Post-Conference Report from the WSEAS Conferences
CSCC '09, EE '09, EMESEG '09, UPT '09, CUHT '08
Rhodes Island, Greece, July 22-25, 2009

Over than 560 delegates attended the WSEAS conferences CSCC, EE, CUHT, EMESEG and UPT this year
If you add the 230
delegates that attended the WSEAS conferences in Tenerife 20 days before,,  then as you can see the WSEAS conferences of July
had more than 800 delegates totally!


Co-Organized by the WSEAS and the following 8 Universities:

University Politehnica of Bucharest
Splaiul Independentei 313, Bucharest, Postal Code 060042, ROMANIA
Telephone:  +4021-4... ;  +4021-3... / 23 / 24 / 25
Fax: +4021-318 10 01

University of Genova
Via Balbi, 5 - 16126 Genova
Partita IVA 00754150100


53 Dimitrie Mangeron Blvd., Iaşi, 700050, ROMANIA                                     	Tel: +40 232 278680, 278683 Fax: +40 232 237627
       E-mail:,  Web:




Zhejiang University of Technology





Norwegian University of 
Science and Technology

Faculty of Information Technology, 
Mathematics and Electrical Engineering
Sem Salandsvei 5 Gloeshaugen, No-7494 Trondheim, NORWAY 


Executive Agency for Higher Education and Research Funding (UEFISCSU)

Universidy of Algarve, Portugal


PHOTO of the Keynote Lecturers with the organizers in 2nd day of the Conferences



PHOTO of the Keynote Lecturers with the organizers in 2nd day of the Conferences

See an enhanced Photo Album of the conferences here:


Keynote Lecture 1:

Embedded Systems Design – Scientific Challenges and Work Directions
by Prof. Joseph Sifakis, Verimag & ARTIST2 NoE, Centre Equation, FRANCE.

Keynote Lecture 2:

Quantum Cryptography and Chaos Functions: The Ultimate for Network Security
by Prof. Stamatios Kartalopoulos, The University of Oklahoma, USA.

Keynote Lecture 3:

Content-Adaptive Efficient Resource Allocation for Packet-Based Video Transmission
by Prof. Aggelos K. Katsaggelos, Northwestern University, USA.

Keynote Lecture 4:

Computer Aided-Visual Perception : Challenges and Perspectives
by Prof. Nikos Paragios, Ecole Centrale de Paris / INRIA Saclay, FRANCE.

Keynote Lecture 5:

Control and Estimation Theory: Current Trends, New Challenges, & Directions for the Future
by Prof. Lena Valavani, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA.

The Keynote Speakers Prof. Nikos Paragios, and  Prof. Lena Valavani,

Many important scientific discussions during the conferences about hot problems
in science and engineering. Here, some participants are discussing about a methodology
in some accepted paper.

Many important scientific discussions during the conferences about hot problems
in science and engineering. Here, some participants are discussing about a methodology
in some accepted paper.
The most important is that all the publications are now in ISI and this SAYS MANY THINGS for those they know  what we mean ISI Publication in our CVs

Over than 560 delegates attended the WSEAS conferences CSCC, EE, CUHT, EMESEG and UPT this year
If you add the 230 delegates that attended the WSEAS conferences in Tenerife 20 days before,,  then as you can see the WSEAS conferences of July
had more than 800 delegates totally!

An Internal Meeting of the Committee to arrange the last details
took place in the Hotel one day before the opening of the meeting

The final program and the Review of the papers was made by the collaborating Technical University of Sofia

All the WSEAS Books are in ISI / SCI (Web of Science). Download them now from the site of ISI
 (Click on the link: List of Conferences 2004-2008 and download them in an EXCEL file from the site of ISI). As you can see from the site of ISI the criteria for including Books and Proceedings in ISI are very strict and most of the conferences of older societies are not in the ISI Index while all the WSEAS books and proceedings are inside ISI / SCI (Web of Science). Check it on the site of ISI please, now.
 NEW: The 4 most recent WSEAS journals (WSEAS Trans. on Biology and Biomedicine, WSEAS Trans. om Fluid Mechanics, WSEAS Trans. on Heat and Mass Transfer, WSEAS Trans. on Business and Economics) have been accepted in SCOPUS and so all the WSEAS Journals are now in SCOPUS. All the WSEAS Books, Proceedings and JOURNALS are also indexed in ACM. Click here:  , select "The Guide" and then type WSEAS. See the complete indexing of WSEAS Books, Proceedings, Journals in ACM, ASM, ELSEVIER other 30 indexes at: 
 NEW Letters from British Library, American Chemical Society, SWETS, see more:
 The impact (trend line) of the WSEAS Journals increase exponentially! 



Dear Professor Mastorakis,

You deserve compliments and congratulations on your making WSEAS an important international forum for exchange of
information and ideas.

    With cordial regards.


          Lotfi Zadeh

Lotfi A. Zadeh

Professor in the Graduate School

Director, Berkeley Initiative in Soft Computing (BISC)


729 Soda Hall #1776
Computer Science Division

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences

University of California

Berkeley, CA 94720-1776

Tel.(office): (510) 642-4959

Fax (office): (510) 642-1712

Tel.(home): (510) 526-2569

Fax (home): (510) 526-2433


BISC Homepage URLs





From: "Lotfi A. Zadeh" <>

Dear Prof. Mastorakis

I would like to express my deep appreciation to you and WSEAS people
who sent me messages or called to express their sympathy.
It was, in all, a difficult experience but there are many others
whose experiences were much more difficult than mine.

Just a quick note to let you know that after spending some time at a
rehabilitation center and recuperating at home, I returned to work on Monday, February 23, 2009.
So far, so good.

Warm regards to all,



Lotfi A. Zadeh
Professor in the Graduate School
Director, Berkeley Initiative in Soft Computing (BISC)

729 Soda Hall #1776
Computer Science Division
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-1776
Tel.(office): (510) 642-4959
Fax (office): (510) 642-1712
Tel.(home): (510) 526-2569
Fax (home): (510) 526-2433

BISC Homepage URLs


The International Scientific Committee met during the Conference three times in a restaurant well known for the standards of its cuisine and its friendly atmosphere.  Ways to improve the Conference were discussed over dinner: in particular the topics were revised and new ones suggested, as well as a few nominations for new members to the committee being proposed.  Following the meeting, the decision was taken to reconvene the Conference, and a few locations were suggested.  The WSEAS Conference Division will investigate these so that the dates and location of 2010 can be finalized as soon as possible.


Best Papers:
During the Banquet the organizers delivered the Best Paper Award. The Best Paper award honors the author(s) of a paper of exceptional merit dealing with a subject related to the Conference's technical scope, see the photos above and the list of the awardees here...)
(The papers evaluated by committees of 6 international experts, different for each discipline)
Click here to see the best paper for the conference:

35 Plenary Lectures:

Plenary Lecture 1:

Assisted Movement of Visually Impaired in Outdoor Environments – Work Directions and New Results
by Prof. Virgil Tiponut, “Politehnica” University of Timisoara, ROMANIA

Plenary Lecture 2:

Artificial Social Systems for Control Charts of Workflows
by Assoc. Prof. Calin I. Ciufudean, “Stefan Cel Mare” Universtity of Suceava, ROMANIA

Plenary Lecture 3:

Forest Fire Detection and Prevention with Unmanned Systems
by Prof. George Vachtsevanos, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

Plenary Lecture 4:

Multimedia Traffic Analysis in the Framework of New Generation Networks
by Prof. Zoran S. Bojkovic, University of Belgrade, SERBIA.

Plenary Lecture 5:

A New Class of Chaotic Systems with Memristor-Like Elements
by Prof. Milan Stork, University of West Bohemia, CZECH REPUBLIC.

Plenary Lecture 6:

Mathematical Models for Eddy Current Testing
by Prof. Andrei Kolyshkin, Riga Technical University, LATVIA.

Plenary Lecture 7:

Temperature Control of Electrical Resistance Furnace based on a Real Time Identification Method using Adaptive Filters
by Assist. Prof. Caius Panoiu, Polytechnic University of Timisoara, ROMANIA.

Plenary Lecture 8:

Workspace Evaluation for Analysis and Synthesis of Manipulator
by Prof. Marco Ceccarelli, DiMSAT - University of Cassino, ITALY.

