See all the
Photos from the conference here.
The meeting was opened by Professor Valeri Mladenov
(Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria) and Professor Cyril Fleurant
(Agro Campus Ouest, Institut Superieur des Sciences Agronomiques,
Agroalimentaires, Horticoles et du Paysage) who welcomed the WSEAS Delegates and
wished them productive participation in the Conference.
Valeri passed on a message to the delegates from Professor Nikos Mastorakis,
the Director of WSEAS Research Department, who could not attend this year’s
meeting due to several obligations in Hellenic Naval Academy. Prof. Mladenov and
Prof. Fleurant explained the commitment of the WSEAS to knowledge transfer
activities, particularly those involving inter-disciplinary fields such as
Environmental Science, Computer Science and Applied Mathematics. The International Scientific Committee of the conferences met
over the gala dinner to discuss matters related to the running of the WSEAS
conferences and when and where to reconvene the 2012 meeting. There was general
agreement that the conference was very successful and that it continues to
evolve, reflecting contemporary interests in Environemental Science, Landscape
Architecture, Applied Mathematics and Computational Technology and
Applications. A series of emerging topics were proposed for inclusion in the
2012 Call for Papers. WSEAS will investigate some of the possible venues.

The International Scientific Committee of the conferences
agreed again that
the announcement of acceptance or rejection for any paper in less than 40
days for any WSEAS Conference and in less than 60 days for any WSEAS Journal and
WSEAS Book must be strictly prohibited.
All papers are sent to 5 independent reviewers by the WSEAS Organizers, Editors
etc, but even if the comments of them are available, the WSEAS entities will not
announce the result of the reviews before the aforementioned time frames. This
policy also applies to any Conference where WSEAS is the main sponsor-organizer
or simply a co-sponsor.
The submission forms are taken down on the exact date announced in the
respective conference pages, at 23:59 Greenwich time, and no extensions is given. Abstracts,
drafts and papers in non-WSEAS format are automatically rejected.
Plenary Lectures:
Plenary Lecture 1:
Plenary Lecture 2:
Plenary Lecture 3:
Plenary Lecture 4:
Plenary Lecture 5:
Plenary Lecture 6:
Plenary Lecture 7:
Plenary Lecture 8:
Plenary Lecture 9:
See all the
Photos from the conference here.
----------------------------------------- Feedback
See your feedback for the WSEAS Conferences:
within 2011: http://www.worldses.org/feedback2011.txt
within 2010:
within 2009: http://www.worldses.org/feedback2009.txt
within 2008: http://www.worldses.org/feedback2008.txt
within 2007: http://www.worldses.org/feedback2007.txt
within 2006: http://www.worldses.org/feedback2006.txt
within 2005: http://www.worldses.org/feedback2005.txt
within 2004: http://www.worldses.org/feedback2004.txt
within 2003: http://www.worldses.org/feedback2003.txt
For previous years, see: