of the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA.

    Plenary Lecture 13:

    Prof. Abdellatif Miraoui,
    Head of the Department of GESC (Génie Electrique et Systèmes de Commande) Electrical Engineering and Control Systems
    University of Technology Belfort-Montbeliard, F

    Plenary Lecture 14:

    On Human Adaptive Mechtronics

    Prof. Hongnian Yu,
    Department of Computing, Engineering and Technology
    Staffordshire University, Stafford ST16 9DG, UK

    Plenary Lecture 15:

    Non-linear implications in seismic isolation systems for buildings

    Prof. Dinu Bratosin,
    Member of the Technical Sciences Academy from Romania (ASTR)
    Scientific secretary, Department of Technical Sciences of the Romanian Academy
    Romanian Academy, Institute of Solid Mechanics, ROMANIA

    Plenary Lecture 16:


    Tele-AUCTION, a service for SMEs' acquisitions

    Prof. Cornel Resteanu,
    National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics, ROMANIA.

    Plenary Lecture 17:

    Algorithms used to obtain aggregated value sets from relational databases

    Prof. Mirela-Catrinel Voicu,
    West University of Timişoara, ROMANIA.

    Plenary Lecture 18:


    From Model-Based Strategies to Intelligent Control Systems

    Prof. Ioan Dumitrache,
    Corresponding Member of Romanian Academy.
    Politehnica University of Bucharest, ROMANIA.

    Plenary Lecture 19:

    Advanced front-end electronics to extend the pulse height spectroscopy range well beyond the ADC analog input range

    Prof. Gh. Pascovici,
    University of Koeln, GERMANY

    Plenary Lecture 20:

     Applications of Neural Networks in Mobile Robots Navigation

    Prof. Virgil Tiponut,
    Electronic and Telecommunications Faculty
    POLITEHNICA University Timisoara, ROMANIA

    Plenary Lecture 21:

     Some approaches concerning autonomous mobile robot control

    Prof. Sergiu Cononovici,
    Departament of Robotics
    Romanian Academy, Institute of Solid Mechanics
    Bucharest, ROMANIA

    Plenary Lecture 22:

     Predictive control strategies for image based visual servoing of robot manipulators

    Prof. Corneliu Lazăr,
    Vice-Dean of Automation and Computers Faculty
    Technical University “Gh.Asachi” Iasi, ROMANIA

    Plenary Lecture 23:

     Numerical Algorithms for Analysis and Synthesis of Distributed Parametersystems in Engineering

    Prof. Ion Carstea,
    University of Craiova, ROMANIA.

    Plenary Lecture 24:

     Identification in Sensor Networks

    Prof. Constantin Volosencu,
    “Politehnica” University of Timisoara, ROMANIA.

    Plenary Lecture 25:

     A Survey of Some Automotive Integrated-Starter-Generators and their Control

    Assoc. Prof. Dorin Dumitru Lucache,
    “Gh.Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, ROMANIA.

    Plenary Lecture 26:

    Adapting a Blowdown Type Wind Tunnel for Ground Effect Simulation Tests

    Prof. Richard Selescu,
    Department of Aerodynamics,
    “Elie Carafoli” National Institute for Aerospace Research – INCAS, ROMANIA

    WSEAS provides a very important tool to all the participants
    A permanent username and password for accessing WSEAS conference proceedings on-line for ever.

  • Conference Statistics
    Submitted papers: 487
    Accepted papers: 245
    acceptance ratio = (Number of accepted papers / Number of Submitted)*100 = 50.03%

    Click a picture to see a larger view.

    Review Process:
    Each paper was reviewed at least by 3 independent reviewers. The WSEAS Secretariat sent each paper to 5 reviewers. Some papers received reviews from 5 different referees. The WSEAS Secretariat forwarded these comments by personalized emails to the responsible for the correspondence author. The full list of the reviewers will be available in the web page: 

    Additional features of the conferences :

    1) Publication of the Proceedings in 3 media: hard-copy, CD, E-Library
    Five books in the "Electrical and Computer Engineering Series" of WSEAS  (see details, contents, author indices and editors below) with ISBN and ISSN indexed by the major Citation Indices (ISI ranked):

    (B)  CD-ROM Proceedings with pages' numbers with ISBN and ISSN indexed by the major Citation Indexes:

    (C) E-Library:

    and possible, for a very small number of papers:

    (D) JOURNAL PUBLICATION: Expanded and enhanced versions of papers published in the conference proceedings also going to be considered for possible publication in one of the WSEAS journals that participate in the major International Scientific Indices (Elsevier, Scopus, EI, Compendex, INSPEC, CSA .... see:     ).

    WSEAS provides a very important tool to all the participants; a permanent username and password for accessing WSEAS conference proceedings on-line for ever.

    3) The Participants received numerous coffee-breaks, and a Welcome Drink

    4) Cultural and social activities as customary in WSEAS events.

    5) The conference Books (Hard-Copy Proceedings), CD-ROM proceedings and Journals (with selected papers) published by WSEAS Press continue to sell for a long time after the meeting has taken place. This is another demonstration of the prestige the scientific community attribute to the meetings organized by the WSEAS.
    For example, they are distributed via AMAZON: 

    Books (hard-copy of the Proceedings):

    Advanced Technology for Acoustics & Music
    Honorary Editors: Radu Voinea, Tudor Sireteanu, Malcolm J. Crocker.
    Editors: Luige Vladareanu, Veturia Chiroiu, Polidor Bratu, Ion Magheti.
    Pages:  150 pages, 
    Price:  50 EUR
    [Contents], [Order], [Full PDF of the Papers], [Help]

    Automation & Information: Theory and Advanced Technology
    Honorary Editors: Radu Voinea, Tudor Sireteanu, Malcolm J. Crocker.
    Editors: Luige Vladareanu, Veturia Chiroiu, Polidor Bratu, Ion Magheti.
    Pages:  580 pages, 
    Price:  130 EUR
    [Contents], [Order], [Full PDF of the Papers], [Help]

    Mathematics and Computers in Biology and Chemistry
    Honorary Editors: Radu Voinea, Tudor Sireteanu, Malcolm J. Crocker.
    Editors: Luige Vladareanu, Veturia Chiroiu, Polidor Bratu, Ion Magheti.
    Pages:  240 pages, 
    Price:  70 EUR
    [Contents], [Order], [Full PDF of the Papers], [Help]

    Mathematics and Computers in Business and Economics
    Honorary Editors: Radu Voinea, Tudor Sireteanu, Malcolm J. Crocker.
    Editors: Luige Vladareanu, Veturia Chiroiu, Polidor Bratu, Ion Magheti.
    Pages:  240 pages, 
    Price:  70 EUR
    [Contents], [Order], [Full PDF of the Papers], [Help]

    What is the Permanent Procedure for additional Journal publication for a very small number of High-Quality Papers presented in the WSEAS Conferences in Bulgaria (after the recommendation of Chairmen). So, the authors with accepted & presented papers received the following e-mail:

    We have started now the procedure for the evaluation of the extended versions of your papers for possible inclusion in the WSEAS journals after new rounds of review.

    INTRODUCTION: You know that our goal is to maintain very strong international journals, to increase the impact of our beloved WSEAS Transactions, really top journals as they really are. To this end, we need only high quality papers, breakthrough works of archival value, i.e. papers that are well written from any point of view, completed studies (with their numerical examples or experiments that must be compared with the previous results in the literature), excellent English language and of course correct WSEAS format. The papers also must be substantially extended version of the paper that was presented in the conference (with more than 40% new material). We need papers that will attract the attention of other scholars citing them increasing our impact. In the next few years, the WSEAS transactions must be in every academic library, in every corner of the earth. To this end, we need your high quality contribution.


    a) Check very carefully if your idea is really important, breakthrough in your field and can appear in a Journal of the quality and the level of the WSEAS Transactions. If you doubt, do not send it so easily. Your paper must not be only a good idea. It must be a complete study with theoretical background, complete bibliographical references; without grammatical and syntactical errors. For theoretical works: full comparison with previous published papers is necessary. We need numerical examples, applicability of the method, originality, novelty and directions for future research. For experimental or computational works: full comparison with previous published papers is necessary. We need real experiments with the necessary documentation, while for computational work, we need full benchmarks. Of course along discussions for the applicability of the method, originality, novelty and directions for future research.
    b) Complete the extended version of your paper and upload it via
    http://...............  (the full web address was given only to authors who presented a paper)

    c) If your extended version fulfills the paragraph a), then our Editors will send it to 3 independent Reviewers outside your country. If not, our Editors are entitled to reject it from this early stage informing you properly. The positive answer of the 3 reviewers is necessary (attention: 2 yes and 1 no implies NO, i.e. rejection).

    d) Our Editors will collect the reviewers' remarks and will send them again to you for acceptance/ acceptance after minor revision / acceptance after major revision / rejection

    e) Possibly new rounds of review will be needed.

    f) No additional fee is needed in case of acceptance. 