Plenary Lecture 9:

Generation of Electrical Energy with Variable Speed in Microhydro and Eolian Power Plant
by Prof. Sorin Deaconu, “Polytechnica” University of Timisoara, ROMANIA.

Plenary Lecture 10:

The Study of an Optimal Earth Observing System Employing Dive and Ascent Satellites
by Prof. Fumiaki Imado, Shinshu University, JAPAN.

Plenary Lecture 11:

The Finite Difference Method Applied for the Simulation of the Heat Exchangers Dynamics
by Prof. Pavel Nevriva, Technical University Ostrava, CZECH REPUBLIC.

Plenary Lecture 12:

Port Terminal Automation
by Prof. Eduardo Mario Dias, University of Sao Paulo, BRAZIL.

Plenary Lecture 13:

Towards 2D Electronic Circuits in the Spatial Domain
by Assoc. Prof. Nicolas Ratier, Graduate engineering school in Mechanics and Microtechnics (ENSMM) and FEMTO-ST laboratory, FRANCE.

Plenary Lecture 14:

Electronic Circuits for Switching-Time Reduction of Bipolar Semiconductor Devices
by Prof. Noel Y. A. Shammas, Staffordshire University, UK.

Plenary Lecture 15:

The Satellite Telecommunication System Performances in the Presence of Rayleigh Fading on Satellite and Earth Station
by Prof. Dragana Krstic, University of Nis, SERBIA.

Plenary Lecture 16:

Basic Characteristics (Characterization) of Mobile Processes and Ways of Describing and Supporting Mobile Processes by Present Means of ICT
by Prof. Antonin Slaby, University of Hradec Kralove, CZECH REPUBLIC.

Plenary Lecture 17:

Computational Methods and Analytical Study for Detecting the Attractors of a Particular Type of k-Order, Nonlinear, Exchange Rate Models
by Prof. Mirela Voicu, West University of Timisoara, ROMANIA.

Plenary Lecture 18:

The Fuzzy Cognitive Maps: History, Applications and Challengers
by Prof. Jose Aguilar, Universidad de los Andes, VENEZUELA.

Plenary Lecture 19:

Variable Step Adaptive Algorithms in Controlling Industrial Distorted Loads
by Assist. Prof. Manuela Panoiu, Polytechnic University of Timisoara, ROMANIA.

Plenary Lecture 20:

Using of Shift Registers in Cryptosystems
by Assist. Prof. Mirella Amelia Mioc, “Politehnica” University of Timisoara, ROMANIA.

Plenary Lecture 21:

Reconfigurable Chip Multiprocessors Targeting Performance and Energy Consumption
by Prof. Sotirios G. Ziavras, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA.

Plenary Lecture 22:

The Use of Artificial Neural Networks to Predict the Parametrers of Drinking Water in the Distribution System of Hyderabad City (Pakistan)
by Assist. Prof. Niaz Ahmed Memon, Quaid-e-Awam University of Engineering Science & Technology, PAKISTAN.

Plenary Lecture 23:

Gogu Constantinescu, Son Of Craiova - Romania's Exponent
by Prof. Gheorghe Manolea, University of Craiova, ROMANIA

Plenary Lecture 24:

Constructing Knowledge in Graph Theory and Combinatorial Optimization
by Assoc. Prof. Eva Milkova, University of Hradec Kralove, CZECH REPUBLIC.

Plenary Lecture 25:

Engineering Education: Future Trends and Advances
by Prof. Marc A. Rosen, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, CANADA.

Plenary Lecture 26:

Engineering Employability Skills required by Employers in Asia
by Assoc. Prof. Azami Zaharim, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, MALAYSIA.

Plenary Lecture 27:

Application of the Boltzmann Equation in Enzymatic Hydrolysis and in Molecular Mass Distribution
by Prof. Vassilis Gekas, Technical University of Crete, GREECE

Plenary Lecture 28:

Improvement of Sandwich Finite Elements by Mixed Formulations
by Prof. Olga Martin, University “Politehnica” of Bucharest, ROMANIA.

Plenary Lecture 29:

Non-Destructive Tests to Determine Lifetime of the Pipes
by Prof. Mihai Demian, University of Craiova, ROMANIA.

Plenary Lecture 30:

Thermodynamic Analysis Based on the Second Law Using Exergy: Illustrative Applications of a Size-Based Assessment Hierarchy
by Prof. Marc A. Rosen, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, CANADA.

Plenary Lecture 31:

Current Research Activities in Mechatronic Applications – Case Studies
by Prof. Heinz Ulbrich, Technical University Munich, GERMANY.

Plenary Lecture 32:

Issues and Opportunities in Sustainable Fuel and Vehicle Technologies
by Prof. M. Ehsani , Texas A&M University, USA

Plenary Lecture 33:

From Industrial to Postindustrial Landscapes – Brownfield Reuse in Shrinking Cities
by Prof. Thomas Panagopoulos, Universidade do Algarve, PORTUGAL.

Plenary Lecture 34:

The Fuel Temperature Influence on Gas Emissions when used as Fuel Diesel-Olive Seed Oil Blends
by Prof. Charalampos Arapatsakos, Democritus University of Thrace, GREECE.

Plenary Lecture 35:

Planning for Metropolitan Regions: The Land-Use & Transportation Connection
by Prof. Ardeshir Anjomani, The University of Texas at Arlington, USA.

Plenary Lecture 36:

Concurrent Neural Classifiers for Pattern Recognition with Applications in Biometrics, Satellite Imagery, and Autonomous Navigation
by Prof. Victor-Emil Neagoe, Polytechnic University of Bucharest, ROMANIA.


WSEAS provided a very important tool to all the participants
A permanent username and password for accessing WSEAS conference proceedings on-line for ever.


A superb banquet took place around the swimming pool of the Hotel in the second day of the conferences.

During the Banquet the organizers delivered the Best Paper Award. The Best Paper award honors the author(s) of a paper of exceptional merit dealing with a subject related to the Conference's technical scope, see the photos above and the list of the awardees here...)
(The papers evaluated by committees of 6 international experts, different for each discipline)
Click here to see the best paper for the conference:


See this photo album:



ONE DAY EXCURSION IN LINDOS. Click here for more photos...


(Rhodes) AND CASTLE OF THE KNIGHTS. Click here for more photos



VISIT TO ANCIENT GREEK TOWN OF KNIDOS. Click here for more photos...

All about Knidos:


Additional features of the conferences :

1) Publication of the Proceedings in 3 media: hard-copy, CD, E-Library
Five books in the "Electrical and Computer Engineering Series" of WSEAS  (see details, contents, author indices and editors below) with ISBN and ISSN indexed by the major Citation Indices (ISI ranked):

(B)  CD-ROM Proceedings with pages' numbers with ISBN and ISSN indexed by the major Citation Indexes:

(C) E-Library:

and possible, for a very small number of papers:

(D) JOURNAL PUBLICATION: Expanded and enhanced versions of papers published in the conference proceedings also going to be considered for possible publication in one of the WSEAS journals that participate in the major International Scientific Indices (Elsevier, Scopus, EI, Compendex, INSPEC, CSA .... see:     ).

WSEAS provides a very important tool to all the participants; a permanent username and password for accessing WSEAS conference proceedings on-line for ever.

3) The Participants received numerous coffee-breaks, and a Welcome Drink

4) Cultural and social activities as customary in WSEAS events.

5) The conference Books (Hard-Copy Proceedings), CD-ROM proceedings and Journals (with selected papers) published by WSEAS Press continue to sell for a long time after the meeting has taken place. This is another demonstration of the prestige the scientific community attribute to the meetings organized by the WSEAS.
For example, they are distributed via AMAZON: 

What is the Permanent Procedure for additional Journal publication for a very small number of High-Quality Papers presented in the WSEAS Conferences (after the recommendation of Chairmen). So, the authors with accepted & presented papers received the following e-mail:

We have started now the procedure for the evaluation of the extended versions of your papers for possible inclusion in the WSEAS journals after new rounds of review.

INTRODUCTION: You know that our goal is to maintain very strong international journals, to increase the impact of our beloved WSEAS Transactions, really top journals as they really are. To this end, we need only high quality papers, breakthrough works of archival value, i.e. papers that are well written from any point of view, completed studies (with their numerical examples or experiments that must be compared with the previous results in the literature), excellent English language and of course correct WSEAS format. The papers also must be substantially extended version of the paper that was presented in the conference (with more than 40% new material). We need papers that will attract the attention of other scholars citing them increasing our impact. In the next few years, the WSEAS transactions must be in every academic library, in every corner of the earth. To this end, we need your high quality contribution.


a) Check very carefully if your idea is really important, breakthrough in your field and can appear in a Journal of the quality and the level of the WSEAS Transactions. If you doubt, do not send it so easily. Your paper must not be only a good idea. It must be a complete study with theoretical background, complete bibliographical references; without grammatical and syntactical errors. For theoretical works: full comparison with previous published papers is necessary. We need numerical examples, applicability of the method, originality, novelty and directions for future research. For experimental or computational works: full comparison with previous published papers is necessary. We need real experiments with the necessary documentation, while for computational work, we need full benchmarks. Of course along discussions for the applicability of the method, originality, novelty and directions for future research.
b) Complete the extended version of your paper and upload it via
http://...............  (the full web address was given only to authors who presented a paper)

c) If your extended version fulfills the paragraph a), then our Editors will send it to 3 independent Reviewers outside your country. If not, our Editors are entitled to reject it from this early stage informing you properly. The positive answer of the 3 reviewers is necessary (attention: 2 yes and 1 no implies NO, i.e. rejection).

d) Our Editors will collect the reviewers' remarks and will send them again to you for acceptance/ acceptance after minor revision / acceptance after major revision / rejection

e) Possibly new rounds of review will be needed.

f) No additional fee is needed in case of acceptance. 

The final list of the papers must have the approval of our Editors and 3 Reviewers, and of course the Editor-in-Chief of the particular Journal.

We want only authors that presented their papers to complete this web form:
http://...............   (the full web address was given only to authors who presented a paper) So, in this form you will need a password (the password was given only to the authors who presented a paper).


PROCEEDINGS: The Proceedings related to the Conference are covered by:
02. INSPEC (IET, former IEE)
03. CSA (Cambridge Scientific Abstracts)
04. ELSEVIER and Elsevier Bibliographic Database
07. MATHSCINET of AMS (American Mathematical Society)
08. MATHEMATICAL REVIEWS of AMS (American Mathematical Society)
09. Directory of Published Proceedings
10. Computer Science Bibliography Administrator
11. American Chemical Society and its Index: Chemical Abstracts Service
12. European Library in Paris (France)
13. DEST Database (Australia)
14. Engineering Information
18. Compendex (CPX)
23. OceanBase
24. BEILSTEIN Abstracts
25. World Textiles
27. British Library
28. National Library of Greece
29. German National Library of Science and Technology
30. IARAS Index

The WSEAS journals are covered by:

01. ISI through the INSPEC (IEE)
02. INSPEC (IET, former IEE)
03. CSA (Cambridge Scientific Abstracts)
04. ELSEVIER and Elsevier Bibliographic Database
06. MATHSCINET of AMS (American Mathematical Society)
08. MATHEMATICAL REVIEWS of AMS (American Mathematical Society)
09. Computer Science Bibliography Administrator
10. British Library
11. American Chemical Society and its Index: Chemical Abstracts Service
12. European Library in Paris (France)
13. DEST Database (Australia)
14. Swets Information Services
15. Engineering Information
19. Compendex (CPX)
20. Geobase
24. OceanBase
25. BEILSTEIN Abstracts
26. World Textiles
28. Mayersche
29. Index of Information Systems Journals
30. National Library of Greece
31. IARAS Index

  • From these excellent and well-organized conferences, WSEAS Press published also 4 Books that contain the conference proceedings.
    Please, order them from the WSEAS Press:


    .: See your feedback about the Conference:               

    See the total list with your impressions from the WSEAS Conferences and Journals
    within 2009:
    within 2008:
    within 2007:
    within 2006:
    within 2005:
    within 2004:
    within 2003:
    For previous years, see:
    WSEAS will publish yours comments
    (  ) and will circulate them in a booklet!