Photos from WSEAS
CSCC 2003, (Circuits, Systems,
Communications & Computers) in Corfu, Greece (July 2003)
The 7th WSEAS CSCC (WSEAS CSCC 2003, Circuits, Systems, Communications &
Computers 2003) was held in the beautiful island of Corfu, Greece, July 7-10, 2003.
WSEAS also received many messages with warm greetings from all of you after
the conference.
Here is a sample:
I have attended almost all WSEAS Multiconferences on Circuits,
Communications & Computers. I have mentioned several times that I am
really impressed of the quality of the research papers that were
presented and I found a lot of ideas that are particularly interesting
to me for my further scientific research. After the attendance of the
7th WSEAS International Multiconference on Circuits, Systems,
Communications and Computers, Corfu, Greece, July 7-10, I can confirm
these once again.
The whole organization of the conference was very good. The CD-ROM
Proceedings is perfect and the quality of the published papers is high!
The social part of the conference was excellent. I hope that the
WSES-Press International post conference books will be excellent as well.
I would like to congratulate you for your successful conference and want
to encourage you to continue the good tradition of CSCC conferences in
the future.
Sincerely yours,
Valeri Mladenov
Professor at the Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria
00359 29652386
More comments:
Photo from the conference banquet,
July 8, 2003
All the participants enjoy themselves during the banquet In the
photo: WSEAS participants from POLAND