    The final list of the papers must have the approval of our Editors and 3 Reviewers, and of course the Editor-in-Chief of the particular Journal.

    We want only authors that presented their papers to complete this web form:
    http://...............   (the full web address was given only to authors who presented a paper) So, in this form you will need a password (the password was given only to the authors who presented a paper).



    The Organizing Committee received the forms that the Session Chairmen filled in after the end of their sessions and after additional evaluation and discussion decided the following.
    The Criteria were:
       a) Originality and scientific impact
       b) Good presentation
       c) Paper presented by a student

    The results of this evaluation are:

    Conference:  9th WSEAS Int. Conf. on AUTOMATION & INFORMATION (ICAI'08)
    Won by: Cornel Secara
    Title: A genetic algorithm based strategy for redundancy resolution with multiple criteria
    Authors: Cornel Secara

    Won by: Ioana Gabriela Marcu
    Title: Abstract State Machines for Product Family Modeling
    Authors: Emil M. Popa, Ioana Gabriela Marcut

    PROCEEDINGS: The Proceedings related to the Conference are covered by:
    01. ISI (ISINET)
    02. INSPEC (IET, former IEE)
    03. CSA (Cambridge Scientific Abstracts)
    04. ELSEVIER and Elsevier Bibliographic Database
    06. ULRICH
    07. MATHSCINET of AMS (American Mathematical Society)
    08. MATHEMATICAL REVIEWS of AMS (American Mathematical Society)
    09. Directory of Published Proceedings
    10. Computer Science Bibliography Administrator
    11. American Chemical Society and its Index: Chemical Abstracts Service
    12. European Library in Paris (France)
    13. DEST Database (Australia)
    14. Engineering Information
    15. SCOPUS
    16. EBSCO
    17. EMBASE
    18. Compendex (CPX)
    19. GEOBASE
    20. BIOBASE
    22. FLUIDEX
    23. OceanBase
    24. BEILSTEIN Abstracts
    25. World Textiles
    26. MEDLINE
    27. British Library
    28. National Library of Greece
    29. German National Library of Science and Technology
    30. IARAS Index

    The WSEAS journals are covered by:
    01. ISI through the INSPEC (IEE)
    02. INSPEC (IET, former IEE)
    03. CSA (Cambridge Scientific Abstracts)
    04. ELSEVIER and Elsevier Bibliographic Database
    06. MATHSCINET of AMS (American Mathematical Society)
    07. ULRICH
    08. MATHEMATICAL REVIEWS of AMS (American Mathematical Society)
    09. Computer Science Bibliography Administrator
    10. British Library
    11. American Chemical Society and its Index: Chemical Abstracts Service
    12. European Library in Paris (France)
    13. DEST Database (Australia)
    14. Swets Information Services
    15. Engineering Information
    16. SCOPUS
    17. EBSCO
    18. EMBASE
    19. Compendex (CPX)
    20. Geobase
    21. BIOBASE
    23. FLUIDEX
    24. OceanBase
    25. BEILSTEIN Abstracts
    26. World Textiles
    27. MEDLINE
    28. Mayersche
    29. Index of Information Systems Journals
    30. National Library of Greece
    31. IARAS Index

    From these excellent and well-organized conferences, WSEAS Press published also 4 Books that contain the conference proceedings.
    Please, order them from the WSEAS Press:

    .: SOCIAL PART (Coffee-Breaks, Banquet, Excursions)
    6 coffee-breaks - light lunches: Coffee, Tea, Milk, Sandwiches, Sweets, Cakes, Pastries, Juices were available for the Guests during the conference.
    A wonderful Gala with more than 50 different courses (self-service buffet) were given to the participants in the evening of the second day of the conferences.
    Most of the participants danced and enjoyed themselves during this fantastic night.

    .: See your feedback about the Conference: