From: "Lotfi A. Zadeh" <>
Dear Prof. Mastorakis
I would like to express my deep appreciation to you and WSEAS people
who sent me messages or called to express their sympathy.
It was, in all, a difficult experience but there are many others
whose experiences were much more difficult than mine.
Just a quick note to let you know that after spending some time at a
rehabilitation center and recuperating at home, I returned to work on Monday,
February 23, 2009.
So far, so good.
Warm regards to all,
Lotfi A. Zadeh
Professor in the Graduate School
Director, Berkeley Initiative in Soft Computing (BISC)
729 Soda Hall #1776
Computer Science Division
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-1776
Tel.(office): (510) 642-4959
Fax (office): (510) 642-1712
Tel.(home): (510) 526-2569
Fax (home): (510) 526-2433
BISC Homepage URLs

In the Photo: Our International Scientific Committee

In the Photo: Prof. Badea Lepadatescu, Organizer
of the WSEAS Conferences in Brasov, Romania
and Member of the WSEAS with the lady - Prof. Tetsuya Shimamura after their
See what Prof. Tetsuya Shimamura told us:
"I attended the conference held in Cambridge with my student Hiroko and
talked a lot with excellent researchers including Prof. Badea. I am
attaching some pictures of Hiroko. We really enjoyed the conference.
I am looking forward to seeing you again at WSEAS conferences"
Thank you.
Prof. Tetsuya Shimamura
Some other comments from PROFESSOR YORDANOVA

In the Photo:
Prof. Yordanova, Technical Univ. of Sofia,
and Prof. Ing. Andrea Morgera from Universitа degli
Studi di Cagliari at the St.John's College.
Dear WSEAS team,
I would like to express my gratitude for all your effort and good will to
organise such
a nice conference in Cambridge - AIKED'09.
It was a great pleasure for us, the
participants, to meet,
to discuss our work and to enjoy together the unforgettable atmosphere of
All your cordial assistance helped us a lot in travel, accommodation, and during
conference. The presentations and the plenary lectures I could attend were very
interesting and revealed to me new horizons in science and research as well as
fruitful contacts. The book with the proceedings is of high quality and an
for novel research. I wish you good health, positive energy and further success
conference organizers.
Please find attached the filled-in questionnaire you have prepared as a feedback
and one
photo with a new friend from this conference Ing. Andrea Morgera from Universitа
Studi di Cagliari at the St.John's College.
Looking forward to meeting you all soon at some of the numerous oncoming WSEAS
With warm regards,
Prof.Dr. Snejana Yordanova
Technical University of Sofia

Also Prof. Aida Bulucea told
Dear WSEAS Team Colleagues and Friends,
I am for a long time a member of the WSEAS Family, still I consider that my
impressions about the WSEAS Conferences are always fairly. Regarding the
location of the WSEAS Congress in the University of Cambridge, I knew since the
last year (when I also participated) that Murray Edwards College is a wonderful
and appropriate place for a huge Scientific Meeting like WSEAS Congress. The
wonderful surprise was to see many great Professors and important scientists
involved with devotion within the framework of the WSEAS Conferences. It is
almost incredibly the hard work of Professor Milan Tuba, not only as Plenary
Lecturer and Sessions Chair, but also as a member of the Organizing Committee.
The second group of the WSEAS Conference on the University of Cambridge strongly
remember me the huge scientific level and wonderful human attitude of Professor
Marc Rosen, who presented two Plenary Lectures, was Session Chairing at least
for four times, presented ALL his papers according to the Conferences Program,
and still he found time to discuss scientific matters with the participants,
after the meetings. I can't end this part of my feedback without remark the
wonderful friendly and professional attitude of Professor Nikos Dukas during the
whole time of the WSEAS Conferences in Cambridge.
I consider myself very lucky to meet during the conference not only great
scientists like Professor Costas Helmis and Professor Anastasios Stamou, but
also young researchers as Doctor Ivica Toljan and his colleagues, and many many
other researchers from all the corners of the world.
I could speak for an entire day about my impression regarding the WSEAS
Conferences in the University of Cambridge, I will not do it, but I invite all
the readers of my feedback to attend a WSEAS Conference. After that, it will be
almost impossible to renounce in participating within this huge scientific
Forum, our WSEAS Meetings.
Dear WSEAS Colleagues, Thank you for the beautiful moments of the conferences,
see you soon !!!
My Best Regards,
Prof. Aida Bulucea
Faculty of Electromechanical and Environmental Engineering
University of Craiova

Professor Mike Lee told us:
Please find my photo for your references.
Thanks for your cooperation, wish'n you and WSEAS much prosperous!
Best Wishes,
MIKE LEE, Professor & Director, intelligent NanoBio System(inbs : Co-Design Centre

Professor Charalampos Arapatsakos told us:
Cordially, we wish to you "Congratulations" because you deserve
Please, you must know that I will be always with you
Professor Charalampos Arapatsakos
Democritus University of Thrace

The International Scientific Committee met
during the Conference in a restaurant well known for the standards of its
cuisine and its friendly atmosphere. Ways to improve the Conference were
discussed over dinner: in particular the topics were revised and new ones
suggested, as well as a few nominations for new members to the committee being
proposed. Following the meeting, the decision was taken to reconvene the
Conference, and a few locations were suggested. The WSEAS Conference Division
will investigate these so that the dates and location of 2010 can be finalized
as soon as possible.
 Prof. Igor.M. Varentsov
told us:
I highly appreciate your kind attitude and attention.
It gives me a pleasure to emphasize that your current WSEAS activity appears
of the highest World recognition.
With best personal regards
Sincerely yours
Prof. I.M. Varentsov, Dr., Leading Researcher, Geological Institute,
Russian Academy of Sciences, Pyzhevskii pereulok, 7, Moscow 119017 Russia.

In the Photo: Adela Ionescu
University of Craiova, Romania
Prof. Brigitte Klug told us:
it is a good feeling to realize that one´s work is appreciated some day.
All the best, and good luck for the future conferences!
Ao. Prof. Dr. Brigitte Klug
Universität für Bodenkultur Wien
Department für Integrative Biologie und Biodiversitätsforschung
Institut für Botanik
Gregor-Mendel-Straße 33
A-1180 Wien, Austria

In the Photo: Adela Ionescu
University of Craiova, Romania