Photos from WSEAS Conferences in Salzburg, Austria (February 2004)
were held in Saltzburg, Austria, from Febr.13 to Febr.15, 2004.
"It was a very nice stay in a comfortable hotel and in a beautiful place
and authors of accepted papers joint the conference. It was very interesting to
meet people from all over the world to discuss about their interests and
research. With best regards" Dr. Kajetana Marta Snopek (Poland)
"Our Conference in Austria was perfect and much better than other conferences
that other organizations organized. CONGRATULATIONS" Ling Xu (USA)
"I have recently attended the above-mentioned conference; it was very well
organized and we enjoyed being in Salzburg. I presented two papers in the
conference" Dr. M. S. Al Salameh, (Assistant Dean of Engineering, Faculty of
Engineering, University of Science & Technology, Jordan)
We have also received many other messages with warm greetings from all of you after
the multiconference.
See also:

From the Session of Prof. Koutsojiannis

Prof. Koutsojiannis presenting his plenary speech

Image from the banquet